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Old 11-06-2017, 04:13 PM   #151
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Maybe we just not allow Democrats to own firearms and we would shutdown 98% of all the gun violence in Chicago and probably everywhere else as well.
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Old 11-06-2017, 06:45 PM   #152
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
So we need to eliminate atheists and leftists to stop all the hate and gun violence?
Option 1: put a season with puchased tags

Option 2: Tell the cajuns and rednecks,...they're illegal to shoot....and taste good.
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Old 11-06-2017, 06:46 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
if it b broke, fix it. how many more fish in a fish bowl, oops i mean people living life, have to die?
fuck your prayers and your fucking vapid platitudes...
pmx'er.....where was your ban on home depot rental trucks?

We've been through this shit before man. Clearly, you aren't gettin it.
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Old 11-06-2017, 06:54 PM   #154
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^^ Im not getting it? You're joking, right? You propose nothing at all, right?
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Old 11-06-2017, 07:00 PM   #155
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No...you're pretty scatter brained.
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Old 11-06-2017, 08:40 PM   #156
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^^ true lol, but i'd like to hear some solutions/proposals to stop the periodic slaughters.

we can put a man on the moon
build a driverless car
have air bags save lives

but no one has the slightest clue how to reduce the slaughters, and we shouldn't even try. did i get that right?
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Old 11-06-2017, 09:06 PM   #157
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I blame you for not reporting his fb rants ^^^

And for not following up with the USAF to make sure they sent their paperwork to the FBI.

Airbags save lives?

They sure have killed quite a few people without pulling a trigger.

GS was wrong. You have to have a brain to be scatter brained.
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Old 11-06-2017, 09:31 PM   #158
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^^^ I stand corrected.

Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
^^ true lol, but i'd like to hear some solutions/proposals to stop the periodic slaughters.
You don't get it. They can't be stopped. There's a certain probability of unexpected deaths tomorrow. Death by psycho is one of them.

Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
we can put a man on the moon
build a driverless car
have air bags save lives
Linck up the dead astronaut list

driverless/auto pilot cars already killing people

air bags?....Ask Takata about that.

Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
but no one has the slightest clue how to reduce the slaughters, and we shouldn't even try. did i get that right?
Still 3000 baby slaughters a day and your worried about 26 rednecks on a single Sunday.

sorry...but your statements are those of a fuckin idiot
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Old 11-06-2017, 11:13 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Slitlikr View Post
I blame you for not reporting his fb rants ^^^

no FB for me. Biz model: tell me all your personal shit so i can sell it to the highest bidder

And for not following up with the USAF to make sure they sent their paperwork to the FBI.

Not my job

Airbags save lives?


They sure have killed quite a few people without pulling a trigger.

more lives saved than lost.

GS was wrong. You have to have a brain to be scatter brained.
nice ad hominem attack. when you have no argument, attack the man. good stuff Slit. very classy and very convincing...

Globe and I don't agree on anything political, but we can still have a civil conversation. well i just read his post. it seems we used to be able to have a civil conversation.

ah fuck it, ima go buy me an AR15. Hell, I love mayhem. ya'll finally convinced me, and I'm glad they're legal now...

I made my HOA president piss his pants right in front of me. now they don't invite me to their stupid meetings. dumbfucks forgot i'm locked in with 'em, behind the gates...ha ha.
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Old 11-07-2017, 09:48 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by pxmcc View Post
ah fuck it, ima go buy me an AR15. Hell, I love mayhem. ya'll finally convinced me, and I'm glad they're legal now...
Real men carry at least an AR10.
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Old 11-07-2017, 10:45 AM   #161
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These event's are horrific and sad but the tool these lunatics use will only change if laws are changed. I proudly served 20 yrs. in the USMC and have been inactive only 2 yrs. Please understand that this is simply my opinion and by no means makes it right, it's just mine. I'm not looking for an argument and respect the opinions of others right up until the country is disrespected. especially by those who've done nothing except take from it .My belief is that if someone's mind is set to cause destruction they'll find a way. We've seen the amount of vehicle attacks increasing and the size of the vehicle used getting larger as the number of these sick acts increase. I no more support limiting the size or capacity of a vehicle someone can buy or rent than I do limiting the size or capacity of a firearm someone chooses to own. I'm a serious gun collector with all the paperwork necessary to own whatever I choose and money allows. This is my right and I don't feel our rights should end where someone else's crazy begins. I keep reading about liberals insisting the AK-47, AR-15, AR-10 and like are " assault" weapons. All weapons are assault by design and purpose. Just because it's black and " tactical" in appearance does not make it more dangerous. By the way, those who are knowledgeable realize that 99% of what's on the market today and advertised as " tactical" means black and plastic and is just a catch word to attract the attention of those who don't know.. I'm also an avid hunter and what seems to be not understood by some is that the AK-47 fires one of the most common hunting rounds in use and changing the appearance of what sends this round doesn't change the power of it.. Crazy is gonna do what crazy does. I'm a lifetime member of the NRA and support what they do. I don't think peoples rights should be taken away do to the actions of the few insane people that do evil things. Where does it end? Since 9/11 my grandmother can't get on a plane without being violated in the name of national security because of what terrorist did on our soil. Phone calls, text, emails from citizens with no criminal background are links to terrorist groups were discovered to be kept in the name of security. This was all started with the actions of a few insane and evil people. The rights of the people do not need to be taken away because of a few. It's guns in the spot light now but what's next: where does it end. You can't legislate evil.
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Old 11-07-2017, 11:50 AM   #162
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Very well said Bo
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Old 11-07-2017, 01:35 PM   #163
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So, how many of these mass murderers were aor are memb ers of the NRA?
I will help you out here.
the number is less than one.
How many were leftist Democrats.
I will help you out here.
The answer is more than one.
Seems there is a greater problem with the hate filled leftists democrats than there are with peaceful law abiding NRA members.
How many people have been killed, maimed, hurt, or arrested at a NRA rally?
I will help you out on this one as wel.
Again the answer is less than a single member of the NRA unless attacked by a leftist democrat.

I see a trend here.
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Old 11-07-2017, 02:59 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by tbone2u View Post
Very well said Bo
true bones. he missed two good opportunities though.

1. he could have mentioned my old pipe in a log analogy

2. he could have mentioned boxer, Feinstein, and their California button drop or wtf it is

Otherwise, he might have written the perfect country and western song.
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Old 11-07-2017, 04:12 PM   #165
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Psychologically speaking as human beings we are always searching for an answer BESIDES what we might KNOW to be true. how do you explain the millennia of religion? or the 9/11 conspiracy theories? I mean does our government do some shady stuff? OF COURSE, but come on. Occam's razor is classic philosophy here, the SIMPLEST answer is usually the right one... whats easier to believe? the fact that one very intelligent yet emotionally disturbed man planned, supplied, and executed the deadliest lone shooter massacre in history or that the government sought out a scapegoat, set him up, faked the statements of many friends a relatives that say he has emotional issues, framed his brother as a pedophile, killed all those people from 4 different location, and yet not one shred of evidence has been found of a second firing position, and not one single casing on the ground from a "helicopter sniper" stop drinking the kool aid...
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