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03-17-2018, 03:03 PM
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Welcome to ECCIE's political forum, where all the DICKS hang out!
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03-17-2018, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by WTF
Let's see Muller was appointed by who and is politically affiliated as a what?
It's spelled Mueller. And we're not talking about him. This thread is about McCabe being fired. You're massively deflecting again. You do that whenever you are losing arguments, which is constantly.
What specific reasons for his firing did McCabe deny? We're still waiting for your answer.
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03-17-2018, 03:13 PM
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Originally Posted by bambino
I asked you if you were still on with the Flynn bet in my thread you idiot. You never replied. Are you on?
I've tried to get you to bet since you started that stupid thread....finally glad I was able to shame you into a bet you shit talking LexyLiar wannabe!
You posted you were scared to bet me because you thought I'd post as Kris Kristofferson. So cut the lying about you been trying to bet me.
Now for how long??? ... and can you get the biggest know it all non betting asshole on here to at least make a prediction, LexyLiar!
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03-17-2018, 03:15 PM
El Hombre de la Mancha
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It will be cheaper to allow McCabe to retire than to fight the lawsuits and shit storm.
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03-17-2018, 03:42 PM
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But it wouldn't be right.
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03-17-2018, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by pyramider
It will be cheaper to allow McCabe to retire than to fight the lawsuits and shit storm.
Lois Lerner deserved to be fired, but wasn't. Somebody has to be the object lesson to let others in this government bureaucracy run amok know that the rules apply equally to all and that a select few are not more equal than others -- despite the cost. Per reports, the FBI fired some 19 other people in the last 12 months for "lack of candor", and McCabe isn't a damn sight better than any one of them just because of his rank.
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03-17-2018, 03:50 PM
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Originally Posted by pyramider
It will be cheaper to allow McCabe to retire than to fight the lawsuits...
That depends. If we win a lawsuit that clearly upholds the right to fire career federal employees in situations like this, it might serve as a precedent that discourages other fired federal workers from filing costly (and ultimately futile) lawsuits while we drain the swamp. So taxpayers could save money in the long run.
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03-17-2018, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey missed dick... you're the stooge with the double standard, not me. It's quite revealing how you are so blinded by hyper-partisan hatred that you can't even own up to your own glaring hypocrisy!
Flynn lies - you say "Lock him up!"
McCabe lies - you whine "Trump and his supporters have a special place in hell."
Hey pervert Mueller's investigation is not melting down, its heating up. I don't give three fucks about locking anyone up. Even though TrumPutin is a cocksucker of the highest order, I wouldn't even lock him up. Hes embarrassed our country enough, lets not embarrass the office itself anymore than TrumPutin has
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03-17-2018, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by I "lack of candor", and McCabe isn't better than anyone of them just because of his rank. [/COLOR
Let's see the facts on that before making a judgement.
McCabe kept open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation even though the DOJ thought there was no there there.
The IG says ine thing, he says another. Time will tell.
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03-17-2018, 04:04 PM
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They never thought she would lose...
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03-17-2018, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by lustylad
we drain the swamp.
You Tea Party suckers sure are spending a pile of money draining that swamp.
What do you think about all this new debt?
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03-17-2018, 04:08 PM
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Saint TrumPutin. The Saint that destroyed Washington DC and America
He will be a saint in Russia
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03-17-2018, 04:08 PM
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Originally Posted by WTF
Let's see the facts on that before making a judgement.
McCabe kept open an investigation into the Clinton Foundation even though the DOJ thought there was no there there.
The IG says ine thing, he says another. Time will tell.
[A]lthough Sessions made the ultimate call to fire McCabe, the public record shows that the process resulting in the FBI deputy director’s dismissal involved career Justice Department and FBI officials—rather than political appointees selected by President Trump—at crucial points along the way. To begin with, the charges against McCabe arose out of the broader Justice Department Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigation into the FBI’s handling of the hildebeest email investigation. While the inspector general is appointed by the president, the current head of that office, Michael Horowitz, was appointed by President Barack Odumbo and is himself a former career Justice Department lawyer. As Jack Goldsmith has written, the inspector general has a great deal of statutory independence, which Horowitz has not hesitated to use: Most notably, he produced a highly critical 2012 report into the Justice Department’s “Fast and Furious” program. So a process that begins with Horowitz and his office carries a presumption of fairness and independence.
After investigating McCabe, Horowitz’s office provided a report on McCabe’s conduct to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), which investigates allegations of misconduct against bureau employees. This office is headed by career Justice Department official Candace Will, whom then-FBI Director Robert Mueller appointed to lead the OPR in 2004. According to Sessions, the Office of Professional Responsibility agreed with Horowitz’s assessment that McCabe “lacked candor” in speaking to internal investigators.
Finally, Sessions’s statement references “the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official” in advocating McCabe’s firing on the basis of the OIG and OPR determinations.
(Law Fare)
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03-17-2018, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I guess this is a test for liberals. On one hand McCabe was going after Trump which they heartily approve of but on the other hand, McCabe lied. That is one thing that you don't do in the FBI.?
Since when have libtards cared if someone lied or not? THEY DO IT ALL THE TIME.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lois Lerner deserved to be fired, but wasn't. Somebody has to be the object lesson to let others in this government bureaucracy run amok know that the rules apply equally to all and that a select few are not more equal than others
Pity they can't go back and smack down Lerner too..
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03-17-2018, 04:15 PM
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