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Old 11-25-2017, 09:07 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by NolaScofflaw View Post
I've created an Excel spreadsheet that allows you to more easily manage your hobby budget.

Download link:

You specify how much you want to spend per month and it gives you a daily allowance. I've explained the functions of each column below:
Date: The date of the appointment

Name: The name of the provider

Cost: The cost of the date

Target monthly allowance: The amount of money you intend to spend this month on dates. It should remain the same for every date entry within a single month, but may vary from month to month. By default, it will remain the same until changed manually

Total cost this month: How much money you've spent on dates so far this month

Previous month's balance: The balance that was carried over from the previous month. Regardless of whether the balance is positive or negative, it will add to or subtract from your allowance for the following month

Accumulated allowance: The amount of money you have to spend on your next date. The further you let this number get below zero, the longer you'll have to wait in order to save up the funds to get back within your budget. The current amount you have to spend is displayed in this column directly below the last date entry. The formula is:
(DailyAllowance * DayOfTheMonth) - TotalCostThisMonth + PreviousMonthsBalance

DailyAllowance: Target monthly allowance / 30 (ex. a monthly allowance of $600 will give you a DailyAllowance of $20)

DayOfTheMonth: The day of the month specified by the Date field. If no date is specified, the current date is used

Multiplying DailyAllowance by DayOfTheMonth will give you the allowance you've accrued so far that month. Subtracting TotalCostThisMonth from and adding PreviousMonthsBalance to this total will give you your Accumulated allowance

Days since last date: This isn't used by any of the formulas in this document. It's just here in case you want to use this number to help you figure out when you should plan your next date

If you don't add any entries for one or more months, the budgets for those months are skipped. You may add them to the Target monthly allowance for the following month to avoid this.

Please let me know if you guys have any ideas on how this could be improved or if you have a solution that might work better.
I think if you have that type of money to trick off like that, you probably shouldn't be tricking and getting it for free from some hot chicks, even if you have a extra 1000 a month I'd find a way to get some free pussy with that money rather than to pay for temporary pleasure.

Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
How old are you? Have to be under 25 or the most immature and ignorant man I have seen post in some time. You can create a spreadsheet whoopee Doo! Who cares? Are you so young that you are just figuring out how to run your finances? You must be young, but seems you wanted to help others.

A little advice, remember this hobby is an activity of selfishness and self is put above all else. Thus, helping others is usually not recommended. Maybe you have not been in hobby long enough to have learned this and you are not ruined yet. If that is true get out while you can.

How desperate is a man that only sees having sex with prostitutes in his futur? Have sex with some ladies that really like you. Might not be as pretty as some of these women but still more satisfying. Condom sex is not great sex ever, if you have had great sex then put your efforts toward that. Here there is no effort, phone call and cash and she will be slobbering on your knob in no time. No accomplisment.

The hobby looks fun and nice on this website but the reality is it is very cynical. She will lie and manipulate to get to your wallet, you will lie and manipulate to get the pussy. It is merely a fantasy of release, slightly better than jerking off. Think of it like a vacation, once you have seen Niagara falls no need to go back and budget is only temporary and not on going thing.

Remember, no one likes you here, and no one ever will. You are a pathetic John like the rest of us.


I agree, I feel better since I quit the business, I only seen maybe 4 or 5 women but it just wasn't worth it. They don't like me, fake smile, fake pleasure and I just felt it wasn't worth it but I don't knock others who do it.

Their was a recent John party on another site, I kinda laughed as I thought it looked pretty bad for men but I understand.

but I've met some escorts who just have no chill, sex ain't shyt to them, suck, fuck and drop me home and pay me.

But that don't mean they don't know how to love because I am sure they have a boyfriend they love but they're professionals at his shyt and I'm just not that type of guy.
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Old 11-25-2017, 09:30 PM   #47
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So this guy takes the time to build a complete spreadsheet to budget his hobby money. Ok I think its dumb but if he likes it go ahead. What I don't like is a complete record of date and times and provider. Why don't we just call LE and turn ourselves in. " No your honor I didn't do that" The judge replies " I have 47 pages on a spreadsheet that say you did and with who and where and what time it was" Bracelets anyone?
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Old 11-27-2017, 06:29 PM   #48
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OP, you seem board. Maybe out of work? If you need something to fill your days. I'm hiring. $10 bucks an hour plus tips detailing cars. The job's in Houston. 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. You pick the hours you want to work. No per diem, gas or moving expenses.
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Old 11-27-2017, 10:21 PM   #49
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A power point presentation of all the hookers we have all banged at the end of the year now thats something.
If everyone would just take pictures and selfies .

We could send them to the OP he then could compile that data along with the misc expenses , bill,s of sale,etc etc

We all would know where sales is at and where we could improve for next budget cycle .

The power point slide show of conquest,s in conjunction with spread sheet guy presents it,s annual gathering of mongers , fun baggers, and kick stand proppers this weekend at the civic center get your tickets at the door are from your whore .

LMAO i couldnt help my self
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Old 11-28-2017, 10:12 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by slickahhughs View Post
A power point presentation of all the hookers we have all banged at the end of the year now thats something.
If everyone would just take pictures and selfies .

We could send them to the OP he then could compile that data along with the misc expenses , bill,s of sale,etc etc

We all would know where sales is at and where we could improve for next budget cycle .

The power point slide show of conquest,s in conjunction with spread sheet guy presents it,s annual gathering of mongers , fun baggers, and kick stand proppers this weekend at the civic center get your tickets at the door are from your whore .

LMAO i couldnt help my self
We should also break it down into categories. 15 bjs,27 regular humps,9 handjobs, and then a freak category= 18 anals,11 cum on face, the nothing but swallow, and then 1 supreme all the above categories plus golden showers and fisting. I wonder how that would look on a spread sheet?
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Old 11-28-2017, 10:54 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
We should also break it down into categories. 15 bjs,27 regular humps,9 handjobs, and then a freak category= 18 anals,11 cum on face, the nothing but swallow, and then 1 supreme all the above categories plus golden showers and fisting. I wonder how that would look on a spread sheet?

Lmao !
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