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Old 12-21-2017, 06:46 PM   #1
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Default The Art Of WAR by A Great President Named Donald Trump

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Based on the events/revelations of the past week, here's my latest theory about what might be going on:


Stealth Jeff

Don't miss anything, subscribe to @drawandstrike unrolls!

The BEST cover story for your intelligence operation for people trying to sabotage you is one they would NEVER question because they end up being convinced the cover story is HELPING them sabotage you.

Early on, you provided very good evidence for a theory that Trump during the campaign was being advised by a very solid group of military intel people highly trained in the art of MILDEC, "military deception".

So groundwork for a very sophisticated MILDEC-style operation was set while the Trump campaign was still in it's early stages.

Trump's military spook advisors knew that the Obama/DNC/HRC nexus was using & abusing Law Enforcement Org. [LEO] & Intelligence Community [IC] apparatus in the federal government to legally & illegally spy on them.

According to Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', the first principle of winning any battle is knowing the enemy and knowing yourself. Battles & wars are lost due to not accurately seeing/understanding either the enemy or your own forces.

IF you know your enemy, how he operates, his methods, his strategies for pursuing his goals, you can formulate a plan for his defeat that will work.

Trump's military spook advisors carefully assessed the 'enemy' in the forthcoming 'war' that was already underway and would intensify should Trump actually win the election.

When you know how the enemy will attack, you can set traps for him and 'guide' him into those traps.

Not long after he declared his candidacy, advisors in the know sat Trump down & filled him in about just how badly Obama & Holder had corrupted the federal LEO's and IC agencies.

To get his Iran Deal, and then protect and preserve it, Obama & Co. used the IC to spy on the deal's critics & then used the info gathered from the IC agencies for their own political ends.

So Trump's advisors had observed this method in action, likely up close.

So, there was little doubt during the campaign the Obama/DNC/HRC nexus now firmly entrenched in the LEO/IC agencies were going to turn their intel-gathering capabilities onto the Trump campaign.

It was expected and actually PLANNED for.

"So they are going to come after us using the intelligence apparatus of the FBI, the NSA, the FISA courts, etc.

Let's HELP them then. Let's give them the targets they need and guide them into a trap."

Having formed a plan, Trump & his team then begin implementing it.

First, remember what all these politically motivated fixers in the Obama/DNC/HRC in these fed. agencies had just spent the last 8 years doing: covering up Obama/HRC/Holder criminal activity.

I don't mean to SHOCK you, but Obama & Holder & Hillary engaged in PLENTY of illegal activity during Obama's 8 years in office. This included blatantly illegal exposure of classified intelligence.

These LEO/IC political fixers had just been kept busy the previous 8 years making sure their top political people skated if any of their illegal activities were exposed.

While these people were making sure their top political heroes were skating, they turned around and nailed every Republican/political opponent they could.

Which is what happened with CIA Director Petraeus, who was fired, charged and convicted of mishandling class. info.

Trump's advisors - very smart military and LEO & IC people who were forced to watch this stuff unfold for 8 years & while being powerless to stop it - devised a plan to 'guide' these fixers in how they came after Trump & his team.

Political fixers in the IC/LEO agencies knew that Obama/Holder/Hillary were extremely corrupt. They know this because they spent 8 years covering for them.

And these fixers actually LIKED Obama/Holder/Hillary.

Now they turn their attention to the 'Trump threat'.

How do these politically motivated fixers look at Trump? Well Peter Strzok's text messages that have been made public - so far - give us a window into that.

They actually think Trump is EVEN MORE CORRUPT than Obama & Hillary.

Remember, they just spent 8 years making sure none of Obama or Hillary's pay for play schemes got exposed, or if they did - as which happened with #UraniumOne, that the damage was controlled & didn't cause any real fallout.

How would these political enablers/fixers look at Trump during the campaign? Well they'd think Trump is UNBELIEVABLY corrupt also.

He's GOT to be promising extensive pay for play in exchange for significant bribes if he wins the election, right?

So what do Trump & his military spook advisors know very early on in the campaign?

1) they're going to use the FBI/LEO/IC intel apparatus to spy on us


2) it'll be try to find evidence of pay for play with foreign powers like Hillary did extensively.

Now, having foreseen that this is what would happen, Trump and his advisors are able to formulate a plan to SET UP the people that are trying to SET THEM UP.

In The Art of War, you draw your enemy in by giving him an appearance of what he expects/hopes to see.

And this is exactly what Trump and his advisors did.

So here's the plan Trump & his advisors came up with: Trump began incessantly bragging on the campaign trail about all the sweet, sweet deals he would do with Putin once he won the election.

It became a campaign standard, a running joke, how Trump simply could not seem to SHUT UP about what BFF's he was going to be with Russia Russia Russia's Vladimir Putin.

The Democrats & the DNC Media pounced on this, of course, how truly awful it was for Trump to blatantly hint at all the cool pay for play stuff he planned to do, maybe drop sanctions in exchange for favors and so on.

So after a few weeks of THIS, Trump suddenly announces he's hiring PAUL MANAFORT as his campaign manager.

A guy known to be up to his EYEBALLS in dirty foreign pay for play lobbying.

He may as well have staked a goat out in his front yard for the wolves.

Publicly, the Democrats, Obama, Hillary, the media, they all lost their minds screaming about this blatant example of Trump campaign corruption.


At least Hillary *tried* to be subtle about this kind of stuff, right?! 🤔

Well that was publicly. BEHIND THE SCENES, the political fixers in the DOJ/IC squealed in absolute glee.


