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Old 10-09-2017, 01:05 PM   #61
Mr. Smith111
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Originally Posted by proteus317 View Post
The original post was supposedly about asking for opinions. Now, the thread is about convincing people that only one opinion is correct. To quote the dotard...Sad. One thing that makes this country great is that we don't have to share the same opinion about things.

A reminder that there are people doing worse than taking a knee at a game during the anthem, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westbo...est_activities

Some of you may agree with their positions, but actually fucking with military funerals is a big red line for me -- even though SCOTUS says their activities are protected.
You're right, good point. I don't think I'll be dropping by that church either. Damn!
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Old 10-09-2017, 03:40 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by ffflowerman4 View Post
I worked as an unpaid volunteer for weeks in Rockport. I have family and friends in Puerto Rico. Nothing could be further from the truth regarding Trump and federal assistance. That corrupt inept Mayor has lied and made things sound like it is a relapse of Katrina. I had 3 sisters and a mother/in-law all lose houses in katrina. And my MIL was stranded on a roof for 3 days and the convention center for another five. The response in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico have been incredible.
I am speaking from experience, not from the talking heads on tv. My boots have been on the ground, gloves on my hands and slept in Red Cross shelters during the disaster assistance.
FFFM, thanks for putting in the work with your boots on the ground Bro. The residents of Rockport-Fulton, Aransas Pass, and Port Aransas need all the assistance they can get to rebuild their lives, businesses and homes.

PD, I can't go with ya on this one man. I will give JJ credit that he came out and said that any Cowboys player disrespecting the flag will not play. Good! It was also nice to see the VP walk out of the San Francisco game after more disrespect to the flag was shown by team players. The NFL Commissioner needs to grow a set and put a stop to this. I think I will tune in the game for a bit tonight so i can see who is advertising and send letters to their corporate headquarters saying I am boycotting their products because of their support for malcontents.
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Old 10-11-2017, 12:54 PM   #63
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Default What Is Disrespect

I was taught that the US flag represents a living entity (the U.S.), and as such, no one should wear the flag as part of their clothing. The exception being uniforms of armed services personnel, law enforcement, and firefighters, because their job is to put their lives on the line for others. If you go to http://abcnews.go.com/US/flag-waving...ry?id=50107408 and scroll down, you will see a picture of Martin Truex, Jr. standing during the national anthem, hat in his hand, held over his heart. All very respectful. If you look at his driving suit, you will see the torso plastered with the logos of corporate sponsors, some quite large. Down on his waistband is a small US flag.

To me, this is far more disrespectful of the flag than taking a knee during the national anthem. It screams out, "I respect the flag, but not as much as I do money."

So for those of you who feel strongly enough about players taking a knee during the national anthem to boycott the sport or its advertisers, is Martin Truex, Jr. disrespecting the flag but wearing it on hist clothing in such a non-prominent size and location? If not, why not?
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Old 10-11-2017, 03:54 PM   #64
Mr. Smith111
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Originally Posted by tandyscone View Post
I was taught that the US flag represents a living entity (the U.S.), and as such, no one should wear the flag as part of their clothing. The exception being uniforms of armed services personnel, law enforcement, and firefighters, because their job is to put their lives on the line for others. If you go to http://abcnews.go.com/US/flag-waving...ry?id=50107408 and scroll down, you will see a picture of Martin Truex, Jr. standing during the national anthem, hat in his hand, held over his heart. All very respectful. If you look at his driving suit, you will see the torso plastered with the logos of corporate sponsors, some quite large. Down on his waistband is a small US flag.

To me, this is far more disrespectful of the flag than taking a knee during the national anthem. It screams out, "I respect the flag, but not as much as I do money."

So for those of you who feel strongly enough about players taking a knee during the national anthem to boycott the sport or its advertisers, is Martin Truex, Jr. disrespecting the flag but wearing it on hist clothing in such a non-prominent size and location? If not, why not?
You had to dig pretty deep to find that one didn't you! LOL. After looking at it and then looking up the flag code, I think he is probably wrong wearing it. He is also standing at attention, hand over heart during the anthem, which tells me he is probably not informed of the flag code, and is not intentionally being disrespectful. Maybe you should send him a note on that and I bet he would change it. I don't watch NASCAR or any racing, so a boycott means nothing on my part. Lot's of work uniforms have a flag sewn on them, and in the code or not it is meant as a sign of patriotism.

