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Old 09-05-2018, 12:24 PM   #31
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by KalyEscort View Post
Who say that? Someone who best adventure was to do shopping in Panama? Read again the Sykes-Picot agreement, if you don't understand it maybe if I have enough time I can draw it with nice designs for you. So now USA is with OTAN and Russia, when the OTAN was created to fight against Russia. Yes to the original agreement now USA is taking the the pizza slice in the name of democracy hahaha. But the essence is the same... Can you get it Mr. Border?

Don't tell me nothing, I'll guess the answer:


"[T]he map as drawn by Sykes and Picot bears no resemblance to the Middle East today” (pp. 285-86 The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East, by Eugene Rogan).

Two books you really should read:

The first book explains Sykes-Picot in substantive detail, and it will correct your misunderstanding of what happened. The second book explains basic supply and demand and how surplus of anything drives down costs: including the price of labor. From there, it takes no great leap of intelligence to realize that illegals in the work place economically hurts American workers, and that's an economic fact, not racism.

BTW, there's much more to Panama than shopping. Try living in Panama for about a year and you'd learn there's more to Panama than its duty free stores in Colon.
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Old 09-05-2018, 01:53 PM   #32
Kaly Luxe
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
"[T]he map as drawn by Sykes and Picot bears no resemblance to the Middle East today” (pp. 285-86 The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East, by Eugene Rogan).

Two books you really should read:
BTW, there's much more to Panama than shopping. Try living in Panama for about a year and you'd learn there's more to Panama than its duty free stores in Colon.
It's a pitty you don't understand spanish much more the Panama Duty Free, Captain America, I don't will continue wasting my time trying to explain something that you obiously don't understand and your unic objetive is try to show you always right.

Don't subestimate the people who is in front of you Captain America, you are mixing all the concepts like every idiot who only seeks to impose his opinion. The essence of the Sykes-Picot agreement does not need 2 books, you can read the original treatise. Of course, for Trump followers it may be necessary 2 or 3 more books to understand, some will be to colouring hahaha


At the end you show who you are, while you're asking for borders (work in black is different to receive immigration and provide regularization of their legal situation). Local industry is not under under threat from Mexico, if you think that you're too short. In fact american factories decided to move to Mexico and other countries in South America.

And this is other different thing about EU and the Schenguen area where The Netherlands have a great situation and is SUPER SAFE and have the opposit politic. Legal prostitution, legal abort, legal soft drugs, LIBERAL financial market (and they're not retarders) and they offer great social services for the most vulnerable part of the society. While you asking for borders if you don't have money pray to don't need medical atention with hospitalization.

Stay there asking for borders, I'll be here enjoying ther liberal retarders with no FOSTA-SESTA conditions.
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Old 09-05-2018, 02:33 PM   #33
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Well IB its been difficult follow this back and forth but I guess now you are Captain America! so that means you are a Super Hero!

Somewhere in there I remember reading the slur of being an idiot and Panama is bad and the Netherlands is a great place to live with lots of legal and free shit! But the Netherlands is such a small country do they even have a million people who live there. The USA has like 330 million people with a lot them that think the government should support them! Plus its hard to have a country with out borders Just saying
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Old 09-05-2018, 03:12 PM   #34
Mr MojoRisin
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[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1060871740]This is horrible, but y’all can stay out of Amsterdam if you’re a’feared!

Leaves more Amsterdam for the rest of us!

What stops bad guys with knives?[/QUOTE]
Cops with guns. In Amsterdam that might be considered heroism in America it's brutality, lol.

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Old 09-05-2018, 03:45 PM   #35
Yssup Rider
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Kaly, you go girl!

Mic drop!

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Old 09-05-2018, 03:46 PM   #36
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[QUOTE=Mr MojoRisin;1060878309]
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
This is horrible, but y’all can stay out of Amsterdam if you’re a’feared!

Leaves more Amsterdam for the rest of us!

What stops bad guys with knives?[/QUOTE]
Cops with guns. In Amsterdam that might be considered heroism in America it's brutality, lol.

So what’s been your impression of LE in Amsterdam, Jim?
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Old 09-05-2018, 03:59 PM   #37
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by KalyEscort View Post
It's a pitty you don't understand spanish much more the Panama Duty Free, Captain America, I don't will continue wasting my time trying to explain something that you obiously don't understand and your unic objetive is try to show you always right.

Don't subestimate the people who is in front of you Captain America, you are mixing all the concepts like every idiot who only seeks to impose his opinion. The essence of the Sykes-Picot agreement does not need 2 books, you can read the original treatise. Of course, for Trump followers it may be necessary 2 or 3 more books to understand, some will be to colouring hahaha


At the end you show who you are, while you're asking for borders (work in black is different to receive immigration and provide regularization of their legal situation). Local industry is not under under threat from Mexico, if you think that you're too short. In fact american factories decided to move to Mexico and other countries in South America.

And this is other different thing about EU and the Schenguen area where The Netherlands have a great situation and is SUPER SAFE and have the opposit politic. Legal prostitution, legal abort, legal soft drugs, LIBERAL financial market (and they're not retarders) and they offer great social services for the most vulnerable part of the society. While you asking for borders if you don't have money pray to don't need medical atention with hospitalization.