Trump is so f**king stupid, he's doing all this out in the open. It's amazing, but hey, if he wants to make our job taking him down easy.....

And so all these political fixers then focused all their attention and all their scheming on getting surveillance of the Trump campaign team - especially Manafort - to begin collecting evidence of all that cool pay for play that they just knew was going on.

Trump's enemies not only do not see him accurately, it never occurs to them that he's smart enough to give them only what he WANTS them to see so he can manipulate them into coming after him exactly how he wants them to.

As we all know now, the political fixers got their surveillance of the Trump campaign team.

Manafort sits there, staked out in Trump's yard for 3 months, and then having served his purpose, is discarded.

And guess what comes out after the election is over?


JARED KUSHNER was the real campaign manager working deep in the background, coming up with the real campaign strategies for the election.

Exclusive Interview: How Jared Kushner Won Trump The White House
The secret weapon of the Trump campaign: his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who created a stealth data machine that leveraged social media and ran like a Silicon Valley startup. The inside story of the b…

After Manafort was ditched, and Kushner kept working in the background, Trump hired brilliant media/PR specialist Kellyanne Conway to the campaign front person.

Having bought the cover story, the political fixers never question it. They spend the next months leading up to and after the election frantically listening in/surveilling Trump's team, searching hard to find those pay for play deals with Russia.

In other words, they spend those crucial months of the campaign and then the transition period frantically looking for something that WASN'T HAPPENING.

Now, it's not until the election is over and he's the President-elect that Trump learns about the Trump Dossier compiled by Christopher Steele when then-FBI Director James Comey briefs him and Obama about it.

Having guided his enemies into futility for months by having them vainly track/surveil him & Manafort & a few others looking for collusion, what did Trump & his team know would their enemies next step?

Trump & his advisors knew that when the political fixers in the DOJ/IC couldn't find any REAL collusion with Russia to use against him, they'd try to MANUFACTURE it.

When Trump & his advisors learn about the Steele dossier, they instantly grasp what it is and what it means.

It isn't until later that Trump & his team learn that this fake dossier full of Russian disinformation was actually USED by these political fixers to get that expected surveillance of the Trump campaign team.

So even at the time these political fixers thought they were going to find real collusion once they could listen in on Trump campaign comms, to get that surveillance they'd gone and used a dossier they KNEW was fake/unverified.

And then it comes out that the fake dossier was actually opposition research from #FusionGPS that was paid for the Hillary Clinton campaign & the DNC.

Trump & his advisors now fully see how their plan worked: they 'guided' the political fixers to Manafort, & to get the surveillance they wanted of the Trump team, they misrepresented the Steele dossier to the FISA court, a serious legal breach.

And then having gotten their surveillance of the Trump team approved by the FISA court, the fixers eagerly listened in for months and found.....


So now the political fixers want to move on to step 2. Their insurance policy of getting surveillance to collect evidence of Trump pay for play/collusion with Russia didn't turn up anything.

They need to MANUFACTURE a case against Trump.

And Trump's team quickly realizes that the guy the political fixers have targeted for their manufactured case is Trump's incoming National Security Advisor, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

During the course of the transition, claiming the Russians had interfered in the 2016 Presidential election, Obama levied harsh new sanctions on Russia at the 11th hour before leaving office.

Flynn, a 33 year veteran spook and a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA] who'd been fired by Obama for not playing along with his false narratives about the growing world terrorism threats, was tasked with reaching out to the Russians.

Now 2 facts to consider:

1) the NSA of incoming new administration is SUPPOSED to reach out to foreign officials, it's his job


2) Flynn is well aware all phone calls on unsecured lines to top Russian officials are monitored, recorded & often transcribed.

Flynn calls up the then-Russian Ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak on unsecured phones multiple times to discuss the sanctions that Obama just imposed.

Flynn is VERY WELL AWARE people are listening in on these phone calls.

As January arrives, and Trump prepares to take office, all of a sudden a story breaks in DNC Media that his new NSA, Gen. Flynn, has been caught doing A Very Bad Thing.

The narrative that's quickly launched with brilliant coordination in the DNC Media is this:

Trump & Flynn tried to set up a SECRET pay for play deal with the Russians to get these new sanctions lifted.

However, according to the narrative, Flynn stupidly DIDN'T KNOW that his phone calls to the Russians were being monitored, and it took the Obama administration about 10 minutes to learn he & Trump were violating the Logan Act!

So now Trump & his advisors could see the next step the political fixers had taken.

They couldn't find any real collusion, so they'd coordinated with the media to launch a false narrative about Flynn to manufacture a scandal for the incoming administration.

Well guess what? Trump and his team had a response waiting for this. Now that they knew what exact form it was taking & who the target was, they could move on to the next phase of this MILDEC operation.

Now that Trump was going to be taking office, 1 of the FIRST THINGS that had to happen was that all these political fixers in the DOJ/IC needed to be ISOLATED so that they couldn't cause any further damage to the federal institutions.

The next step after ISOLATING these political fixers in the fed. agencies was to THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATE their political fixing activities from the previous years.

And the third step after these fixers had been isolated & investigated was to PROSECUTE them and make examples of them so this kind of stuff never happened again.

On January 12th the DOJ IG, a man named Michael Horowitz, who'd watched in disgust all the corruption of Obama/Holder/Lynch unfold around him while he fought to do something about it, begins a new investigation.

