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Old 10-26-2018, 07:04 AM   #1
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Default Guess who's speaking out against caravan border jumpers?

Guess who's speaking out against caravan border jumpers?
By Monica Showalter
Latinos and Hispanics, legally here in the U.S. are speaking out against the caravan heading north from Honduras to the U.S.

That was the report from Univision, which is hardly a conservative news site.

According to the Daily Caller, they're saying things like this:

“How is it possible that a caravan from Central America is on it’s way to the U.S. and the people are speaking the way they’re speaking, demanding to get in. No sir, this isn’t their country and they need to respect it,” one man said.

Another woman told Megid, “like the president says, they can come here, but they need to come here legally like the rest of us.”

Megid also spoke with a Honduran woman who says she came to the U.S. in the last caravan from Central America. “It’s not right that so many people are heading to the U.S. in this Honduran caravan,” she said.

It squares with what a lot of Latinos and Hispanics are thinking, at least the ones I know.

Because unlike the black community, they aren't a near-monolith on the political front. Trump got a healthy 29% of their vote, in what USAToday called "another election surprise" which suggests a rather unfamiliarity with Latinos, who by the way, hate being called that. (Like Italian-Americans and Irish-Americans, they're happy to just be called by their country of origin as a shorthand even though they are Americans - e.g., Venezuelans, Cubans, Mexicans, etc.)

There are plenty of conservative and libertarian Latinos, too. Off the top of my head, one of the most interesting, Lydia Ortega, runs the San Jose State University economics department and ran for California's lieutenant governor's slot. I voted for her.

Many very conservative Latinos live in the Los Angeles area, working class and sometimes very elite. I know one working class family in the construction industry that was originally from the Guadalajara area, refugees from the Cristero persecution of the early 20th century, who moved to Glendale to get away from all the illegals and their mayhem around South Pasadena. They can't stand lawbreaking, including immigration lawbreaking. Two-time Pulitzer prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez in the Los Angeles area would kill you if you called him Mexican, but yes, half his ancestry is also of Cristero Mexican origin, and his views on illegality are perfectly visible in his art. I have an Argentinian friend who pulled herself up by her bootstraps, starting as a Miami club hostess owing to her spectacular beauty, and moving on to become a Los Angeles Police Department officer, and is now working on her masters in psychology to become a psychologist. An amazing immigrant success story, and she's conservative as hell. Of course she's against the lawbreakers.

New Mexico is loaded with conservatives of Hispanic origin, and so is Nevada, Arizona, and Texas. Let's not even get started Miami Cubans and Miami Venezuelans in Florida.

People like this in fact are "normals" as Kurt Schlichter would say, people who obey the rules, work hard, achieve success, and expect no favors, no goodies, no free stuff, and are no different from other normal Americans. They like rule of law. They like one set of laws for everyone, not two. They like laws to mean what they say. It's all part of being normal and conservative.

And yes, they get lumped in with what Democrats imagine is Their Vote. Lately, the news has been citing a Pew study suggesting that Latinos have "serious concerns" about their place in America. I read the study closely and found that it did not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. Take out the mixed immigrant count from it and you see a healthy regard among Latinos for Trump and his agenda, as well as a healthy regard for his economy. If you're here illegally, yes, your work prospects have probably gone down.

So to say Latino-Americans are against Trump is nonsense, and to say they all support the leftwing Chavista-inspired caravan is absolute nonsense.

Based on the random people Univision found, sentiment against illegal immigration is high among random Latinos. Their quotes suggest they dislike the arrogance, the entitlement, and the inability to address rule of law of the immigration activists whipping up Central America's migrants. They don't want to see the place they came to become the place they left, because the biggest difference we see out there is that the U.S. has rule of law and the other countries do not. Even Hernando de Soto, who wrote 'The Mystery of Capital' pinpointed that difference between the two places. Latin Americans and U.S. Americans get along great with each other all the time, always amazed at how like each other they are, I hear this over and over and think it myself. The problem is illegality, and the caravan is a open advertisement and advocacy of just that.

