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Old 11-11-2017, 06:59 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by KittyLamour View Post
Hi Katana Kay! Yes, I can't live without Verify Him and it has saved me trouble on more than one occasion. You can also look up clients by handle and email address, and you get much more info I believe in the paid version than you do with the free trial...BLM is correct about them getting a burner number when they burn bridges, but verify him will tell you it's a burner number so you can make your own decision about seeing someone risky or not. I'm not saying it is the ONLY thing you need to screen but I am saying it is a very useful asset in a provider's corner.

Take Grace up on her offer to help... she knows what she's talking about.
I definitely did get with Grace for help and I'm going to invest in the paid service! So much more on the paid version and I really like the option to text in for verification when you're out and about moving around. Sometimes I go out for a drink and then decide to do a little work when business just looks TOO good LOL

Thanks again to both of you and thanks OP for the thread
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Old 11-11-2017, 07:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Katana Kay View Post
I definitely did get with Grace for help and I'm going to invest in the paid service! So much more on the paid version and I really like the option to text in for verification when you're out and about moving around. Sometimes I go out for a drink and then decide to do a little work when business just looks TOO good LOL

Thanks again to both of you and thanks OP for the thread
You are welcome anytime Doll. Stay safe and have fun! xoxo
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Old 11-11-2017, 09:09 PM   #18
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Verify Him is the best in so many ways !
when I get a request and it's to good to be true , go to VH sue as hell he's been put on it for some reason ..
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Old 11-11-2017, 11:58 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by mrredcat43 View Post
Publicdatacheck, u can run plates. $30 a month, and you can find out all the info you want about somebody. So I've been told.........
Why the fuck would you want someone to know your real world information? Do you also give them your DL to photocopy when you show up for a session?
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Old 11-12-2017, 09:34 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
I don't believe a rapist or fake sugar daddy will use the same number after burning his number, if that's what you women call screening, you might as well asking him if he's safe.
I'm a legit hobbyist and I never use the same phone number. Screening by phone number is silly.
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Old 11-12-2017, 09:47 AM   #21
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I'm pretty new to the community, so this is just my experience. I've contacted other providers for references on a client by their handle and link to said clients eccie acct. most respond they have no idea who the guy is what's his number? I send the number or email and they are able to look that client up in their Personal seen client files and either suggest him or not. Idk I guess some guys do keep the same hobby number to keep in touch with fav providers, or for reference reasons etc. But of course everyone's comfortability level is different.
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Old 11-13-2017, 09:07 AM   #22
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Veteran provider here. I've done all kinds of screening throughout my career, from detailed personal info, to provider references, to almost no screening at all. In my experience, screening isn't always going to save you from trouble.

Of all the clients I've had the biggest problems with, most or all of them were from this site with references. So, checking references isn't always a huge help. It also gives you a false sense of security. Sure, screening can help weed out the time wasters and there may be an occasional alert on a bad time, but screening isn't full proof as for making sure someone is safe. Even if a guy has been a perfect client with a hundred other girls, that's not a guarantee that you won't be the one to catch him on a bad day. Be alert at all times and keep your wits about you.

References will also not save you from LE either. Lets just say they have their ways..

If you're looking to avoid LE, my advice would be to stay off their radar in the first place.

1) Be independent and single/not supporting a man in any way.
2) Be drug free
3) Don't be a danger to anyone/ thief/ scam artist type
4) Avoid associating with other girls
5) Having an incall is a bad idea, especially if you're higher volume. (Not saying having an incall automatically puts you on the radar, but its not going to help you avoid LE either. When they start getting calls and complaints from hotel workers or your neighbors in your apartment, their hands are forced and ignoring you is no longer an option.)

These aren't full proof, but nothing ever is. With all the tools and resources at their disposal, if LE really wants you, they will get you. They know who you are and where you are, so if you have been at this for any length of time and haven't been busted, its not luck, you just weren't on their "to do" list. At least that's what I've learned in my years here in the hobby. With all the new attention the trade has been getting, that could have changed. Who knows?

And I'm not saying don't screen, I'm just saying watch your back regardless.
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Old 11-13-2017, 11:31 AM   #23
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Your entire "how to avoid LE" list is off.. but since you're insisting on posting this in flipping COED-- I'm not going to explain why.
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Old 11-13-2017, 01:00 PM   #24
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Default IMHO, the best screening is: EACH OTHER

Interesting notes: Texas
1st offense up to 180 days and/or $2,000,
2nd up to 1 yr and/or $4,000,
3rd 180 days-2 yrs and/or $10,000
(more than 3 is a state jail felony)

Class B misdemeanor: Up to 180 days in jail, fine of up to $2,000.
Class A misdemeanor: Up to 1 year in jail, fine of up to $4,000.
State jail felony: 6 months to 2 years in a state jail facility, find of up to $10,000.
Third degree felony: Up to 10 years in prison, fine of up to $10,000
Second degree felony: 2 to 20 years in prison, fine of up to $10,000.
First degree felony: 5 years to life in prison, fine of up to $10,000.

Hope all this information helps you ladies in your decision,
to get along with each other and watch each others back.

Remember this thread?

or this one?