Horowitz QUIETLY announces he's launching this new investigation to look into charges of corruption & political fixing inside the DOJ - particularly the FBI - in regards to the Hillary email scandal among other things.

While this is going on, these same political fixers in the FBI/DOJ that Horowitz is targeting are hot on the trail of @GenFlynn.

That false narrative about Flynn doing 'secret' pay for play collusion negotiations with the Russian ambassador was rolled out on...JANUARY 12TH. The same day Horowitz announces his investigation.

On January 24th, FBI agents - led by- SURPRISE! - Peter Strzok - interview Flynn about these nefarious phone calls he made to Kislyak.

Strzok is a counter intelligence agent at the FBI, one of the top agents there.

But he doesn't have 33 years experience in the spook business the way Flynn does.

Watch how this trap unfolds:

Flynn deliberately gives some vague, contradictory answers to Strzok about the Kislyak phone calls. Strzok leaves convinced he's got a solid perjury case here.

Meanwhile, DNC Media is playing it's role in the political fixers plan, incessantly and LOUDLY calling for Flynn to be investigated/prosecuted for his blatantly illegal act of,...uh...doing his job.

Now Trump and his team can use this exposure of the political fixer's plan to launch their own COUNTER PLAN.

The first step of which is: ISOLATION.

HOW do we put most of these political fixers in the FBI/DOJ where they can't cause any further trouble?

And the answer is: you have to create a believable COVER STORY that they will leap to accept.

What was the most fervent fever dream wish of the political fixers that would make all their dreams come true?

It would be the FBI going public with it's investigation of Flynn and then having Trump 'ask/order' the then FBI Director James Comey to 'go easy' on his good buddy.

Trump then fires Comey, who embarks on - get this! - a VERY public campaign of open leaking and loud crying that a SPECIAL COUNSEL be appointed and a VERY SPECIAL TEAM be assembled to investigate this President!

Well, technically, the SC is supposed to look into 'Russian interference in the 2016 election, but hey, everybody really knows who that guy and his special team would be after, right? 😉

All the political fixers, all the Democrats, all the news orgs in the DNC Media, they ALL cry with one smothering voice in joining the intrepid James Comey in DEMANDING that a special counsel be appointed IMMEDIATELY!


Bob Mueller, a guy who can't become the new FBI Director because he's already served 12 years in that role, meets with Trump privately & then is appointed as the new Special Counsel.

He begins assembling a team.

And wouldn't you know it, the team Mueller assembles is so blatantly partisan it's immediately obvious.

"Uh hey, why isn't this guy even trying to at least give the APPEARANCE his team won't be rabid Democratic partisans?"

Mueller can't do that because guess what? The team he's assembled IS MADE UP ENTIRELY OF RABID DEMOCRATIC PARTISANS. That's the PLAN.

He's gathered most of the most dangerous political fixers in the DOJ/FBI and he's ISOLATED them in a unit that will now chase the Holy Grail

Remember this one bedrock fact: Trump only talked about collusion with Russia during the campaign to lure the suckers in to a counter trap.

He & his team never actually did any REAL collusion.

There has never been anything REAL for Mueller & his team to find.

People who watched all the blatant political fixing in the DOJ/FBI that happened under Obama/Holder/Lynch but who DON'T know the secret watched all those fixers being recruited for Mueller's team and sounded the alarm loudly.

Well good. That actually helps.

The COVER STORY is airtight. The most troublesome people engaged in political fixing in the DOJ are now isolated on a team that....won't find anything of real consequence.

And those not actually on the team are FIXATED on the team that they hope will bring Trump down.

How many seconds do you think it took Peter Strzok to ponder if he wanted to join Bob Mueller's cool new investigative team that was going to prosecute Trump's people for Russian collusion? 🤔

The best cover story is one the enemy desperately hopes is true to the very bottom of their hearts.

I don't think ANY of Mueller's recruits for his team ever suspected anything.

So, the first step in the counter plan Trump & his advisors formulated has been accomplished by May: Isolation.


Each team member, while they are kept busy & distracted, are surveilled & their histories thoroughly examined.

Not only do Strzok & his other political fixer buddies have their CURRENT activities investigated, everything they worked on in the DOJ for the past several years is exhaustively examined & evidence is collected.

So a fake unit is assembled of suspected/known leakers & political fixers who think they are investigating Trump.

Instead, they are held in isolation while the DOJ IG Horowitz and others are INVESTIGATING THEM.

So eight months go by, with Mueller's team inside what's actually a holding cell frantically trying to manufacture collusion cases against Trump's people while Horowitz prepares to f**k these people in a way history will never forget.

How do we know Horowitz has the goods, all the evidence has been collected, the case against the corrupt FBI/DOJ fixers has been had all it's i's dotted and it's t's crossed?

Because the Strzok texts didn't leak. They were made public in a coordinated rollout.

The text messages were released to Congress then shown to the media.

Actually, since Congress leaks like a sieve and everybody in DC knows this, as soon as you show Congress something, it's almost as good as showing it to the media also.

Horowitz is preparing his final report. It's going to be over 1 million documents.

8 months and none of the targets ever figured it out until it was too late.

Oh, to have been a fly on the wall in that room with Mueller's team when the news about Strzok's texts hit.

The look on their faces as new vistas of understanding began to dawn upon them.

Strzok's reaction must have been priceless. There he is for the past 8 months, thinking he's about to help take Trump down.

And the entire time he had NO FREAKING IDEA he himself & others on that team were the targets of a deep background IG counter intelligence operation.

