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Old 02-08-2018, 10:49 AM   #16
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GMT, I wasnt asking for your opinion was not needed because honestly I don't sell myself as a piece of meat I sell myself is 100% And genuine.
I'm sorry that whatever has happened in your life makes you think differently about women.. and you have an ill perceived notion that you think you know all companions prostitutes hookers whatever the hell you want to call us.
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Old 02-08-2018, 11:16 AM   #17
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BABY!!!! I gotta meet your fine ass Jesus Christ can I get a warning when your ass is passing through or near Mobile? Whoever programs this site, we seriously need a function that allows notifications when providers we follow post similar to FB. I was ready to jump of a F’n bridge last time I missed Baby coming though.
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Old 02-08-2018, 11:17 AM   #18
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No disrespect Kynsley I’d love to meet your fine ass too. If the timing would have been better for me I’d of really liked to meet JuJu as well.
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Old 02-08-2018, 01:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by pbrun90 View Post
No disrespect Kynsley I’d love to meet your fine ass too. If the timing would have been better for me I’d of really liked to meet JuJu as well.
Starting to sound like wanting to meet anyone with skirts... lol
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Old 02-08-2018, 06:47 PM   #20
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Do I like it? I would soak it in hot water and make tea out of it then drink every single drop like a man dying of thirst. Your so fine that I would walk ten miles barefoot over broken glass just to suck a fart out of your ass. Your so fine that I am actively looking for a second job just so I can see you more often.

Originally Posted by ...Baby... View Post
rawrrr!! ;-)

ooohhh hey BC

like my new one-zie ???

crotch snaps and all

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Old 02-09-2018, 08:01 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by ...Baby... View Post
rawrrr!! ;-)

ooohhh hey BC

like my new one-zie ???

crotch snaps and all

Baby, cum a little closer to the camera, my eyes are not what they used to be. I need a closeup & unsnap that onesie it's blocking my view. LOL.
Yum. Thanks for your compliance.
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Old 02-09-2018, 08:20 AM   #22
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My 2 cents:
When I write a review I always write honestly and tell what happened so other guys can make an informed decision. I usually wait several days before I write a review. I sometimes worry I may hurt a providers feelings because My time with her may not have been as great as the other guys. Everyone has different experiences.
I try not to be degrading to women, though I'm sure it can be taking that way. I don't intend it to be. Just like BC said, it's just the way guys think/talk in the locker room.
It would be nice if the ladies could not read the reviews. But then on the otherside of the coin, if the guy says she didn't do this or that correctly to his satisfaction, then maybe she will see it and decide to try to be better the next time. Constructive criticism I guess you could call it.

I am always respectful to any person I encounter unless they are trying to fuck me over and rip me off.
I treat every provider I meet as a human, because they are. I have one in another state that I message from time to time to check on her to see how she is doing. I do it as friend would. She has a birthday coming up & she hasn't been to too many places outside where she lives, so I offered to take her somewhere she hasn't been before to get away. She doesn't have a car and doesn't get out much, so I thought it would be a nice BD present for her. She has agreed to do so.
She has a bad past and 2 bad habits that I don't like, but that isn't my business and I am not dating her. I will still treat her with kindness, respect and friendship.

I know this is all a business deal, but I know we are human and will be treated as such.

Baby, you can cum and make a bad boy out of me.
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Old 02-10-2018, 04:56 AM   #23
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Hmmmmm I didnt think we could read ROS anyway for this reason here?...
The only thing I can see on a review is Yes! No! On time yes no.. basic descriptiodescriptions. PERIOD... All them descriptions and how a man goes into detail with the other men I never can see.???? !!!! AM I MISSING OUT ON A NEW FORUM? Cause i cant see the ROS or respond?
I do love the responce one person had in how the difference between men and women are. Lol
And it's so true..however if any of us women tried to be Krass...like that we would be reemed probably.
I had a situation arose just 2 days ago that I was going to come on here and post a blunt krass real life situation in the hobby..but was so scared of the backlash I would get because of how I would if put it that I chose not to write it.. Now if I was a man writing that same statement of situations it would of been fine...lol
Just the way it is..
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Old 02-10-2018, 05:02 AM   #24
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Actually, there is nothing in the ROS that fits with her observation/question. But this appears in the Physical Description:

Fucking hot as a fresh fucked fox in a Forrest fire

I think that is what caused Kynsley to start this thread. Dunno if she has access to the ROS, but I don't believe she needed it for her question.

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Old 02-10-2018, 06:47 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS View Post

Fucking hot as a fresh fucked fox in a Forrest fire

I don’t think she is offended by that.
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Old 02-10-2018, 09:52 AM   #26
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Jag you know as well as I how easy it is for the ladies to see ros and locker room post. If you post it on this site even where it is said to be for mens eyes only you can bet the ladies have access to it. Its just to easy to make a profile write a review then have open access to the entire site. The ones who are really sly register a handle pay for lifetime access then never post not one single time just to remain anonymous. They also share the password with other ladies they trust so they can all use the one handle to spy on us naughty boys.

I dont blame them I would do the same if it were that easy for a man to have access to the ladies powder room. I mean who doesnt want to see what the ladies talk about bcd where us boys aren't allowed.. I know I do. I bet they make fun of how small my willie is and I know they make fun of how old and decrepit RL is. It goes without saying they make fun of his tiny willie also so I wont even include that.

