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Old 11-09-2018, 08:24 PM   #1
Dev Null
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Default A shout out to veterans on Veterans Day

I just want to give a shout out to veterans. I'm one too, and I don't want to do the usual "thank you for your service" kind of thing.

I don't know what you went through. I had things pretty easy, as things go. Your experience may have put mine to shame.

Maybe something more traumatic, I don't know. I'm reminded of some fellow veterans that I've known who lost their lives, or lost them as we know it.

Anyway, veterans, thank you for stepping up and making a stand for our freedom. Your sacrifice may not always be appreciated as it should be, but it will always shape our lives in ways we may not even know.

Fellow veterans, please join in in appreciation. Also those who support those who served.
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Old 11-09-2018, 09:31 PM   #2
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Meh. I could not care less if anyone thanks me for my service. It's become a rote saying like "have a nice day." This makes it largely meaningless.

My own struggle with being a veteran is the sheer number of times I've had someone call me up and say "so and so killed himself. I didn't want you to learn from facebook" as I learn yet another person I served with killed themselves. I'm sure if they had been thanked for their service just a few more times they'd doubtless still be alive.

What really bothers me in this city is the amount of people who just utterly denigrate and shit on soldiers, run their mouth and then say when they learn I'm a soldier "uh... thank you for your service." I've honestly thought about moving but I've already put down roots here.
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Old 11-09-2018, 10:03 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2 View Post
Meh. I could not care less if anyone thanks me for my service. It's become a rote saying like "have a nice day." This makes it largely meaningless.

My own struggle with being a veteran is the sheer number of times I've had someone call me up and say "so and so killed himself. I didn't want you to learn from facebook" as I learn yet another person I served with killed themselves. I'm sure if they had been thanked for their service just a few more times they'd doubtless still be alive.

What really bothers me in this city is the amount of people who just utterly denigrate and shit on soldiers, run their mouth and then say when they learn I'm a soldier "uh... thank you for your service." I've honestly thought about moving but I've already put down roots here.
Thanks for the meh, and also the negative experiences. I don't know why people kill themselves. A lot of people would like to know so they could intervene.

Sorry that you catch shit about being a soldier. I've been around enough to know that when you get out there, it's all about staying alive for you and your friends.

It's sad that people will judge others for wanting to defend freedom.
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Old 11-10-2018, 06:17 AM   #4
Alana kay
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Thank you vets! Maybeeeee a special is in
Order..... but again, thanks!
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Old 11-10-2018, 08:07 AM   #5
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Navy Vet here and while my experience wasn’t too bad I do sympathize with the vets who suffered as a result of their service. In regards to KI2’s comments I think most of the denigration is due to the current volunteer nature of the armed forces. Not a popular opinion but I think they should bring back the draft but modernize it to include all categories of people (since there is no longer men and women anymore) and add a mandatory component similar to Sweden had. In this way military service is every citizens’ responsibility.
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Old 11-10-2018, 11:40 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mr_ Black View Post
Navy Vet here and while my experience wasn’t too bad I do sympathize with the vets who suffered as a result of their service. In regards to KI2’s comments I think most of the denigration is due to the current volunteer nature of the armed forces. Not a popular opinion but I think they should bring back the draft but modernize it to include all categories of people (since there is no longer men and women anymore) and add a mandatory component similar to Sweden had. In this way military service is every citizens’ responsibility.

I always found this to be a ridiculous idea. Conscripts make poor soldiers and the massive cost associated with pressing people into service would be absolutely unfeasible even for a single year.

You've got to feed them, clothe them, train them and build the facilities to house them because we don't have enough barracks. Sweden can do it because Sweden had a much, much smaller population. Even then the draft is counter to our american values except in the most dire circumstances. Teaching people respect doesn't qualify.

To be frank the real problem is our pop culture and educational institutions constantly shitting on the country and it's history, even to the point of absolute hyperbole.
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Old 11-10-2018, 12:38 PM   #7
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Not a Veteran, but anybody willing to put themselves in harms way to defend their Nation should be appreciated and recognized. Patriotism will Never return to this country like it once was, a far different population today. Thanks for the service gents, meaningless or not.
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Old 11-10-2018, 03:30 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2 View Post
I always found this to be a ridiculous idea. Conscripts make poor soldiers and the massive cost associated with pressing people into service would be absolutely unfeasible even for a single year.

