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Old 02-09-2018, 04:23 PM   #1
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Default bbbj threAD

What is it about an exceptional bbbj that eludes most women? I'm not talking about foreplay. The large majority of providers are very competent at pleasing and teasing and getting tab A ready for slot B. I'm talking about the proverbial Blow, Job. Start to finish, the ultimate and time-honored male fantasy and obsession.

I called this a threAD and put it in co-ed because it is not only an opportunity for the guys to acknowledge those providers that have given them such memorable experiences, but also for the ladies to tout their own skills and perceptions.

Who are the ladies that excel in the area of oral gratification and why? And...
What are the 3 most important aspects of a bbbj/tc that make it such a mystical experience?
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Old 02-09-2018, 04:50 PM   #2
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I've never had an amazing bj. I've had moments that were great, but overall, the ladies tend to fall back on a single technique instead of keeping it balanced.

My advice:

Don't suck like you're trying to suck a golf ball through a garden hose. That isn't pleasurable and there is such a thing as dick hickies. NO.

Don't spend the whole blow job bobbing your head up and down. This is almost as bad as the jackhammer HJ technique that some spas use to finish you off. NO.

Don't just use your mouth and/or spit just enough to lube it up for a handjob. That can feel great, but it's not a BJ. NO.

Don't slob all over and make a mess unless there's a reason for the slobbering. Poor IOP is poor. NO.

Don't accidentally use your teeth on the glans in an unpleasant manner. It hurts! NO. (But don't be afraid to nibble on the shaft or carefully use your teeth in other ways.)

Do use all of the above techniques in moderation, at the right time, and for the right length of time. This will be different for different guys. Don't be afraid to ask, but if the guy can't tell you what he likes, you should have a good routine that balances these things out. I think only experience is going to help create that routine.
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Old 02-09-2018, 04:55 PM   #3
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I'm going to toot my own horn here.....

My custom user title isn't Verified ORAL expert for no reason...

I do my own thing as far as bj when a guy comes over....i know what I'm doing....but i love to hear how you like for me to blow YOU....

I could spend a long time sucking a cock clock and balls...ijs
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Old 02-09-2018, 05:13 PM   #4
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I think we all tend to be better at things that we truly enjoy.

Practice, practice, practice to achieve skill.

1.0 Being able to accurately read a guys body language.
2.0 Patience
3.0 Stamina

Rinse and Repeat!
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Old 02-09-2018, 05:52 PM   #5
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Old 02-09-2018, 10:21 PM   #6
Laura Lynn
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I've been known to be pretty skilled in blow jobs.

Parts of a good bj:
*It starts with a real passion/enjoyment for giving one
*Eye contact, but not too much. Don't want to be creepy. I also like to toss in a mischievous grin from time to time, especially when edging 😉
*Reading a guys body language
*Not rushing through it and using a sensual touch that involves lots of licking, kissing and touching all of the boy bits & other parts of body like stomach, thighs, grabbing his hips...

I could go on, but it's more fun to show the skills in person
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Old 02-09-2018, 11:34 PM   #7
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I'll keep it to just Dallas providers:

Princess Slutface
Jessica More

All these girls deep throated me to the balls.
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Old 02-10-2018, 02:25 AM   #8
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I’m pretty well known for mine.

I still try to read a guy and give them the best that suits them.

Not every Bj is going to be the same. Not each guy is the same.

I have been doing this quite a while and had the fun time of winning a BJ contest put on from another board.

Not sure if I would still take the cake today. But I still enjoy the challenge.
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Old 02-10-2018, 05:35 PM   #9
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Kendall4U has provided me with more than a couple mind-blowing oral experiences. For me, it all starts with the way she kisses. Call it IOP or whatever you want, it really gets my engine running and sets the stage for some awesome cock loving.

Taking me to the edge and knowing just when to back off, coming up for some more DFK, and then going back down. Repeat until I can’t take any more.

The best blow jobs are ones where you can tell she really WANTS to do it.
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Old 02-10-2018, 09:29 PM   #10
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I'm far from an expert on expert BJs, because usually I'm just so happy to have my dick inside someone's mouth, the idea of doing a quality evaluation just never enters my head. But ...

