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Old 03-03-2018, 10:45 AM   #181
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The last order is longer and has a reduced list of things to produce from the first order, but the two orders are "identical," right you two goofballs?

I would suggest "pick up sticks" for you two, but you couldn't tell the difference in the stick lengths! No wonder you two guys brag about "big ones"!

Long and short are "identical" to you both! Here .. and the color is right!

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Old 03-03-2018, 11:29 AM   #182
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Listen Counselor....why is it you and bambino will not bet me?

If Flynn is going to change his plea like you two maintain because you believe Judge Nap on Fox News.....then bet me.

Six months each.

where is that chickenshit lustylad? i'll bet him too!

You picked the three biggest cowards on this board. They wont bet you. 4 counting the Pittsburgh punk lusty. In the RW they are cowards, in cyberspace they are Super Heroes. Pathetic losers

You picked the three biggest cowards on this board. They wont bet you. 4 counting the Pittsburgh punk lusty. In the RW they are cowards, in cyberspace they are Super Heroes. Pathetic losers
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Old 03-03-2018, 11:40 AM   #183
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
You picked the three biggest cowards on this board. They wont bet you.
Doesn't work, does it? Apparently it works on the Bimbos you guys try to impress, but the smart money doesn't bet on stupid bullshit with folks who won't pay anyway. Besides only a chickenshit or dumbshit would bet someone on an anonymous posting board. You pick which one you are.
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Old 03-03-2018, 11:42 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by themystic View Post
You picked the three biggest cowards on this board. They wont bet you. 4 counting the Pittsburgh punk lusty. In the RW they are cowards, in cyberspace they are Super Heroes. Pathetic losers
speaking of superheros heres yours

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Old 03-03-2018, 11:45 AM   #185
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
but the smart money doesn't bet on stupid bullshit with folks who won't pay anyway.
No money LexyLiar, I know you can't afford it.

Just time away from the forum, say 6 months.
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Old 03-03-2018, 11:51 AM   #186
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Doesn't work, does it? Apparently it works on the Bimbos you guys try to impress, but the smart money doesn't bet on stupid bullshit with folks who won't pay anyway. Besides only a chickenshit or dumbshit would bet someone on an anonymous posting board. You pick which one you are.
I would say lipstick fits this label

then he could be a

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Old 03-03-2018, 11:57 AM   #187
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
I would say lipstick fits this label
... and he's still a pig.

Apparently those goofballs, Mistake and WhatDaFuckDoIKnow, get intelligence confused with "cowardice" .... smart people don't do stupid shit ... like they do. A Fake Bet on a Hooker Board!!!!

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Old 03-03-2018, 12:15 PM   #188
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You guys are deteriorating faster than trump.
Can you read? You sure can't think. And you are one lying motherfucker. I'll start highlighting your lies in red
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
So the house builder is interpreting court orders now? He was trying, unsuccessfully I might add, to point out the reason (inserted in every day English, no legalese) a second order was added to the case. Because the first order was a prior version. The part of the second order in orange (in WFT's posting of the orders) clearly explains that. And Munchie is sighting the house builder as his legal expert?

Abbott and Costello of Eccie!And you're the lexusliar of ECCIE.
Where did I "cite" (you stupid douche-bag) WFT as a legal expert?

That's why the 2nd order is longer than the first order, because the Judge was explaining why the Government had to produce less information than was requested in the first order? And you know law? Obviously not. Because you've never stopped to think about what the difference between the 2 orders are (other than an explanation why there is a second order).
The second order was longer because it explains why there is a second order.
The difference has already been posted but I did it again for the slow people. Below in green.

But the orders are "identical" and "standing orders"?
Context is everything.
The "identical" reference is in a quote with a link. See below in your color, pink.

These two guys just make shit up every day!

So, Munchie is now agreeing with me when I posted the orders are ..
Your last sentence doesn't even make sense. I said "I never said he couldn't withdraw/change it. I read the orders you posted quite some time ago and never disagreed with them." You posted the right orders. You didn't comprehend them.

NONIDENTICAL! And Munchie just confirmed WTF is full of shit and a liar!
Wrong again. I confirmed you ignore information that proves you wrong or proves you ignorant.
Your hubris is keeping you from rising to stupid. You're mired on the moron level.

Sullivan enters identical standing orders as a matter of course in all of his criminal cases, as he explained in a 2016 Cardozo Law Review article:

"The current version demands less of federal prosecutors, Simpson notes. Before last week’s filings, the government would have had to turn over impeachment evidence to Flynn’s team as well as exculpatory evidence; now any impeachment evidence that might exist could be withheld.

There’s no suggestion that such evidence does exist. This mistake by Sullivan’s clerks seems to have gotten swept up in rampant social media conspiracy theories aimed at discrediting the investigation into President Trump. There’s no indication that Flynn will soon withdraw his plea agreement or that there exists exculpatory evidence that would prompt him to do so.

The answer to Napolitano’s question, “Was he guilty?” seems to be what it was last December: According to the FBI and Michael Flynn, yes."