While you may find it more disrespectful I think your argument lacks any substance because in one case it's a clear case of showing disrespect intentionally, and in the other it's an attempt at showing respect, even if it's misguided or not following the code.

Either way, the NFL is feeling the pressure and seeing the lost revenue and is about to change all of it's policy on the anthem and how players act while it's being played. I may or may not watch again this year. I'm not really missing it.
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Old 10-11-2017, 09:19 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post
You had to dig pretty deep to find that one didn't you! LOL.
Not really, although I realize that not many would have thought about it. People wearing the flag on apparel has long been something that really irks me. I always knew I was somewhat in the minority on that. I'm beginning to realize I am in a very small minority. LOL

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111 View Post
which tells me he is probably not informed of the flag code, and is not intentionally being disrespectful. ... Lot's of work uniforms have a flag sewn on them, and in the code or not it is meant as a sign of patriotism.
in one case it's a clear case of showing disrespect intentionally, and in the other it's an attempt at showing respect, even if it's misguided or not following the code.
I think this really gets to the heart of the issue. I agree with you that Truex is probably unaware that he is breaking the flag code, and is attempting to show respect. And one significant difference between the two is that Truex is not doing anything to draw attention to the flag he is wearing while the NFL players who take a knee obviously know that they will be conspicuous when doing so. They also obviously know that what they are doing is not the normal way of showing respect. But I am not convinced that their intent is to be disrespectful to the flag. Is it possible that they believe they are being respectful by visibly taking a stand (or in this case, a knee) to point out what they believe is an injustice?
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Old 10-11-2017, 11:47 PM   #66
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You really cannot compare those two situations. For the NFL players it is deliberate and malicious intent. For the NASCAR driver it is not.
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Old 10-12-2017, 06:53 AM   #67
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How do you know their intent is malicious?
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Old 10-12-2017, 07:01 PM   #68
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Wake the fuck up. I wear an American flag on my shoulders
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Old 10-12-2017, 09:37 PM   #69
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+1. Mokoa
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Old 10-14-2017, 07:00 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by Mokoa View Post
You really cannot compare those two situations. For the NFL players it is deliberate and malicious intent. For the NASCAR driver it is not.
Deliberate. Absolutely.

LOL... Malicious.. Really?? How can protesting against injustice be malicious? Many people agree with their right to protest. The majority just disagree with the way they are protesting. Just because you may not agree it doesn't make it malicious. That's the equivalent of saying Rosa Parks was deliberate and malicious for refusing to sit in the designated "Colored" section..

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Old 10-14-2017, 03:12 PM   #71
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“Many people agree with their right to protest. The majority just disagree with the way they are protesting.” That sums it up!!!!
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Old 10-14-2017, 05:22 PM   #72
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Let's see someone take a knee at Kyle Field before a football game.
In Austin it would be expected.
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Old 10-14-2017, 08:39 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by tandyscone View Post
How do you know their intent is malicious?
Originally Posted by moneytalksny View Post
Deliberate. Absolutely.

LOL... Malicious.. Really?? How can protesting against injustice be malicious? Many people agree with their right to protest. The majority just disagree with the way they are protesting. Just because you may not agree it doesn't make it malicious. That's the equivalent of saying Rosa Parks was deliberate and malicious for refusing to sit in the designated "Colored" section..

I never questioned their right to protest. What I labeled malicious was their method. There are ways to protest without being disrespectful. They chose to not do that. That is malicious.

Freedom of speech does not include freedom of responsibility.
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Old 10-15-2017, 11:04 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Bill James View Post
Wake the fuck up. I wear an American flag on my shoulders
Originally Posted by Bill James View Post
Let's see someone take a knee at Kyle Field before a football game.
In Austin it would be expected.
So true. Saw em off!!
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Old 10-15-2017, 11:09 AM   #75
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I don't know what sucks worse..... the NFL or this thread...
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