Pulling this into the thread where nothing is off topic to respond to it rather than derailing the "Upcharges?" thread it came from as RodnReel has been trying to do.
Originally Posted by RodnReel
SpankyJ you've recorded 86 reviews, 3/4 which are with SPARKY G or SPARKY G affiliates. This hardly qualifies you as an oficinado yet you troll the site as if u are the GODFATHER of the Arkansas hobby life when in all actuality you are very much a novice.
Incorrect. I have 58 reviews (not 86 as you claim - simply look slightly left to verify), and none of which are of anyone called "SPARKY G," or who could be affiliates of anyone called "SPARKY G" since there is no provider here by that name. If you're going to insult someone, at least have the courage to refer to them directly.
I'm not sure what an "oficinado" is. Perhaps you mean aficionado, in which case, please find where I have ever claimed to be one.
I'm not interested in the job of GODFATHER. Couldn't take the pay cut. Seems like you might be though, so submit your qualifications and 3 personal references and perhaps you'll win the nomination. You'll likely need to overcome the hurdle of being perceived as a newbie due to your start date and 2 reviews, but I remember you saying you have 20 years experience so that shouldn't be a problem. I mean, I have 38 years myself even though my start date only indicates 2 years and change. Okay, not true but just to illustrate that anyone can say anything here but documented history is the coin of the realm. I may just have those two years and change, but I have a lot of history in them, all of it posting under the same ID.
Originally Posted by RodnReel
It's pretty amazing that you been allowed to operate with impunity while showing such wreckless disregard to the guidelines for so long.
I've taken my share of hits for various things. I was even banned once. I just don't post
threads to whine about it.
P.S. "Reckless" is the word you were attempting to use. Wreckless isn't really a word but I suppose if it was it would be something about a car or one's driving record.