Imagine Muller presiding over this team for the past 8 months, watching them frantically subpoena records & pursue stuff having NOTHING to do with Trump or the election, desperately trying to find SOMETHING to nail Trump people with.

And privately laughing his ass off the entire time.

"Oh, you wanna go seize Manafort financials going back 12 years? Sure, go ahead." [Dumbass]

"You wanna pursue perjury against this Papadopolouswhatsis guy for lying about meetings that never happened?" Hey, why not?"

It's not an accident that news of the IG investigation surfaced immediately after Flynn copped a guilty plea to a process violation that everybody knew was BS.

See, it's not just crap these fixers did in making sure Obama & Hillary & others never suffered any consequences for their illegal acts that Horowitz has been investigating.


Ever notice Flynn doesn't look like a guy worried he's going to prison? I wonder what could account for that? 🤔

So what Horowitz has is both corruption of LEO procedures at the FBI to let Hillary & Co. skate while also turning around & trying to manufacture cases against Hillary & Obama's political enemies.

So now that the ISOLATION and INVESTIGATION phases of the counter intelligence operation are complete, we'll soon be moving to the third phase:


Examples are going to be made of these people to ensure NOBODY ever tries to abuse LEO/IC agencies & their intelligence/law enforcement powers ever again for their own partisan political purposes.

It's too late to stop what's coming. They can try to run, but they won't get far.

They'd only end up going to prison tired.


DM unroll this, would ya?!
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Old 12-21-2017, 07:19 PM   #2
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THE TRUTH--> http://directorblue.blogspot.com/201...n-how-fbi.html

A TIMELINE OF TREASON: How the DNC and FBI Leadership Tried to Fix a Presidential Election [Updated]