I am not a mean guy at least I try not to be so I try not to say anything purposely hurtful in the ros or locker room. Even if the ladies didnt have access I still wouldnt. You can tell the truth and not be a dick about it at least I can. I do tell the truth and am sure some of the info I leave can be hurtful but I dont do it to be hurtful just honest. There is a difference. If a girl is fat I say she was not as thin as her pics or she put on weight since the pics were taken or you can see from her pics she isnt a spinner. If a girl takes that as me being mean then she probably needs to quit reading the ros or going into the locker room.

I am in no way saying that Kynsley has a mandel honestly I could care less if she does. She is a cool girl and if she wants to see what I say about her I have no issue with her knowing. Hell she can call me and I will tell her if she wants to know that goes for any girl I have ever visited. Yes I am a man and as such some of what I say in private is crude and disgusting by some womens standards but I would like to think not purposely hurtful. Fuck I honestly like most of the women I have met here especially her.

I cant recall ever reading a review that Bigchief has left that I found to be degrading to women. If he comes off that way to her thats her right to feel that way. Who the hell am I to say otherwise. The girl who he left the last review of even chimned in to defend him so I would say that she is good with him and how he treats women. (She also left us a few pics of her perfect body that I had never seen before so this thread has been most beneficial in that regard)

I say let it die. No need to go on and on about something that happens we all know happens and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Lets keep on with the open secret that us men have a private area in reviews where we can be men and say what we want without the ladies being able to view it. I am fine with things the way they are no need to rock the boat. I am sure 90 percent of the men here could care less also.

RL I do have it on very good authority that there are multiple threads in the ladies powder room where they go into great detail on how old you are and how small your p p is

Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS View Post
Actually, there is nothing in the ROS that fits with her observation/question. But this appears in the Physical Description:

Fucking hot as a fresh fucked fox in a Forrest fire

I think that is what caused Kynsley to start this thread. Dunno if she has access to the ROS, but I don't believe she needed it for her question.

Lets all take one more second to really look at the perfection that is baby. I mean really. How lucky are we to have such a remarkable beauty in our area. I dont get to see her much but when I do I am on a baby high for weeks after. From reading her reviews it seems like I am not the only one. It also seems she has this effect on most every guy she meets. I wish anything I did in my life brought someone on tenth the happiness seeing baby brings me. Baby I think I speak for the rest of the guys here when I say we would all like to see more pics

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Old 02-10-2018, 10:12 AM   #27
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ROS cannot be read by us at all.
The observation AND my question derived from titles alone
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Old 02-10-2018, 10:28 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Kynsley Morgan View Post
ROS cannot be read by us at all.
The observation AND my question derived from titles alone
I have no doubt I am just saying that if you ladies did have a way to see ros as easy as I make it out to be I personally could care less.

You know Kynsley you could sure join in on the pic posting and make a lot of us guys happy... Just saying
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Old 02-10-2018, 12:00 PM   #29
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I like to leave that to remain a mystery lol. I dont feel the need to solicit myself in every post out of desperation.
That is what ads are for.

Kisses to you BC
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Old 02-10-2018, 12:44 PM   #30
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I am totally confused here. So only men have access to the Men's Locker room and Ladies only have access to the Ladies locker room and everything said in these rooms are private and kept from each other. HOLY SHIT guess its a damn good thing i don't post in them at all. There is nothing private here.

You have guys with more than one account.Ladies with more than one account. Guys have female accounts open under a fake name as well ass ladies have accounts in fake ass guys names to get access to everything being said in both locker rooms.

Ladies and Guys snooping in either locker room to see what is being said are the ones that are insecure and wanna stir the pot and start drama.

Example of a Man getting in the Ladies Locker Room or Access:
Guy gets his ATF to access it
Guy bribes her with extra money
guy makes a fake account
Gets a friend to make account
uses prepaid credit card to pay for access to locker room
The list goes on and on

Ladies getting access to the Mens Locker Room:
Her ATF that has access the ROS
Fake account under a guys names with prepaid credit card account.
Offers extra to the guy to see whats being said.Discount,extra time, etc, etc.
IP address doesn't mean shit when you can change them, set up the account at a hotel or friends house with different IP addresses.

Most guys will not right reviews because if there ATF found out they saw another lady there will be drama from it, I learned alongtime ago not to do doubles anymore because of the back stabbing bullshit.Maybe i do lose some money out of it but at least i do not have to worry about the backstabbing two face bullshit anymore with the drama that comes with it and enjoy the peace and quite.

If people believe that men and ladies do not have access to either locker rooms. I got some ocean front property for sale real cheap. I do not post in the ladies room unless its a life threatening event that they need to know about to be able to keep them safe even to the ladies that do not like me or talk shit about me. I still want them to be safe and no harm to them.

You guys can write your reviews anyway you want to that is your right but be honest. What you write behind in the ROS that is you business and i for one do not care one way or the other.

Remember this is all FANTASIES and Make believe on here.LMFAO

THE GOLDEN RULE IS to look out for one another and stay safe above ALL and secondly HAVE FUN and a lot of O's as possible...

O YEAH we all are HUMAN god people grow up.You have the same color blood running threw your veins as everyone else on this planet.
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