Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Just goes to show how many ignorant rednecks vote on here smh. They do amuse me though like the most entertaining pos pres ever. I also think all the voters are fake news and law enforcement is against me and have me by the balls. Tick tock tick tock. I love the way muller is making him sweat and the way twit head diverts to his nfl cause and wall and other ignorant redneck shit. Go rednecks make America racist again
so everyone who voted for Trump is a ignorant racist? and you are a poor oppressed negro held down by the man? along with being a transsexual street walker? TS Mokies is in interesting handle. i could post what your handles
really means but that would be a rules violation
but you'd be better off "pretending" it means you are a transsexual transvestite from Transylvania