Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Hi Elizabeth,
No,it doesn't hurt or help my business. I'm sure some folks won't see me because I am a Trump supporter but then again that's fine by me. I'll take my Trump supporters. The truth is - I have a great time with my Trump supporters. It's been alot of fun for me and them!
My belief is that liberalism is turning into Socialism. Just check out the latest liberal socialist darlings. It's scary.
Happy Holiday 
Hi Ellen,
Thanks for answering my question and creating a dialogue, which I think is super important when discussing such heated topics as this one.
So I asked, and hopefully my old friend doesn't mind me bringing this up since she's no longer around, but she used to swear to me that the reason why she posted in the political forum (and she was a very extreme conservative. Seemingly moreso than the usual) is it brought her business.
Thought, perhaps, that you posted these type of topics because it helped your bottom line.
Most of my client base are conservative. Most of my family is conservative and until about 23 years ago, so was I.
I GET the whole conservative mindset. What I have an issue with is Trump. Period. He's an amoral individual. Scary. Don't care for him at all.
But that's why discussions are good, in my opinion.
What I do not like to read, and I see this with conservatives AND liberals, is this whole "Well, conservatives are like this and liberals are like that" type of tripe.
And arguments are presented in such a fashion all of the time. And that's not civil discourse. It's name calling. Also, there are all different types of conservatives and there are liberals who love their guns (Elisabeth raises her hand!) to offer an example. I hear from both sides about health care concerns.
We are all more alike, overall, with our needs and wants than different.
So that's it.
Glad that you're so strong in your belief systems, Ellen. For me, heck, I try watching Fox News to just TRY to get some sort of a good feeling about the current administration. I sincerely try to be open minded.
Just cannot see anything good from it.
Except for General Mattis. HUGE fan. Liked Rex Tillerson, too.
Oh well, gotta run. Wanted to write more (about the philosophy behind politics and sex work) but have plans for the afternoon that it's time to get ready for.