Date Description Source Link
Discovery of classified information on Clinton’s private email server announced; the matter is referred to the FBI
Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
State Dept. and other officials make security referral related to classified information possessed by Clinton and associates
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
After complaints from Clinton camp, New York Times edits story about email probe, removing "criminal" references
FBI official Andrew McCabe's wife Jill receives $700,000 from Clinton associate Gov. Terry McCauliffe's political entities
Intelligence Community Inspector General reports Clinton's private email server had SAP (highest classification level) data on it
FBI director James Comey names Andrew McCabe deputy director, with responsibility for oversight of Clinton investigation
FBI's Peter Strzok texts his mistress Lisa Page, an FBI attorney, calling Trump "an idiot", whose nomination would be "good for Hillary"
03/19/16 Hackers gain access to emails of Democrat operative John Podesta CNN http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/14/politi...ine/index.html
Paul Manafort hired as Trump campaign manager (Fusion GPS's Simpson and wife had reported on Manafort's Russian ties in 2008)
04/05/16 FBI's Strzok interviews Clinton aide Huma Abedin DC
04/09/16 FBI's Strzok interviews Clinton aide Cheryl Mills DC
Law firm Perkins Coie, using money from the Clinton campaign and DNC, hires Fusion GPS to find incriminating data on Trump
FEC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
DNC IT staff reports suspected hacking on its server(s) to FBI, but fails to turn over the server to the agency, instead hires Crowdstrike
FBI director Comey drafts statement exonerating Clinton before interviewing her or other key witnesses
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
05/03/16 Trump becomes the presumptive Republican nominee for the office of president Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald...Russia_dossier
Clinton IT specialist Paul Combetta admits lying to the FBI about erasing emails using BleachBit but is not charged for the crime
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
Washington Post reports there is "scant evidence" of a crime committed by Clinton through her use of a private email server
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
Crowdstrike claims it investigated DNC hacking and that Russians were responsible; FBI still denied access to server to confirm
Draft statement by FBI directory Comey exonerating Clinton, before key interviews, is circulated to FBI leadership
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ executive Bruce Ohr, is secretly hired by Fusion GPS, presumably to work on Russian "Dossier"
Fox http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017...p-dossier.html
Nellie Ohr applies for HAM radio license, presumably to create covert communication channel and avoid government surveillance
FCC http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/LicA...icKey=12382876
Donald Trump Jr. meets with Russian attorney after being lured by the promise of opposition research
NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/08/u...-manafort.html
06/12/16 Wikileaks' Assange warns that Clinton emails will be leaked ITV
Ex-MI-6 agent Christopher Steele is hired by Hillary Clinton's campaign through Fusion GPS, according to UK court filings
UK https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzg...ew?usp=sharing
FBI agent Peter Strzok changes wording of Clinton charges from criminal designation “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless"
Fox http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017...n-charges.html
06/20/16 Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele releases first memo related to Russian "Dossier" DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
A.G. Loretta Lynch secretly meets with Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac; they later deny discussing the investigation
Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
Clinton interviewed by FBI and Peter Strzok for 3.5 hours; she is not placed under oath nor recorded
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
07/05/16 FISA Court denies FBI request for surveillance of Trump campaign NRO http://www.nationalreview.com/articl...-trump-wiretap
07/05/16 Fusion GPS contractor Christopher Steele shares Russian "Dossier" with the FBI DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
FBI director Comey announces he does not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton for use of her email server
Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
A.G. Loretta Lynch accepts Comey's recommendation not to charge Clinton for mishandling classified information
USA Today https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...fbi/102581874/
07/10/16 DNC staffer Seth Rich murdered in as yet unsolved case Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Seth_Rich
07/22/16 Wikileaks releases archive of emails stolen from Democrat National Committee (DNC) Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_D...tee_email_leak
07/24/16 Clinton aide Robbie Mook claims Russians hacked DNC and Clinton campaign to aid Trump Politico
Wikileaks' Assange says he timed release of DNC emails to impact convention; says "no one" knows who provided emails
FBI announces it will investigate the DNC hack revealed by Wikileaks, Peter Strzok handpicked to lead investigation
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_D...tee_email_leak
FBI opens counterintelligence investigation into possible Russian "collusion" with Trump campaign led bt Peter Strzok
DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
08/06/16 FBI investigator Strzok texts mistress about a "menace", presumably meaning Trump DC
Washington Post implies John Brennan may have shared "Dossier" with President Obama around this date
08/15/16 FBI investigator Strzok texts mistress about needing an "insurance policy" against Trump CNN https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/12/12/p...mpression=true
FBI writes Congress defending decision not to prosecute Clinton, stating it was ‘extreme carelessness’ and not ‘gross negligence’
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.1d521047582b
On this day, NBC's Dilanian, Windrem, Arkin report claim M. Flynn clashed with intel officials during initial briefing with Trump team
CIA director James Brennan informs Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid about possible Russian "collusion" with Trump campaign
DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
08/27/16 Reid sends a letter to Comey referencing allegations made about Carter Page in the dossier DC
NBC's Dilanian, believed to be a Fusion GPS flack, reports on Trump Jr.'s 6/9 meeting with Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya
09/05/16 Hillary Clinton accuses Russia of interfering with U.S. election NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/06/u...on-russia.html
09/15/16 FISA Court approves FBI request for surveillance of Trump campaign based upon Russian "Dossier" DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
New York Times, Washington Post, and Yahoo News verbally briefed by Steele on Russian "Dossier" according to court filings
UK https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzg...ew?usp=sharing
Yahoo News publishes report based upon Russian "Dossier" and possible collusion with Trump campaign
Yahoo http://redirect.viglink.com/?format=...t=an%20article
John Carlin, head of DOJ National Security Division and involved with FISA requests, announces he is resigning
Comey claims his decision to exonerate Clinton was not made until after her interview with FBI agents
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.0cead386f5ef
FBI agents seize computer of Anthony Weiner during investigation of his communications with underage females
10/07/16 Obama administration officially accuses Russia of meddling in 2016 presidential election WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.1d521047582b
FBI agents tell McCabe and Strzok it's discovers 650,000 emails on Weiner's laptop, many of which were Huma Abedin's
Strzok's wife Melissa Hodgman given a major promotion to deputy director of SEC’s Enforcement Division
FBI meets with Fusion GPS contractor Steele and offers to pay him for more Russian "Dossier" material
DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
CBS reveals McCabe's wife received $700K in campaign donations from Clinton associate Gov. Terry McCauliffe
During Comey staff meeting, McCabe and Strzok are asked why they're sitting on the Huma/Weiner email disclosure
Comey announces he is reopening investigation into Clinton's email server due to information found on Anthony Weiner's computer
Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid's writes to James Comey asking him to release "explosive" information on Russian "collusion"
TPM http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckrak...ne-whats-known
Fusion GPS contractor Steele feeds information to David Corn of Mother Jones that ties Trump to Russian "collusion"