Any questions as to why so many Latinos are speaking out?
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Old 10-26-2018, 02:05 PM   #2
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For year's i have known a LOT of immigrants from 'down south' wh came in legally, are JUST as despising of illegal invaders, as us conservatives are. I just don't know though, why so many latinos STILL vote democrat, WHEN THE DEMS favor open borders..
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Old 10-26-2018, 02:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
For year's i have known a LOT of immigrants from 'down south' wh came in legally, are JUST as despising of illegal invaders, as us conservatives are. I just don't know though, why so many latinos STILL vote democrat, WHEN THE DEMS favor open borders..
... redistribution of wealth.
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Old 10-26-2018, 02:34 PM   #4
friendly fred
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I think the large number of Hispanic Republicans who are willing to work and pay taxes, should also team up with hard working Asians who also work and pay taxes, and convince their friends to vote for Republicans, so we can completely destroy the Democratic Party.

I'm glad they are speaking out against the leftist narrative.

You have posted a good article.
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Old 10-26-2018, 02:54 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I think the large number of Hispanic Republicans who are willing to work and pay taxes, should also team up .
Or you can just send bombs in the mail...
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Old 10-26-2018, 07:32 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Or you can just send bombs in the mail...
Fake bombs?

The leftist narrative doesn't care that the bombs were fake and not detonated. They just want to virtue signal that they are horrified, though you and I know they are delighted by these events - especially the club memkbers of the "I got a mail bomb sent to me" club.

Back to the subject, I'm glad hard working and taxpaying immigrants are considering the Republican party now.
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Old 10-27-2018, 06:07 AM   #7
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Your spam is off topic and reported
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Old 10-27-2018, 07:34 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I think the large number of Hispanic Republicans who are willing to work and pay taxes, should also team up with hard working Asians who also work and pay taxes, and convince their friends to vote for Republicans, so we can completely destroy the Democratic Party.

I'm glad they are speaking out against the leftist narrative.

You have posted a good article.
How do you know they aren't?

There are many people who refrain from admitting for whom they are going to vote and/or for whom they actually voted just so they will not be the focus of assaults, slander, and bullshit. That's what happened in 2016. In Nixon's days they were called "the silent majority"!
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Old 10-27-2018, 08:42 AM   #9
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Fake bombs?

If someone put a fake dead horses head in your bed, would you understand the meaning?
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Old 10-27-2018, 08:49 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I think the large number of Hispanic Republicans who are willing to work and pay taxes, should also team up with hard working Asians who also work and pay taxes, and convince their friends to vote for Republicans, so we can completely destroy the Democratic Party.

I'm glad they are speaking out against the leftist narrative.

You have posted a good article.
Again, you couch your argument in violent, destructive terms. Actually, it’s not even an argument, but a white nationalist rant.

Think about what’s happened this past week. Your rhetoric is not very different than what we’ve seen from the MAGABomber. And his master.

Republicans will vote for Republicans, regardless of their skin color. Democrats will support Democrats. That’s the part of the identity politics game that seems to be confusing to Trump loyalists.

I know a lot of Mexican Americans who favor Trumps wall. That’s because they’re already on this side of it.

I know a lot of Hispanic people who don’t want to let Trump’s caravan into the US for the same reason.

However, I know even more who take this side show doe exactly what it is, a political football being kicked down the road by an insensitive, inhuman dictator wannabe who would do anything for votes and does not have the ability to tell fact from fantasy.

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Old 10-27-2018, 12:49 PM   #11
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This Horde that is coming North is no threat to me, or the men that work for me. They all are well paid with great benefits.

Who they are a threat to is the numerous low income low skilled laborers who will lose their jobs to these peopl who will work for less.

We need a sub class of low wage Serfs to keep the yards looking good, the dishes washed, the ditches dug, the road crews manned.

Bring them on. When people get tired of loosing their jobs to the mass influx, they will turn on the Democrats.

Untill then, it's no skin off my back.
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Old 10-27-2018, 11:12 PM   #12
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Fox this evening, reported that THOUSANDS Of them have refused refugee status in Mexico.
To me that should mean when they get to our border, we should IMMEDIATELY turn them around, NO ENTRANCE PERIOD.
You turn down asylum in another country, after its offered, you DON'T then get to claim it in a second country.
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Old 10-28-2018, 12:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
You turn down asylum in another country, after its offered, you DON'T then get to claim it in a second country.
Why not? Especially if you haven't applied for it in the first country?

Makes no sense.
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