IMHO, the best screening is: EACH OTHER.

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Old 11-13-2017, 01:11 PM   #25
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by Copierguy0 View Post
Interesting notes: Texas
1st offense up to 180 days and/or $2,000,
2nd up to 1 yr and/or $4,000,
3rd 180 days-2 yrs and/or $10,000
(more than 3 is a state jail felony)

Class B misdemeanor: Up to 180 days in jail, fine of up to $2,000.
Class A misdemeanor: Up to 1 year in jail, fine of up to $4,000.
State jail felony: 6 months to 2 years in a state jail facility, find of up to $10,000.
Third degree felony: Up to 10 years in prison, fine of up to $10,000
Second degree felony: 2 to 20 years in prison, fine of up to $10,000.
First degree felony: 5 years to life in prison, fine of up to $10,000.

Hope all this information helps you ladies in your decision,
to get along with each other and watch each others back.

Remember this thread?

or this one?

And this is why there are certain ladies that I will never take a reference from.

Of course, I also prefer to keep screening tips, sites, and techniques in the ladies area... the less information that is out there, the more secure overall.

Discretion-- its not just a SAT word.
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Old 11-13-2017, 01:39 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Tapper69 View Post
Why the fuck would you want someone to know your real world information? Do you also give them your DL to photocopy when you show up for a session?
Some smart guys will give up their social if asked, unless you have tricks DNA, the screening BS is a false sense of security, people can change over night and go crazy at anytime.
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Old 11-13-2017, 01:59 PM   #27
Grace Preston
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The purpose of screening is to weed out LE and KNOWN risks. We cannot weed out people who snap, it just isn't possible. That is part of the risk of the job.

In some markets, its quite common for guys to give up their DL info.... the reasoning behind it is-- are you more likely to do harm to someone who doesn't know your name or someone who has your name and can press charges?

Nothing can prevent every bad scenario.. but good screening can prevent about 90% of it.
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Old 11-13-2017, 04:37 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
The purpose of screening is to weed out LE and KNOWN risks. We cannot weed out people who snap, it just isn't possible. That is part of the risk of the job.

In some markets, its quite common for guys to give up their DL info.... the reasoning behind it is-- are you more likely to do harm to someone who doesn't know your name or someone who has your name and can press charges?

Nothing can prevent every bad scenario.. but good screening can prevent about 90% of it.
Giving up RW info to a complete stranger is just idiotic, I just move on to the next whore who doesn't ask for personal information. Lucky I haven't had to deal with this for some time now
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Old 11-13-2017, 05:11 PM   #29
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You can always get a gun and learn how to run if you're too lazy to screen.

< / sarcasm >
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Old 11-14-2017, 11:23 AM   #30
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Like Farmers, I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two. I've been around long before ASPD days. I'll share what I've seen happen to providers over 25+ years to help providers with screening.

Screening is never fool proof, but if done correctly it can eliminate 99% of risks.


1. Manage your money. Don't live above your means, don't have bad habits, don't have a manager, etc. Creeps prey on providers who don't manage their money. When providers are low on money and rent is due they cut corners on screening which eventually comes back to bite them. Don't advertise how much it cost to be a provider (gas, hotel rooms, supplies, etc.). This tells the creeps you may be desperate for money.

Proper screening will cause a fraction of new clients to look for other providers with little to no screening. Remember not all money is good money and losing 25% of potential clients is the cost of doing business safely. It all gets back to money management.

2. ALWAYS require new client to PM through eccie. Requiring a message on P411 too is even better, but not all new clients on eccie will also have p411. Eccie and p411 accounts have been hacked and used to rip off/hurt providers, but it's really rare. Email, phone numbers, text messages can all be spoofed. People can make your phone or email inbox show whatever they want you to see. So looking up these numbers on verifyhim is useless.

3. Require new clients to show you their driver's license when they arrive. You don't need to write anything down. You just need to see the name and pic to make sure it's the person you're about to have fun with. Someone is far less likely to do something wrong if you know their real name.

4. Anyone can pretend to be a provider and get setup on sites like verifyhim, etc. A lot of providers will post a clients real name, cell number, address, etc. on verifyhim if the client is 10 minutes late to the session. A creep who is lurking in verifyhim knows this client has otherwise good references and the 10 minute alert was bull shit. So he takes down the client's info from the alert and makes your phone show up with this client's number when he calls to schedule with you. This has been done more times than most providers realize. Just realize verifyhim, powder room, etc. are secretly being read by creeps. So be real careful what you post anywhere.

5. Never ever use backpage, etc. Police have limited resources, so they go after low lying fruit. Backpage is full of pimps, human trafficking, etc. You make yourself an unecessary target when you advertise outside of established sites like eccie. Generally speaking, police assume eccie polices itself.

6. Take birth control too. If you see 200 clients in a year, there's a good chance 2-3 times condom will accidently slip off. Especially if guy can't cum and cfs has been going on for a long time. I've known several providers who accidently got pregnant by clients.

7. Never eat or drink anything a client gives you. Don't consume alcohol with clients.

Remember these things and you will eliminate 99% of risks. Don't do these things consistently and you will eventually be raped, robbed, locked up, or pregnant.
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