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Old 08-11-2018, 09:09 PM   #16
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Just one man's opinion here, who is a veteran hobbyist of nearly 30 years (hobby time, not age).

There's a lot of trafficking in this hobby - it's just that most of the women on here aren't part of it.

AMP's are probably 80% trafficked in some form or another. For that matter so are Asian nail salon attendants. Those places are always one raid away from nonexistence.

When a new girl shows up who is 18 or 19, and knows all the acronyms and terminology of the hobby - she's most likely pimped or 'managed' in some form or another. Or MAYBE she's 18....and maybe not. There are no shortage of stories of underage girls being trafficked; Google is your friend in this matter. Does that mean all of them are? Nope. Nothing I said was 'all.'

I prefer not to involve myself in trafficking situations (and yes, I recently posted a review on an AMP - hadn't been to one in years, but, sometimes I'm as much of a hypocrite as the next guy). Hence, I tend to stick to women who are at least in their mid 20s if not their 30s - usually those women are making an independent and informed decision to be part of this hobby.

Again, just one man's opinion....but if you hobby for a long time, and are somewhat consistent about it, at some point you're going to have had an encounter with a girl/woman who was not necessarily doing this of her own volition....sometimes you can tell and sometimes you can't, but the law of large numbers comes into play.
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Old 08-12-2018, 03:43 PM   #17
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It was on Independence Blvd. across the street from the pharmacy, There was a young white girl being literally driven by two black guys. I heard them say stuff like:
There is a guy over there go ask him,
You have to earn some money,
You oue us,
get to work,
Ask him if he wants to fuck.

You guys have the idea.

I was in Washington DC in one of the finest hotels when I heard a girl yell twice at the pimp, from a room on the other side of the hallway: "please don't hit me again". I also hear him say something about her not bringing in enough money.

What do we call these two examples?
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Old 08-13-2018, 04:28 PM   #18
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I had a family member who worked for State Corrections not here and passed away about a decade ago.
This family member had a huge impact on me growing up and we were always very close.
I knew from her dealings with "the dark side" actual intel on what occurred how the women are treated and let's just say... it's sad, it's traumatic..it's damaging & deadly.
But it is still minimized & overlooked & supported. Turn the cheek, Right.
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Old 08-14-2018, 11:02 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
I had a family member who worked for State Corrections not here and passed away about a decade ago.
This family member had a huge impact on me growing up and we were always very close.
I knew from her dealings with "the dark side" actual intel on what occurred how the women are treated and let's just say... it's sad, it's traumatic..it's damaging & deadly.
But it is still minimized & overlooked & supported. Turn the cheek, Right.
Wrong! Very wrong! There is a time where tolerance stops. You may turn the other cheek once, after that Christ had no comment.

A woman should never allow herself to be beaten, or insulted.

That being said, I have known women who can be very strident.

From the book of Proverbs:
It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
Proverbs 21:19

It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, Than with a contentious woman in a wide house.
Proverbs 25:24

It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.
Proverbs 21:20
The best think my father taught me was to leave a woman alone when she was in a bad mood. Comfort her if you can, and walk away if you can't. I can remember when I got out of bed and went to a hotel when she was trying to pick a fight. The next day she was fine, as if nothing had happened. The best $100 I ever spent. A guy can always be nice to women, or walk away. A guy can alway be niece to guys, until it is time to not be nice. Understanding the difference is the key to managing people: it is called "command presence".

Sometimes a woman just doesn't want a guy around. Just sometimes.
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Old 08-16-2018, 10:15 PM   #20
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I went to DC to lobby against fosta/sesta. Theres trafficking but not the amount you would be led to believe.
Pimps. agencies, etc could be said to be trafficking but unless its against their will...
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Old 08-17-2018, 12:11 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Topgun007 View Post
I believe human trafficking has to be against an individuals will. So if the escort is druged, or threatened, abused, blackmailed, etc. that is the primary explanation. One could have a pimp and not be “forced” into the situation.