This is easy now. There hasn't been anything new since the 20th except an order explanation on the 22nd.
Now all you can do is ignore the basic facts, use sentence fragments out of context, bitch about copy and paste, and lie.
Still playing catch up with trump but you have a natural talent for lying and with @40000 posts you've got the needed dogged determination to excel in the bullshit field.
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Old 03-03-2018, 12:23 PM   #189
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Originally Posted by Hotrod511 View Post
I would say lipstick fits label:

How about I make a bet with you. Flynn dors not change his guilty plea....you have two eccie.net legal experts saying he will. LL and bambino.

6 months leave the forum.
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Old 03-03-2018, 12:59 PM   #190
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Reading is fundimental.
What I said was, "And why do you keep talking about collusion? It's obvious there was some improper contact but a provable offense? My money is on money laundering or perjury of some kind."
The key word is provable. Schiff didn't "admit" there was no evidence of collusion. Quite the opposite.

"I've certainly said that there is ample evidence of collusion," Schiff replied before listing the evidence. "But I never used the word treason, only Steve Bannon has used that word."

Schiff also explained that whether Mueller brings charges or not, "it is the job of the Congress" to tell people what happened between Russia and the Trump campaign.

"Indeed there is no guarantee that the country will ever learn what Bob Mueller finds, apart from an indictment," Schiff said. "It is the job of the Congress to tell the American people what happened. Whether it reaches the standard beyond the reasonable doubt, or whether we merely find clear and convincing evidence of collusion."

MEGHAN MCCAIN, 'THE VIEW': I think at this point in time it’s really difficult for me and many Americans to differentiate between what is over-hyped and what is not. You’ve said on more than one occasion that you’ve seen ‘ample evidence’ of the Trump campaign’s Russia collusion. Last March you said you have more than circumstantial evidence of treasonous collusion with Russia.

What specifically were you referring to? And please be specific because if it’s true I do believe Americans have the right to know a year later what that is.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: I've certainly said that there is ample evidence of collusion. But I never used the word "treason," only Steve Bannon has used that word.

But, if you look at the facts that are already int he public domain, they are pretty damning. Starting with what we now know about George Papadapolous --one of the few foreign policy advisors on the campaign. We now know that Papadapolous was approached by the Russians, and told back in April of the election year, even before the Clinton campaign knew, that the Russians had stolen Clinton and DNC emails. And we also know that they previewed their dissemination, the anonymous dissemination, of those emails with Papadapolous back in April.

It was only weeks later that the Russians made a second approach to the Trump campaign, this time at the highest levels --at Trump Tower-- in a meeting that they previewed by saying they wanted to offer incriminating information about Hillary Clinton.

MCCAIN: Is there enough [evidence] for Mueller to bring charges? Because if it isn't enough for Mueller to bring charges, what does that mean?

Charges of collusion.

SCHIFF: This is a very important question: What is Mueller's job and what is [Congress'] job."

Bob Mueller will make the decision whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt to indict and convict people.

It is not his responsibility to tell the country what happened. And indeed there is no guarantee that the country will ever learn what Bob Mueller finds, apart from an indictment. It is the job of the Congress to tell the American people what happened. Whether it reaches the standard beyond the reasonable doubt, or whether we merely find clear and convincing evidence of collusion.

So it is important that we set out the facts for the public... about what the Russians told Papadapolous, about what the Russians did in setting up that meeting in Trump Tower. Bear in mind, that meeting in Trump Tower took place after he is alerted that the Russians have these emails. Don Jr. is told, hey, at the highest levels ultrasensitive we have incriminating evidence about Hillary Clinton as part of the Russian government's effort to help Donald Trump.

That looks a lot like collusion to me."


Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Nunes was cleared of any wrong doing Munchie, that’s why he’s back leading the committee. Adam Shithead is the only lying sack of shit on the committee. He admitted no Trump/Russian collusion. Condi Rice put him in his place yesterday and told him to get on with the business of the US. Where’s your proof of collusion Munchie? Are you hiding it from Mueller and Congress? Because they don’t have any in regards to Trump. There’s a lot of evidence pointing to Obama and Clinton though Mister Munchie the moderate.
Evidence about what crime? You mean the evidence trump jr got at the trump tower meeting with the Russians? The one in the email Mueller has? Your evidence is less vetted than the "dossier".
What's as important as determining how our country was attacked and what can be done to prevent it from happening again?
Oh, that's right.
It didn't happen because it helped your candidate.
The one who won't impose sanctions the vast majority of Congress voted for?
You think the Russians are on your side so they're your best buds.
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Old 03-03-2018, 01:11 PM   #191
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post

"I've certainly said that there is ample evidence of collusion," Schiff replied before listing the evidence. "But I never used the word treason, only Steve Bannon has used that word."

You and schiffty are equivocating liars, masterdickmuncher. Schiffty made his BS claim a year ago and has yet closed the deal, you lying SOB. That means that schiffty SOB never had shit to begin with, masterdickmuncher: not now and not then!
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Old 03-03-2018, 01:12 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Reading is fundimental.
What I said was, "And why do you keep talking about collusion? It's obvious there was some improper contact but a provable offense? My money is on money laundering or perjury of some kind."
The key word is provable. Schiff didn't "admit" there was no evidence of collusion. Quite the opposite.