Mother Jones
Clinton campaign issues statement, citing Slate, about server in Trump Tower that secretly communicated with Russia
Clinton https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/s...50312119263233
11/06/16 Comey exonerates Clinton again after Weiner documents are reviewed "around the clock" WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.1d521047582b
11/08/16 Donald Trump is elected President of the United States Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
DOJ official Bruce Ohr meets in secret with Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele regarding Russian "Dossier"
Fox http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017...sier-firm.html
11/15/16 FBI agrees to continue funding Steele and his "Dossier" TPM http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckrak...ne-whats-known
11/18/16 Sen. John McCain told of the Russian "Dossier"; a copy is sent to McCain and key aides DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
CIA tells Congress that they believe the Russians hacked the DNC to help defeat Hillary Clinton's campaign
12/09/16 McCain provides a copy of Russian "Dossier" to FBI director James Comey DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
12/09/16 President Obama orders intelligence community to investigate Russian influence on U.S. election Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
Wikileaks' Assange says he guarantees emails did not come from Russia; that Obama administration is trying to undermine Trump
01/05/17 FBI says DNC refused to turn over server to determine nature of leaks CNN
01/06/17 Comey briefs President-Elect Trump on existence of "salacious and unverified" Russian "Dossier" CNS
U.S. intelligence chiefs Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rogers brief Obama on Russian "Dossier" and attempts to "influence" Trump
CNN http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politi...sia/index.html
01/10/17 BuzzFeed releases full Fusion GPS "Dossier" BuzzFeed https://www.buzzfeed.com/kenbensinge...DE6#.io8bXPQ9V
01/11/17 WSJ identifies author of Russian "Dossier" as Christopher Steele WSJ
DOJ IG Michael Horowitz announces probe into actions of FBI including McCabe's role in Clinton email scandal
NYT reports law enforcement officials "intercepted" communications of Trump officials, including Paul Manafort
01/22/17 Michael Flynn sworn in as National Security Adviser Moyer
Michael Flynn gives voluntary interview to FBI regarding Russian "collusion"; interviewer is Peter Strzok
Acting A.G. Sally Yates and Bill Priestap inform White House counsel that Flynn was "compromised" by Russian actors
01/30/17 Acting A.G. Sally Yates fired by President Trump for refusing to enforce his travel ban orders NPR
02/08/17 Jeff Sessions confirmed as Attorney General WaPo
Flynn fired by President after leaks claim that the aide has discussed sanctions with Russian actors, which Flynn denies
In meeting with Trump, Comey says he was asked by President if he could see fit to "letting Flynn go"
A.G. Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia "collusion" investigation, citing prior contacts with the Russian Ambassador
Comey testifies before Congress that FBI secretly investigated potential Trump "collusion" and hid that fact from Congress
Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
Comey denies accusations that the Trump campaign had been wiretapped by the U.S. government
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.1d521047582b
Press Secretary Sean Spicer strongly denounces surveillance and unmasking of Trump aides by Obama officials
Sen. Chuck Grassley writes to Comey over concern that McCabe's investigation of Clinton was tainted by campaign donations
05/09/17 Trump fires FBI director James Comey Time http://time.com/4774278/james-comey-fired-timeline/
Washington Post asserts Comey had requested additional funding and resources for Russia investigation before his firing
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...=.1d521047582b
05/17/17 DOJ names Robert Mueller special counsel to investigate Russian influence on election NYT
Former DHS head Jeh Johnson tells Congress that the DNC refused to turn over its server so it could throughly investigate
Comey asserts "Dossier" was "salacious and unverified", but was important because media was prepared to report it
07/13/17 CNN reports Strzok is working for Mueller's special counsel investgiation CNN
07/20/17 DOJ Inspector General receives compromising texts of Mueller investigator Peter Strzok from FBI DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/13/ne...i-trump-texts/
Consortium of Intelligence Professionals (VIPS) reports that there is no evidence that Russians hacked DNC
DOJ Inspector General meets with Mueller and Rosenstein to inform them of Strzok's text messages
DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/13/ne...i-trump-texts/
The Nation reports evidence that DNC insiders, not Russian hackers, compromised Democrat IT systems
The Nation https://www.thenation.com/article/a-...ears-dnc-hack/
08/10/17 DOJ Inspector General requests all communications between Strzok and Page DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/13/ne...i-trump-texts/
Fusion GPS chief Glenn Simpson meets with Senate committee for 10 hours, but refuses to divulge who funded "Dossier"
DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/28/fi...ssian-dossier/
House Intel Chair Nunes subpoenas DOJ and FBI for documents related to "Dossier", which Strzok is believed to be behind
Susan Rice admits she surveilled Trump administration after the election and later unmasked the identities of key aides
Two Fusion GPS officials plead the Fifth Amendment during House Intelligence Committee interviews
DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/18/fu...el-appearance/
10/24/17 Washington Post reveals Clinton campaign and DNC funded Fusion GPS and Russian "Dossier" TPM http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckrak...ne-whats-known
NBC's Delanian reports upon an illegal leak from the Mueller investigation that the first indictment will be issued Monday
10/30/17 Manafort and Gates indicted as part of Mueller's investigation NYT
10/31/17 FBI refuses House Intel Committee (chaired by Nunez) request to interview Strzok DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/14/st...tive-timeline/
Flynn signs please agreeement with special counsel, admitting he lied about sanctions conversations
Washington Post reveals existence of incriminating messages between Peter Strzok revealing anti-Trump biases
WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/world...=.2fa2cb13cf0c
12/04/17 CNN reveals Strzok changed wording of Clinton investigation to avoid criminal charges CNN http://www.cnn.com/2017/12/04/politi...CNNPolitics=Tw
DOJ executive Bruce Ohr demoted after revelations he secretly met with Fusion GPS, which had secretly employed his wife Nellie
Fox http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017...sier-firm.html
Rep. Adam Schiff accused of leaking privileged notes of meeting between Trump. Jr and House Intelligence Committee to CNN
Fox News reveals Ohr was in contact with Fusion GPS at the same time the FISA application was submitted and granted
Fox http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017...sier-firm.html
Rep. Jim Jordan grills FBI director Wray: was Dossier used to secure FISA warrant? Wray refuses to answer
Judge presiding over Michael Flynn criminal case, Rudolph Contreras, is recused, according to court statement for reasons unknown
Fox News reveals Ohr's wife was hired by Fusion GPS to create opposition research against Trump
Fox http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017...p-dossier.html
12/12/17 375 text messages between Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page are released CNN https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2017/12/12/p...mpression=true
Deputy FBI director Anrew McCabe cancels testimony before Congress after revelations about Nellie and Bruce Ohr are released
Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/big-governm...fficials-wife/
12/13/17 Deputy A.G. Rosenstein refuses to tell Congress whether the FBI paid for the Fusion GPS "Dossier" DC http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/13/de...d-for-dossier/
Rep. Jim Jordan states DOJ/FBI leadership attempted to fix the presidential election by inventing a "Russian Collusion" narrative
Fox http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017...lection-video/
12/18/17 Demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr fails to appear before Congress FoxBiz
GOP lawmakers call for investigation into leaks of privileged interview between Trump Jr. and House Intelligence Committee
FBI's McCabe testifies in private to House Intel Commitee a day after Senate Judiciary Chair Grassley called for his firing
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Old 12-21-2017, 07:27 PM   #3
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Had to give myself a "Like" on that one FUCKERS! And Doug Ross!!!

