Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Basscat, you get it. So does everyone else just harder for them to admit it. If a lady wanted to come back she would not leave in first place.
Thanks Basscat for stating the same thing I said.
GM2 lets not go putting words in my mouth. While I do agree that in my experience women tend to come back eventually. I never did say that I knew anything about why Angel returned. I have never had the privilege of meeting her so I wont be so presumptuous as to say what her reasons for returning are.
Over the years I have known women to return for many reasons not just the money. I know women who actually like the thought that men lust after them to the point they are willing to pay them for sex. I could see where this would be very flattering. I wish I felt attractive enough that women would hunt me down and offer me cash to fuck them because they thought I was attractive. Sadly this is not the case for me. I am the one who has to do the paying.
Yes a lot of women become accustomed to the money and I dont blame them. I enjoy making large sums of cash for the least amount of effort myself. Not saying that what they do is of little effort but I will say this its sure seems a lot easier than nailing shingles on a roof in the middle of the summer. Its damn sure easier than what I do to afford to spend time with them at least from my point of view when its 100 degrees outside and I am sweating like a pig 12 hours a day in it.
I will say this. I have seen a lot of guys who hobby and we are not the best looking most fit group of men as a whole. I know that I have standards based on my physical appearance as to what kind of woman I will sleep with in my life. These ladies throw that to the wayside when they start this profession. It has to be difficult to be a smoking hot 20 year old letting a fat bald disgusting old man touch her perfect young body. God forbid if they allow dfk and grandpa is stuffing his wrinkled tongue in her mouth. It takes a special kind of woman to take that kind of misery and not hang herself at the end of the day.
So for what its worth I think any woman who does this for a living for whatever reason is a saint. I know they bring me a ton of pleasure I would otherwise not know. I will never judge a girl for her choices as I know all to well how difficult life is. To go one step further I will always treat any woman who does this with the same respect that I show any woman I know. All to often guys treat these women like whores or as if they are somehow better than they are because they sell themselves. I will never understand this.
So Angle whatever your reason for returning I personally would like to thank you for making guys like myself lives better. Well that and for posting pics of your gorgeous boobs on the internet for all to see. Thats pretty cool of you too.
Oh btw I started a thread called the boob appreciation thread in the coed section. We could sure use some pics of your girls in it for us guys to drool over. Some very kind ladies have already contributed and you would make a fine addition. You can always email them to me if you have trouble posting them and I will gladly do it for you.