"I've certainly said that there is ample evidence of collusion," Schiff replied before listing the evidence. "But I never used the word treason, only Steve Bannon has used that word."

Schiff also explained that whether Mueller brings charges or not, "it is the job of the Congress" to tell people what happened between Russia and the Trump campaign.

"Indeed there is no guarantee that the country will ever learn what Bob Mueller finds, apart from an indictment," Schiff said. "It is the job of the Congress to tell the American people what happened. Whether it reaches the standard beyond the reasonable doubt, or whether we merely find clear and convincing evidence of collusion."

MEGHAN MCCAIN, 'THE VIEW': I think at this point in time it’s really difficult for me and many Americans to differentiate between what is over-hyped and what is not. You’ve said on more than one occasion that you’ve seen ‘ample evidence’ of the Trump campaign’s Russia collusion. Last March you said you have more than circumstantial evidence of treasonous collusion with Russia.

What specifically were you referring to? And please be specific because if it’s true I do believe Americans have the right to know a year later what that is.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF: I've certainly said that there is ample evidence of collusion. But I never used the word "treason," only Steve Bannon has used that word.

But, if you look at the facts that are already int he public domain, they are pretty damning. Starting with what we now know about George Papadapolous --one of the few foreign policy advisors on the campaign. We now know that Papadapolous was approached by the Russians, and told back in April of the election year, even before the Clinton campaign knew, that the Russians had stolen Clinton and DNC emails. And we also know that they previewed their dissemination, the anonymous dissemination, of those emails with Papadapolous back in April.

It was only weeks later that the Russians made a second approach to the Trump campaign, this time at the highest levels --at Trump Tower-- in a meeting that they previewed by saying they wanted to offer incriminating information about Hillary Clinton.

MCCAIN: Is there enough [evidence] for Mueller to bring charges? Because if it isn't enough for Mueller to bring charges, what does that mean?

Charges of collusion.

SCHIFF: This is a very important question: What is Mueller's job and what is [Congress'] job."

Bob Mueller will make the decision whether there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt to indict and convict people.

It is not his responsibility to tell the country what happened. And indeed there is no guarantee that the country will ever learn what Bob Mueller finds, apart from an indictment. It is the job of the Congress to tell the American people what happened. Whether it reaches the standard beyond the reasonable doubt, or whether we merely find clear and convincing evidence of collusion.

So it is important that we set out the facts for the public... about what the Russians told Papadapolous, about what the Russians did in setting up that meeting in Trump Tower. Bear in mind, that meeting in Trump Tower took place after he is alerted that the Russians have these emails. Don Jr. is told, hey, at the highest levels ultrasensitive we have incriminating evidence about Hillary Clinton as part of the Russian government's effort to help Donald Trump.

That looks a lot like collusion to me."


Evidence about what crime? You mean the evidence trump jr got at the trump tower meeting with the Russians? The one in the email Mueller has? Your evidence is less vetted than the "dossier".
What's as important as determining how our country was attacked and what can be done to prevent it from happening again?
Oh, that's right.
It didn't happen because it helped your candidate.
The one who won't impose sanctions the vast majority of Congress voted for?
You think the Russians are on your side so they're your best buds.
No you idiot, obtaining a FISA warrant based on the phony document involves several crimes. The meeting at Trump tower lasted a half hour and produced nothing. Hillary paid 12 million for false Russian propaganda to damage Trump. Yeah, that’s a crime too. Steele is/was a foreign operative that wasn’t registered with the US government. The FBI finally dumped him because he lied to them. But stayed tuned Munchie, this is unraveling now. No FISA warrant, no Mueller investigation. It all falls apart. Fruit of the poisonous tree.
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Old 03-03-2018, 01:21 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
You think the Russians are on your side so they're your best buds.
Fuck you, asshole. Yeah, that's what we think. The Russians are our best buds. Thanks to hildebeest's "reset". The 1980s are calling for their foreign policy back, Mr. Romney. Tell Vlad I will have more flexibility after the election. Odumbo thought they were on our side, didn't he? What a naive and feckless jackass he was!

Meanwhile, over in Syria (another odumbo success story) Trump is busy killing them off...

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Old 03-03-2018, 01:24 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
No FISA warrant, no Mueller investigation. It all falls apart. Fruit of the poisonous tree.

Listen you fruit sucking expert, bet me Flynn will change his guilty plea.

I'll not only bet you 6 months off a forum you say you're not going to post on much anyway but LL will blow you if you win.
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Old 03-03-2018, 01:30 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
[SIZE="3"] Odumbo thought they were on our side, didn't he? What a naive and feckless jackass he was!

Meanwhile, over in Syria (another odumbo success story) Trump is busy killing them off...
Obama did the normal back n forth with Russia....hell Bush used their expertise in Afghanistan.

The game changer is this election rigging. Which Trump will not address.

And quit telling the lie that Trump is killing Russians. We have no offensive operation in Syria. Our military defended themselves is all, nothing to do with Trump wanting to kill Russians.

Now stfu before I gass your baby ass!
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