Mostly this is wrong, with few exceptions. To explain, just look at a business mode. Most companies, or pimps, think of the business first. The workers, are usually treated as any other commodity; Such as, utilities, and other overhead costs.

Labor in most business is viewed as the cost of doing business.

The different view of workers is when the worker provides the most important part of the transaction with the customer. For example, a doctor works for a health group but the doctor is the most important aspect of the patient care, not the accountant or the practice manager. Likewise, salesmen may be given a higher commission as an incentive to produce more sales.

Is this kinda like sex workers? She is the one providing the service, not the pimp. Who is the most important to the transaction?

She may need accounting service, someone to provide scheduling, supplies, transportation, or safety. These may all be considered the responsibility of management, or they may be outsourced.

The study of management theory has properly documented that proper rewards to the professional worker may be the heart of the business. Everything else is essentially support for them, even if the work can not be done alone.

Reward workers before management and the workers will stay.
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Old 08-19-2018, 03:11 PM   #22
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I got in this on my own & that's how I will remain, the day I quit enjoying doing this I will quit
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Old 08-19-2018, 05:26 PM   #23
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I appreciate everyone's honesty. I had a feeling it was blown up. Just politicians wanting us all to.live just like they do, or using an issue to maintain power. There was just some wording in anarticle that got me to ask the question.
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Old 09-12-2018, 11:45 AM   #24
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Im definitely not forced! I have two advanced degrees and I absolutely love what I do. I can't imagine doing anything else. <3
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Old 09-27-2018, 11:00 PM   #25
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Default Not forced at all

I entered the hobby as a mature provider. I had spent all my life being married to men who sucked in bed. After my last divorce, I said, "I want to do everything BCD I ever wanted to do. And I want roses to do it."

With one rare exception, the hobby has been exceptionally good to me. It allowed me to do things for my family I could not have afforded otherwise. It makes me feel confident and beautiful as a woman.

Not only was I not forced, I absolutely love the hobby. I'll be around as long as my gents still wanna kiss me!

However, I do feel sorry for the really young girls in the hobby. The brain does not stop imprinting until the age of 25. So I hate for young girls to have some of the shitty things that can happen in the hobby imprinted on their young brains. But to each their own. (*putting on my slippers 'cuz I can't carpet the world)

And if some dude (pimp, manager, SO) is laying up on his ass, living on the income that a lady has made working hard, I have ZERO respect for a scrub like that. "Managing a stable" is not a job. Back in my day, we called that having side hos that knew about each other. Since when did it become a job having side hos? So yeah, I'm not a fan of pimps and punks like that. Love the girls because their my sisters. Hate their bitch ass manipulators.
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Old 10-01-2018, 03:01 PM   #26
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Not trafficking, but exploitation of women can take many forms.

Make it legal, tax it, regulate it.
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Old 10-15-2018, 07:43 PM   #27
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I am fairly certain the majority of trafficking happens on the dark net. With fosta/sesta and their bright ideas, what once was out there exposed has now been forced even deeper into the underground. So their little plan to save these girls backfired. They are harder to find and i imagine the lives of these girls has become even worse
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Old 10-15-2018, 08:14 PM   #28
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And as an update, the first lawsuit against Fosta/Sesta has been thrown out.
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Old 10-18-2018, 08:51 PM   #29
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I've been in this lifestyle since 1988 in Hollywood California and absolutely love what I do. But here lately times are very slow and I'm running out of ideas. LOL But being Independent is much better than giving all my money to a man and I wish I could help other girls feel the same. We Don't need them type of men. WE are our own boss and sometimes this is a job, but I have an assistant and hire drivers at times. I suck at driving and just hate it. lol
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Old 10-18-2018, 10:18 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by grandotuono View Post
Not trafficking, but exploitation of women can take many forms.

Make it legal, tax it, regulate it.

We are taxed enough. Fuck that noise.

Everything the government puts their fingers in turns to straight shit.
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