You've got to feed them, clothe them, train them and build the facilities to house them because we don't have enough barracks. Sweden can do it because Sweden had a much, much smaller population. Even then the draft is counter to our american values except in the most dire circumstances. Teaching people respect doesn't qualify.

To be frank the real problem is our pop culture and educational institutions constantly shitting on the country and it's history, even to the point of absolute hyperbole.
I can agree with your points to my post as the mandatory component of my suggestion would be difficult to implement. I was thinking more of the framework of how ROTC and Reserves work where a greater number of people can gain exposure and experience to military concepts and as such have a better understanding and appreciation for the armed forces. However I still think the draft would be a far more useful alternative to the volunteer system we currently have.


I think this article gives a pretty solid pro draft assessment. It states some unpopular opinions but giving the author’s credibility I think it’s worthy of a read.
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Old 11-11-2018, 12:40 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Mr_ Black View Post
Navy Vet here and while my experience wasn’t too bad I do sympathize with the vets who suffered as a result of their service. In regards to KI2’s comments I think most of the denigration is due to the current volunteer nature of the armed forces. Not a popular opinion but I think they should bring back the draft but modernize it to include all categories of people (since there is no longer men and women anymore) and add a mandatory component similar to Sweden had. In this way military service is every citizens’ responsibility.
The Military does NOT want a DRAFT for many of the reason stated above. These days wars are NOT WON by the shear number of bodies in the military. It's technology, logistic systems, information systems, intelligence and command and control all combined in weapon systems to control the battle area. Yes, we need shooters and operators on the ground, but they need extensive training, equipment and experience not compatible with a conscripted military.

Now Mandatory National Service for all citizens and legal residents is something I could support. There are many public health, national park, state park, and public service arenas where assistance would be valuable. Govt funds for future training and education programs, etc, could be predicated on National Service.
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Old 11-11-2018, 01:52 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Killeeninformer2 View Post
To be frank the real problem is our pop culture and educational institutions constantly shitting on the country and it's history, even to the point of absolute hyperbole.
Going to disagree with that idea however I'd rather discussed that on a different thread in The Sandbox.
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Old 11-11-2018, 05:06 AM   #11
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Lets not forget why our brave solders get put in harms way.. Maybe its the lying, cheating,so full of shit government we have that really dont give a shit about our solders and hide behind the patriotism banner. I truly salute those who risk there lives for the shit show we call OUR government.
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Old 11-11-2018, 07:45 AM   #12
Austin Ellen
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My dad was in World War 2, Korea and Vietnam. He was proud to have served his country. But he never talked about what happened in war.
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Old 11-11-2018, 12:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Mata Leon View Post
Lets not forget why our brave solders get put in harms way.. Maybe its the lying, cheating,so full of shit government we have that really dont give a shit about our solders and hide behind the patriotism banner. I truly salute those who risk there lives for the shit show we call OUR government.
100% with you on this
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Old 11-11-2018, 01:36 PM   #14
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Same here Ellen. He had many pictures in photo albums but very few covering any action. Some were of damaged ships that he and his crew repaired, some were of islands in the Philippines and a few during his Med cruise. I learned more reading his log book.

I myself was in the Navy during Viet Nam but I never consider myself to be "one who served this country". I served those who's lives were forever screwed up as a Corpsman in the Great Lakes mental ward. I've always felt guilty (not lucky) that I was never "in harms way". Especially when I'd learn about a HS classmate that perished.

I'm glad I got out when I did. It was starting to rub off on me. About the only thing you can say to a Vet is, "I understand and God be with you!"
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Old 11-13-2018, 06:51 AM   #15
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I served from 12/1968 to 9/1970 but like Dev Null I had a very easy military life. But I could have just as easily spent time in Viet Nam. While I deserve some credit for serving when asked to do so, I give the lion's share of credit to those who served in combat zones and put their lives on the line on a daily basis.
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