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Old 07-27-2018, 11:12 AM   #1
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Default Since we have some shady clients that are violent and/or rob providers, this needs to be said AGAIN.

Providers don’t even realize that they have the BEST protection in their hands every day. Better than a pimp, a knife, or even a gun. It’s their cell phone, yes their cell phone. They use their phone to make calls, to text, to place Ads, to screen, to watch movies, to listen to music, to take selfies, to store their selfies, but, they RARELY use it as their protection. (We are NOT talking about filming the entire session) If a client becomes violent and/or robs you, a picture or video of him, his car, his plate, will be more convincing to a judge than anything else. Their DNA in the condom puts them in your room.

PICTURES OR VIDEOS will stop road rage and catch criminal’s every day. From stores, to all places of business, to parking lots, to cameras on street corners, they are solid proof of events and they are legal. LE uses cameras as their primary use to catch criminals. Why don’t providers use this more often than they do because, they are afraid of their own problems with LE. Clients are aware of this and exploit that situation, and get away with taking advantage of providers. Crimes like this turn out to be, he said, she said. IMHO, clients would think twice about being violent and/or rob providers if they thought their wife, family, friends would find out after they were sentenced by a judge.

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Old 07-27-2018, 01:48 PM   #2
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You make some good points. However ....
If I am inclined toward committing a crime against a lady no way I am going to let her pull out phone and take pictures. Might be able to take pics or vids as I leave.

If I am treating her with the respect I ALWAYS do then I am going to be upset if I catch her secretly filming me with phone or anything else.

So phone to me is not a security tool in regards to prevention. Best thing for prevention is to make sure they only see decent men like me.
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Old 07-27-2018, 05:16 PM   #3
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Some guys who go to ladies residential spots for fun don't realize they are actually on camera from the time they hit the door. I never stay in hotels that don't have some type of video security just in case of robbery ect. Although mace and stun guns usually persuade a jerk to exit fast. Honestly, I haven't experienced this situation myself. Screening is very important.
Also, the behavior that someone exhibits before you meet with them. (Ex:On here) is a slight indication of the way he is going to behave twards you.

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Old 07-27-2018, 05:33 PM   #4
Chung Tran
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ValenTX is right.. a cell phone is next to useless when a guy really wants to rip you off.. by the time you got the phone, and put it in camera mode, he is long gone.
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Old 07-27-2018, 05:45 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
ValenTX is right.. a cell phone is next to useless when a guy really wants to rip you off.. by the time you got the phone, and put it in camera mode, he is long gone.
Tell that to the women who get beaten down badly, a phone is not a weapon ladies, if you want to protect yourselves, you'll need a weapon and know how to use it when needed without hesitation
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Old 07-27-2018, 06:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Tell that to the women who get beaten down badly, a phone is not a weapon ladies, if you want to protect yourselves, you'll need a weapon and know how to use it when needed without hesitation
Unarmed close quarter combat is more important than just having a weapon.

There will be times where you don't have your weapon available. Better know how to disable your attacker to compliance or long enough for you to get to your weapon.
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Old 07-27-2018, 06:44 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Agent220 View Post
Unarmed close quarter combat is more important than just having a weapon.

There will be times where you don't have your weapon available. Better know how to disable your attacker to compliance or long enough for you to get to your weapon.
As long as the weapon your reaching for is not your camera phone
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Old 07-27-2018, 06:50 PM   #8
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MANY Providers screening is VERY poor.
I am willing to bet that there is not one provider that has not been busted at least once.

As a Client, I would NOT like the thought I was being videotaped or picture taken before, during, or after I arrive. I have heard that some (not all) providers have someone else in another room with visibility of the parking lot, taking pictures of the client arriving or leaving. These girls need some protection in case of violent clients, which is becoming more frequent. I believe a picture is worth a thousand words and is more valuable in court than a knife or gun. Maze might work sometimes but as a few providers have already said: it happens so quick, there’s not enough time to get it.

Maybe some providers think it’s not worth all the trouble, the price of a session, and just report it on the boards but, if a provider really got hurt bad or raped or worse, it might be worth the extra effort. IMHO, a gun or knife would only get you in deeper trouble. You need PROOF of who was there and who did it. (DNA in a condom, a picture, and maybe a plate number will be all you need in court) I don’t have to tell y’all how many sick fucks are out there when you’re dealing with all walks of life, from all over the planet. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Most hotels have cameras of entrance and parking lot. Just report it. Let that sick fuck deal with LE and see who win's.