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Old 12-21-2017, 09:32 PM   #4
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doug ross?
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Old 12-21-2017, 09:38 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
each space is a tweet...


so, flynn lied to the FBI agent Strzok on purpose?

sounds like a fanciful theory... dunno.

it does appear that the DOJ IG investigation is going to be crucial in the months ahead.

what's your assessment on FBI Director Chris Wray?

It is odd that he wouldn't answer about the Dossier's connection to the fisa warrant.

who gets to remove the bad apples? everyone up & down the chain seems to be compromised in some way?
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Old 12-21-2017, 09:48 PM   #6
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President Trump has been playing the entire bunch like a cheap fiddle ever since he rode down that escalator to announce that he was running for President.

The Democrats, the Main Stream Media, and the entire "Swamp" are to damned stupid to figure it out.
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Old 12-21-2017, 09:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
President Trump has been playing the entire bunch like a cheap fiddle ever since he rode down that escalator to announce that he was running for President.

The Democrats, the Main Stream Media, and the entire "Swamp" are to damned stupid to figure it out.
In 2018 we will get to see how many more counties are turning red....I wonder if Alabama and Virginia are any indication?
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Old 12-22-2017, 09:07 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
In 2018 we will get to see how many more counties are turning red....I wonder if Alabama and Virginia are any indication?
No matter how much “threadreader”posts SLOBBRIN cuts and pastes up here, the writing is on the wall.

The country will not put up with this ridiculous Ryan’s dangerous turmoil and compromising of American values for another election CY le.

You assholes better enjoy it while you got it.

You’ll be standing trial soon enough.

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Old 12-22-2017, 09:13 AM   #9
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Speaking of cheap fiddles ....

... two cheap fiddlers decided they had something meaningful to post!

They can't really contribute to the subject matter.

It's over their pointed heads! One befriends whales and the other ....

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Old 12-22-2017, 10:23 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
In 2018 we will get to see how many more counties are turning red....I wonder if Alabama and Virginia are any indication?
The democrats are going to have to convince the voters that more take home money in their paycheck, a raise a bonus, no penalty for not buying obamacare, and a booming economy are all bad things, and that we should return to the stagnant times of the Obama economy.
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Old 12-22-2017, 08:30 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Speaking of cheap fiddles ....

... two cheap fiddlers decided they had something meaningful to post!

They can't really contribute to the subject matter.

It's over their pointed heads! One befriends whales and the other ....

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Old 12-23-2017, 06:57 AM   #12
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MOAR Keking 0zombie asses...



#TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #TheStormIsUponUs Literally the next day after Sessions ordered the public reopening of the #UraniumOne investigation, we get this:

Stealth Jeff

Within 2 weeks of Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce & Nellie Ohr & McCabe getting dragged into the daylight, leading to the exposure of a DOJ/FBI plot to use a fake dossier to manufacture a scandal around an incoming Presidential administration....

....we also get the BEGINNING of the reopening of ALL the compromised/sabotaged FBI investigations/programs under Obama/Holder/Comey.

1) #HillaryEmailServer
2) #UraniumOne
3) #ProjectCassandra

This dropping late on a Friday before CHRISTMAS is just perfect. The long weekend is coming up.

The entire gov't is out of town for the next 4-5 days.

Almost the entire 1st year was spent gathering the evidence - quietly - behind the scenes through DOJ IG Horowitz. Now the 2nd year is going to spent going PUBLIC with the evidence.

The actual *investigation* into all of this stuff has been going on already since January. But what's changing is that Sessions/Horowitz are now ready to begin going PUBLIC with what they've found.

This is all theater. Sessions is PRETENDING new investigations are being launched right now because he literally COULDN'T announce this stuff was being looked into back in February.

If Trump & Sessions had done what everybody expected & demanded, turned around 10 minutes after the inauguration & dramatically declared "And now we're reopening #UraniumOne & the Hillary Email server investigations!" how'd you think THAT would have gone?

Instead, they were SMART about it. They spent the better part of a year having the IG of the DOJ very carefully and very QUIETLY investigating the investigators inside his own department who did all the political fixing during Obama's 2 terms.

Why the *HELL* would you immediately launch new investigations/reopen old investigations until you've identified/removed all the POLITICAL FIXERS inside your own agency who facilitated/sabotaged previous investigations due to their political partisanship? 🤔

Do you think Trump & Sessions are STUPID or something?

News flash: They are NOT stupid.

As Strzok, Page, Bruce/Nellie Ohr, McCabe and a whole boatload of others have spent the past couple of weeks suddenly discovering for themselves.

DOJ IG Michael Horowitz's investigation is almost over, his report is coming, and when Congress just got a SMALL TASTE of what he found we got Congressional hearings featuring top DOJ/FBI people all sweating bullets.

The big thing is the DOJ/FBI using that dossier they KNEW was fake and that they KNEW was political opposition research PAID FOR by the Hillary Clinton campaign to help bolster a case for FISA warrant so they could SPY on Trump's campaign team.

And then when the warrant was approved & they spent MONTHS listening in on Trump campaign comms listening for evidence of Trump/Russia collusion and getting nothing, they decided to FRAME an American hero, @GenFlynn & manufacture a collusion scandal around him.

So in just the last 3 weeks we get:

1) The #InsurancePolicy scandal re. #FusionGPS & #MichaelFlynn
2) The reopening of #UraniumOne & #HillaryEmailServer investigations
3) A new investigation of Obama's sabotaging #ProjectCassandra to help his Iran Deal

BTW, don't be surprised if it turns out somebody already investigating the sabotaging of #ProjectCassandra during the last year pointed @politico investigative journalist @JoshMeyerDC in the right direction for that fantastic article that debuted a few days ago.

The 1st year was spent investigating behind the scenes, not tipping off the targets, building an airtight case.