Stay there asking for borders, I'll be here enjoying ther liberal retarders with no FOSTA-SESTA conditions.
Confusion abounds! Two books were proffered. One was to enlighten you about the substantive realities of Sykes-Picot, and the other was to enlighten you about the fundamentals of economics.

The ECON 101 book should explain supply and demand in a simple, elementary manner for any reader. As this graph shows, the price (wages) decreases when the quantity (labor surplus created by illegals) increases.

It's ECON 101, and American workers ARE under assault. FYI, Coretta Scot King was Black. She was Martin Luther King's wife.

Coretta Scot King insisted that controlling this country's boarders was in the best interest of the Black community.

Cesar Chavez was a Hispanic labor leader. He said controlling this country's boarders was in the best interest of the Hispanic American citizens in this country.

Samuel Gompers was a Jewish immigrant and labor leader. He also argued that the flood tide of cheap labor should be stymied at the boarder.

ECON 101 and America's leading labor leaders all send the same message. The problem of cheap labor stemming from a surplus of illegals in the labor pool hurts the American worker. That's not racism. It's economics.

Then there's this faulty notion that there are "free things" in Europe. That is fundamentally untrue. Nothing in Europe is actually "free". European taxes are outrageously high; so high, in fact, that many Europeans cannot afford to own and drive a personal automobile. Another indicator of the weighty taxes borne by Europeans is that Europeans commonly live in homes and apartments that are a fraction of the size that Americans enjoy.

BTW, the Netherlands has a fraction of the illegals that the U.S. has to contend with. So, it's trivially obvious that when given a choice between the U.S. or the Netherlands, they picked the U.S. -- even though they have "free healthcare" in Mexico.

Finally, Europe today is ruled by elitist bureaucrats who dictate policy to control their subjects -- hardly distinguishable from the Medieval period when aristocrats similarly demanded their tithe from the peasants.

When was the last time you cast a vote for the President of the EU?

That's right! You didn't.

Enjoy your so-called *freedom*.
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Old 09-05-2018, 04:44 PM   #38
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Why do you insist on misspelling Sister King’s maiden name, IBH?

I don’t think she’s a Scot. But I won’t condescend to you like you are condescending to Kaly.

Just curious about the odd spelling!
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Old 09-05-2018, 04:46 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Why do you insist on misspelling Sister King’s maiden name, IBH?

I don’t think she’s a Scot.
That apparently irritates you to no end. So, all is well with the world.

Good times! Good times!

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Old 09-05-2018, 04:56 PM   #40
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Ah, so it’s all just about irritating me?

How sweet!

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Old 09-05-2018, 05:33 PM   #41
Mr MojoRisin
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[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1060878393]
Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post

So what’s been your impression of LE in Amsterdam, Jim?
They did what they are trained to do.

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Old 09-05-2018, 09:56 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Kaly, you go girl!

Mic drop!

You are well aware people are not denied medical care in emergencies in America. We also get health care services much faster than the socialists, who come to America for their CME's, because we lead in health tech, because of Trump and our capitalist system.
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Old 09-05-2018, 10:00 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Confusion abounds! Two books were proffered. One was to enlighten you about the substantive realities of Sykes-Picot, and the other was to enlighten you about the fundamentals of economics.

The ECON 101 book should explain supply and demand in a simple, elementary manner for any reader. As this graph shows, the price (wages) decreases when the quantity (labor surplus created by illegals) increases.

It's ECON 101, and American workers ARE under assault. FYI, Coretta Scot King was Black. She was Martin Luther King's wife.

Coretta Scot King insisted that controlling this country's boarders was in the best interest of the Black community.

Cesar Chavez was a Hispanic labor leader. He said controlling this country's boarders was in the best interest of the Hispanic American citizens in this country.

Samuel Gompers was a Jewish immigrant and labor leader. He also argued that the flood tide of cheap labor should be stymied at the boarder.

ECON 101 and America's leading labor leaders all send the same message. The problem of cheap labor stemming from a surplus of illegals in the labor pool hurts the American worker. That's not racism. It's economics.

Then there's this faulty notion that there are "free things" in Europe. That is fundamentally untrue. Nothing in Europe is actually "free". European taxes are outrageously high; so high, in fact, that many Europeans cannot afford to own and drive a personal automobile. Another indicator of the weighty taxes borne by Europeans is that Europeans commonly live in homes and apartments that are a fraction of the size that Americans enjoy.

BTW, the Netherlands has a fraction of the illegals that the U.S. has to contend with. So, it's trivially obvious that when given a choice between the U.S. or the Netherlands, they picked the U.S. -- even though they have "free healthcare" in Mexico.

Finally, Europe today is ruled by elitist bureaucrats who dictate policy to control their subjects -- hardly distinguishable from the Medieval period when aristocrats similarly demanded their tithe from the peasants.

When was the last time you cast a vote for the President of the EU?

That's right! You didn't.

Enjoy your so-called *freedom*.
Very well put and I just don't understand why liberals cannot admit excess labor depresses wages. Americans would work in the fields for the right amount of money. Heck, if Feinstein paid me enough, I'd pick grapes in her winery.
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Old 09-05-2018, 10:10 PM   #44
dilbert firestorm
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these people want a return to the feudal system that the elites used to be under.
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Old 09-05-2018, 11:15 PM   #45
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Dilbert, that makes no sense at all! Feudal system? Sounds more,like Putin and his oligarchs, including Twitler.
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