Originally Posted by Crock View Post
I've never had an amazing bj. I've had moments that were great ...

The closest I had was with an ATF whose technique I can only describe as "exquisite." It was like having warm velvet glove sliding up and down my cock: no teeth, no tongue, no uvula, just warm, wonderful wetness. And she wasn't really known for her BJs.

OTOH, I've met the captain of a former Crew, a woman known for her oral talents, a number of times over the years, and, aside from enthusiasm and sometime a little perseverance, I found little that was exceptional about her blowjobs, although I had a wonderful time sexually and personally.

There was one girl many years ago who was from Pensacola or Oklahoma or both. I forget. She did this thing where she'd run her tongue along one side of the shaft and trace the same pattern with a wet finger simultaneously on the other side. No one else has ever done anything like that.

The best oral experiences I've had have been those rare occasions when I let her know what's about to happen, she gives no indication that she needs to stop what she's doing, and I realize what that means: "She's gonna do it! She's really gonna do it! I can't believe it. She's actually gonna let me .... ah, ah, ah, oh, oh ... ahhhhhh!" (I always announce what's about to happen. Years ago, I surprised my wife with her first CIM, and that was her last CIM, lol.)

One thing I have found to consistently feel really, really good, is sliding between a pair of breasts and into and out of a mouth. A Russian blowjob, maybe? Russian is way underrated, and, combined with a blowjob, especially if there's one of those rare CIM or COF endings, is pretty awesome.

Overall, the things I wish for are eye contact and pacing. Look at me either like you like me (difficult, I know) enjoy what you're doing (a little less difficult), or like you enjoy bringing me pleasure (easier). Start out slow. Don't be in a rush. Lick it, stroke it, delay engulfing the while thing, have the guy begging you to put it in your mouth. Then, learn how to read a guy's body language. If his hips are moving slowly, don't attack his cock like a starving Somalian.

Most women treat blowjobs either as foreplay or strictly as a means to the desired end. Not many make the journey to that end memorable.

Damn, gotta go watch some Jenni Lee now.
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Old 02-10-2018, 11:15 PM   #11
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I hear more and more that COF and CIM isn't liked by the ladies of this hobby...

I, personally prefer CIM...a d even love COF...im sorry that seems to be such a hard service to find...

BJs are a great way to show a man that you appreciate him and want to make him feel good and relaxed.....
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Old 02-11-2018, 12:06 AM   #12
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Now this is my type of thread! Let's stick to the basics!!!! First of all a "good" blowjob is absolutely a smack in the face in the eyes of a BBBJ SPECIALIST..
IF I was ever told that I'd quit the hobby😂
A great blowjob is okay to hear...
A excellent/amazing blowjob is rare and I'm told everyday... I won't give up my secrets but a major part in a excellent/amazing BBBJ is cock worship with dick brain intuitiveness 😂
You have to love it to do it!

**** What's a bj without CIM???***
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Old 02-11-2018, 12:08 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by tntangie View Post

Not sure if I would still take the cake today. But I still enjoy the challenge.
Let's see... I challenge you... Jkjk 😘
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Old 02-11-2018, 12:54 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Analeese View Post
I, personally prefer CIM...a d even love COF...im sorry that seems to be such a hard service to find...

BJs are a great way to show a man that you appreciate him and want to make him feel good and relaxed.....
now that's what i'm talking about - enjoying it and enjoying the pleasure you are giving a man and his cock/dick!!!
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Old 02-11-2018, 12:57 AM   #15
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btw, i've condickted oral delites cumpetitions several times over the years. the vast majority of the providers who've delited me and lil delites were top notch! a few were so-so; dont see them much anymore.

i've even condickted a DBTT - double blind taste test.
i'm blindfolded and two women take turns kissing, licking, slurping, sucking, teasing, and pleasing lil delites while i attempt to figure out who is who. i've been wrong w/ my guesses more often than i've been correct.

lil delites and i always perk up at the thought of a DBTT or even a single blind taste test!!!
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