Originally Posted by MrLatino
Beautiful young girls willing to hook up in exchange for support.
Until they change their minds, turn out to be only 17 and you go to jail for a long long time...
JK There's no underage pussy on the internet... Just like there's no sex in the Champagne room..
Please use a condom, whther u are paying for it or not. Maybe ESPECIALLY if not (DUH)
That's just sick...

It seems to me no secret that MOST hetero women , and even many homos, are willing to"hook up in exchange for support", on some level or circumstance. .. whether they are just freelancing or a small business owner
The money, like the pussy, is just one form of energy. ..
Sugar dating is when you like each other AND you pay (imo) but there's a lot of gray area..
And yes many women are happy to trade for a meal or bag of weed... or a diamond ring, or to have the light bill paid... c'est la vie
its kinda sad we've all our sensuality commodified and now have to buy it back from one another..
SO advice on getting Laid: Just be nice and it can take you marvelous places

Also, good oral hygiene is a winner.