Originally Posted by hardlikker12
Yeah I can remember her walking through the bar and asking all the male patrons if they had a 'dolla' for the jukebox.
For anyone interested the defunct establishment is open again under new management. Jeannie, the old bartender, contacted me and said she was going to be working there some nights and wanted to see some of the guys come in again. She also said some of the old female regulars are coming in, scary as that may be.
Originally Posted by Franklin4
I would like to go back there
Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
Drive past the place last night. Definitely open for business
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I did drive by during the week, two tonight, then went in 3 pass.
I was the only white boy in the place.
I talked to bouncer, then barmaid, then current owner.
I felt very welcome
Jennie only at once a month. I was told
I want think over what all I learn and then do a new thread.
been open about 6 weeks, owner hopes to be set up way he wants in a few more weeks
again I seemed very welcome being only white guy, WTF not even a Hispanic. LOL
but owner said he wants a better mix
so I give the place a  so far
I need two think over and bit more research
so if ya go in behave or play with care, but NO PLAY AT
crap I forgot to ask what Name of is now LOL
mmmm topic, she would be welcome. But no party's at for her. M&G maybe LOL
https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...post1060787380 encounter report. Copy over ta move the chat not related to the Encounter
I need more checking into
but if ya go in. please post your thoughts n findings
was with a lady tonight that use to go there, I went in after dropping her off
bouncer saw all the drive by's I did LOL said I should have come in with her.
BUT she told me after dropping off go in check it out and report to her next week
not yet but strippers once a month. or is that maybe., But in the plans. time will tell