2nd year: rolling out the evidence found by this investigation to the public AFTER removing/isolating all the political fixers/saboteurs inside the department.

Surprisingly enough, this yearlong rolling out of the evidence found/removal of the political fixers/saboteurs will coincide to the lead up to the 2018 midterm elections.

Imagine that. 🤔

It's almost as if......

Nah, couldn't be. Sessions is useless and Trump is an impulsive macho swaggering jerk.

This is just luck. Yeah, that's it! They're just amazingly lucky, that's all! 😉

Anyhoo, my prediction is it's mostly in year 3 we see the actual prosecutions begin.

This is how it's done in the real world, folks.

Not Fantasy Island, as I've been explaining for months to those insisting I explain why nobody's been charged yet.

This is not #TheStorm that materializes in a few minutes, blows itself out in a day and then quickly becomes a distant memory.

The buildup to this point took 11 months. #TheStorm is STILL not fully here yet, not by a long shot.

Once #TheStorm arrives in it's *full force* it's not going anywhere for YEARS. Like a typhoon that makes landfall and sits for DAYS on the same spot, this storm shall stay over Washington DC for years. YEARS.

When Trump gets reelected in 2020 we'll all look back to this time during the 1st year of his 1st term and regard with wonder how so many thought nothing was happening and all these people were going to get away with it.


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Old 12-23-2017, 07:13 AM   #13
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1) As we close out 2017, I want to remind all of the people who have been hating on Jeff Sessions all year—- This Man, along with Trump & crew, walked into a BIG mess at the DOJ & FBI full of corruption. They’ve been working all year, quietly, (until now) to unravel it all.


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2) Don’t be fooled- These two HATE each other. But they needed each other to keep their crimes concealed. They had a deal to keep each other protected & for Hillary to win. Unfortunately for them that didn’t work out

3) This guy won! Trump isn’t bought & paid for & he’s on a mission to crack down on the corruption & drain the DC swamp.

No one is safe anymore... no matter how high up you were...including ex-Presidents.

4) Remember this about @GenFlynn —>"General Flynn certainly has a story to tell & he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit," Mr Kelner

We’re now being told the General’s story slowly...in a very methodical way as to prepare the world for what’s coming

5) Just since @GenFlynn was indicted on a watered down “crime” what have we learned? A LOT

If you all follow @Imperator_Rex3 & @ThomasWictor, then you’re caught up & know most of the background on these individuals & why it’s playing out this way

6) One by one, all the dirty players inside the FBI & DOJ are being outed & ALL of their crimes are slowly being exposed.

“House Judiciary Lawmakers Mull Subpoenas on FBI, DOJ After Text Messages Reveal 'Path' to Stop Trump”
House Judiciary Lawmakers Mull Subpoenas on FBI, DOJ After Text Messages Reveal 'Path' to Stop Trump
House Judiciary Committee Republicans said Wednesday it was time to issue subpoenas to the FBI and the DOJ, following anti-Trump texts.

7) Aside from the corrupt agents in FBI & DOJ, just within the last several days look at what has happened:

First this- “DOJ will investigate ties between Clinton Foundation and sale of Uranium One, Sessions says”
DOJ scrutiny opens door to new Uranium One investigation
The Justice Department’s scrutiny of an Obama-era deal that gave Russia partial control of the U.S. uranium supply has opened the door to the possibility of a new investigation – egged on by the Whit…

8) Then we get this major story from left-leaning Politico exposing Obama & his protection of Iran supported terrrist organization, Hezbollah, in order to get the Iran deal done.

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook
An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran

9) And now we have this Breaking today:

“Sessions orders DOJ review after report Obama administration gave Hezbollah a pass”
Sessions orders DOJ review after report Obama administration gave Hezbollah a pass
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is launching a review of a law enforcement initiative called Project Cassandra after an investigative report was published this week claiming the Obama administration g…

10) I’ve been defending Jeff Sessions all year, saying patience is required.

It takes years to conduct proper investigations & deliver airtight indictments to make sure these people are put in prison. It has to be done right so we can Lock Them Up!

11) Literally in the past THREE days, Jeff Sessions has ordered investigations into:
Crooked H
The Clinton Foundation
Uranium One
AND now—>Obama!

Oh but remember the muh Russia “investigation” that’s pretty much going nowhere near Trump...

12) The same people that were calling for Sessions to resign just weeks ago, now have to eat crow & admit Sessions is delivering.

Anyone trashing Sessions again, I’m going to block you. It just wreaks of ignorance & lack of common sense to how this process works.

13) Back to @GenFlynn. I have a feeling what we know today is just a very small % of “the story he wants to tell.”

Michael Flynn is a patriot & hero. He stood up to Obama’s corruption, was fired & now under Trump, all the Obama & Clinton crimes Flynn knew about are being exposed

14) All I really wanted for Christmas was for the Crooked H crimes to be investigated.

Now I got an Obama investigation too! WOW This is the happiest I’ve been since November 8, 2016!!

#MerryChristmas everyone & buckle up for #TheStorm 🌪 that’s coming in 2018

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Old 12-23-2017, 07:48 AM   #14
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LMAO! Click the link and watch the 0zombies cry as President Trump murders unicorns... Good Times, Good Times!


triron (3,990 posts)

Anyone else been so angry and depressed since Trump "won"
that affecting their health (mental and physical)?
Not sure this post belongs here though.

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Old 12-23-2017, 08:17 AM   #15
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DHS is tracking you now.
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