Originally Posted by Cendell M
Question? OP, so since all this is happening did you turn anything you may have
to the MODS? Another? ( and I'm just asking) I you're In fear for your life, family, and self after you looked this gents RW family info up for purposes of going to the cops, did you?
Logical question? eh...? Have we done that? Look I get both sides if your in fear go to the MODS first if its off-board well do what YOU think is necessary but if this is just a back in forth argument with a client end it block change # and make sure it doesn't put other providers in a situation when we SCREEN FOR OUR SAFETY PLEASE!
You or most may not like my advice but it's my you can take it or leave it and I'm not being mean just stop arguing on the board with everyone and do something SIMPLE ( from you its sounds serious yet you are arguing or shall I say beating a dead horse when you chose to do nothing ...ugh. Risky business but you chose it.
Sorry, CM
I see you will never learn to mind your business and shut your big ratty mouth.
Oh the freaken nerve girl...
Pat yourself on the back for jumping on the bandwagon and beating a local provider who's already in a situation.
Dang Shame on you Cendell M
You have no room to give her advice about Revealing Real World Information, stalking or calling cops.
Reminder : You stalked and threatened me and sent me 100's of texts, Eccie PM's, P411 and private emails.
Made my life a living hell with those crying spell phone calls

~ (All Because I Told You You're Bad For Business And To Remove My Name/s From Your Showcase During My Ban,was not a good look)
A few folks agreed with your first comment or two, don't let it get to your overly induced fried brain.
(((According to your time stamp on your shady comments, you haven't slept???))
According to you a few members on here look nothing like their avatar, you know their home interior, looks, car, job, penis, etc....
Where's that laptop a-k-a "Theee Real Culprit" on too many folks
Mind your business for once.