Originally Posted by themystic
Good morning Jerk off. Take Dumbinos dick out of your ear and listen. TrumPutin wouldn't show up lmao. I called the cocksuckers bluff. I would love for the TrumPutin voter like you to go do business with your hero. I don't think you would like him so much
did you? or is that your version? my version is you got butt fucked .. figuratively .. by His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse.
it is up to you to prove otherwise. if you really control a company with over 400 .. illegals .. then you have gotten filthy rich on the sweat of illegal criminals which makes you a crime lord. are you are a crime lord? is your back wet with the sweat of the oppressed which you use like a cheap whore to make money?
you see how that makes you a fraud? i don't think you have long to live.