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Old 07-27-2018, 08:02 PM   #9
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Most of these problems can be avoided with a proper screening process.
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Old 07-27-2018, 10:17 PM   #10
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Ladies should have a taser within reach.
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Old 07-27-2018, 11:13 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Kendall4U View Post
Ladies should have a taser, pepper spray, baseball bat, cast iron skillet, multiple knives, taint photos, lead pipe, candlestick, etc within reach.
Completed the thought.
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Old 07-28-2018, 08:36 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Copierguy0 View Post
MANY Providers screening is VERY poor.
I am willing to bet that there is not one provider that has not been busted at least once.

As a Client, I would NOT like the thought I was being videotaped or picture taken before, during, or after I arrive. I have heard that some (not all) providers have someone else in another room with visibility of the parking lot, taking pictures of the client arriving or leaving. These girls need some protection in case of violent clients, which is becoming more frequent. I believe a picture is worth a thousand words and is more valuable in court than a knife or gun. Maze might work sometimes but as a few providers have already said: it happens so quick, there’s not enough time to get it.

Maybe some providers think it’s not worth all the trouble, the price of a session, and just report it on the boards but, if a provider really got hurt bad or raped or worse, it might be worth the extra effort. IMHO, a gun or knife would only get you in deeper trouble. You need PROOF of who was there and who did it. (DNA in a condom, a picture, and maybe a plate number will be all you need in court) I don’t have to tell y’all how many sick fucks are out there when you’re dealing with all walks of life, from all over the planet. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Most hotels have cameras of entrance and parking lot. Just report it. Let that sick fuck deal with LE and see who win's.

I'm not going to tell the whole story I went through, longggg story but I agree with Kendell4u I was gifted a taser from a companion i'm from Houston she another companion from elsewhere (Ty P) anyhow I always keep my taser, knife, lite candles in reach hidden of course accept the candles lol but very reachable taser always fully charged, anyhow I have not been arrested ever for this type of voluntary encounters and not really had trouble with clients at all no my screening is not perfect but I do screen EVERYBODY and i'm not newbie friendly, my point is you are both right its a nightmare in our little world AND in the RW i had an incident that happen to me in the Houston SE area with a lyft driver 2 days before that another women the exact same thing happen to her I really don't want to get into details but I will always be carrying my taser and knife even if going 2 blocks in a lyft ride, i didn't know if the other women reported what happen to her but for me I was stuck between if i do he knows where i live and if i don't the next lady could get hurt or worse....

So after I talked to a couple people in the hobby (friends) this BTW' wasn't hobby related ride wasn't for a visit, this is why i say WE ARE LIVING IN A VERY SCARY WORLD ESPECIALLY THESE DAYS!! as everyone knows i'm sure.

I didn't get a wink of sleep that night and after talking to some friends I reported the man he got fired & I will be going to the police today to make the report etc...ALWAYS CARRY SOMETHING HAVE SOMETHING, HOME , RIDES , HOTEL/MOTEL for me I don't care hell for me I will be carrying something when I walk to the damn mail box now!!! Please be safe ladies crazy shit all over....

and just to lighten the mood ***but serous*** and not to get off the serous issue we are having...PLEASE DALLAS LADIES SHOW PYRAMIDER SOME DAMN TAINT
**wink** its a tainted world he deserves it heh....


Side not "please new girls to" there a search bar for handles copy paste enter alerts show up if you're new ask SOMEONE WILL HELP YOU. fucking fosta/sesta fucking bullshit<< sorry <3 Be safe ALL!

CM, EDIT: good thread OP
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Old 07-28-2018, 08:55 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Agent220 View Post
Unarmed close quarter combat is more important than just having a weapon.

There will be times where you don't have your weapon available. Better know how to disable your attacker to compliance or long enough for you to get to your weapon.
and you say this because???? what make you think or know we wont and some may not but smh silly comment anyone that's in this business should always have something available and in reach in and out of business...must be hugs love and kisses safe proof on H2 HEH pfft... yes i love me some men but the thinking process or lake there of and hell im no geniuses you see i'm sure but dont make silly wacky comments thats what can get YOU gents hurt as well ijs.....
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Old 07-28-2018, 09:00 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Tell that to the women who get beaten down badly, a phone is not a weapon ladies, if you want to protect yourselves, you'll need a weapon and know how to use it when needed without hesitation

BINGO!!! OK carry on everyone and be careful xoxo
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Old 07-28-2018, 10:15 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Cendell M View Post
and you say this because???? what make you think or know we wont and some may not but smh silly comment anyone that's in this business should always have something available and in reach in and out of business...must be hugs love and kisses safe proof on H2 HEH pfft... yes i love me some men but the thinking process or lake there of and hell im no geniuses you see i'm sure but dont make silly wacky comments thats what can get YOU gents hurt as well ijs.....
Not sure on how to process this response publicly so I sent a PM to you.
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