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Old 10-07-2017, 07:31 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
The latest reason why players are kneeling for the anthem is because Francis Scott Key was a slave owner and somewhere buried in the third verse is a nasty slave reference. Yeah, I didn't even know there were three verses.
Democrats still think they own black folks.
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Old 10-07-2017, 07:44 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Democrats still think they own black folks.
I suppose that is better than wanting to shoot them like Republicans....

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Old 10-07-2017, 10:54 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Bush was connected when he was born....he'd made no money on his own. The money he made off the Rangers was a direct result of government intervention.

Isn't that wtf the thread is about? Which is worse, a black football player taking a knee or corrupt political transfers of wealth from the taxpayers to private citizens through political connections?


When George W. Bush first embarked on a deal to buy the Texas Rangers professional baseball team in 1988, he already had his eye on the governor's mansion in Austin. But he knew that to have a shot at winning, he would need better credentials than a string of unsuccessful oil companies and a failed bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1989 he told Time magazine, "My biggest liability in Texas is the question, 'What's the boy ever done?' He could be riding on Daddy's name."

Bush had no money to speak of....he had his Father name.

After many failed businesses
He put up $600,000 and had other investors. He made 15 million after the sale. The Rangers have been successful financially. It happens in every professional sports. I don't mind a person making a buck. I own more of Hienz field than the current players. They don't own the league, team or stadium. It's not their "platform". Stand for the Anthem. They should protest City Hall. Go for it.
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Old 10-07-2017, 12:34 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
He put up $600,000 and had other investors. He made 15 million after the sale. The Rangers have been successful financially. It happens in every professional sports. I don't mind a person making a buck. I own more of Hienz field than the current players. They don't own the league, team or stadium. It's not their "platform". Stand for the Anthem. They should protest City Hall. Go for it.
Yes....after he got taxpayers to fund a stadium and after his father was elected President of the United States.....he was given an extra 10% of the team and they took land from people that did not want to sell......then and only then did he make money.

Are all owners doing this? Most are but you wait until a black man takes a knee at a football game to finally speak out against this?

I'm not sure what yall are mad about....the owners fleecing the public or the owners fleecing the public and not keeping their Black Players bringing you lemonade.

Are you mad because these owners get sweetheart deals ?

Or that their slaves are not being respectful enough.

Because that is the problem I have with the GOP supporters....they seem not to give two fucks about the rich taxing from the poor but have a Black man get out of line and it is shoot first and ask questions later.

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Old 10-07-2017, 12:48 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes....after he got taxpayers to fund a stadium and after his father was elected President of the United States.....he was given an extra 10% of the team and they took land from people that did not want to sell......then and only then did he make money.

Are all owners doing this? Most are but you wait until a black man takes a knee at a football game to finally speak out against this?

I'm not sure what yall are mad about....the owners fleecing the public or the owners fleecing the public and not keeping their Black Players bringing you lemonade.

Who's ma
Are you mad because these owners get sweetheart deals ?

Or that their slaves are not being respectful enough.

Because that is the problem I have with the GOP supporters....they seem not to give two fucks about the rich taxing from the poor but have a Black man get out of line and it is shoot first and ask questions later.

Who's mad? Seems like you are. I wouldn't call anyone who makes on average 2.5 million a year a slave. More like highly paid independent contractors. Just like yourself!
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Old 10-07-2017, 01:01 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Who's mad? Seems like you are. I wouldn't call anyone who makes on average 2.5 million a year a slave. More like highly paid independent contractors. Just like yourself!
I'm not crying about players taking a knee.

You seem to be crying that the owners haven't stopped them.

You seem to want to threaten to stop funding their stadiums if they do not get those black contractors under control!

You never have seemed to care that you funded their play toys until those pesky blacks weren't showing the proper respect.

Now it is...."We will take away your stadiums if you do not get them under control!"
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Old 10-07-2017, 01:16 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I suppose that is better than wanting to shoot them like Republicans.....
Republicans don't want them all shot.. We just prefer law and order..
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Old 10-07-2017, 01:52 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
Republicans don't want them all shot. Just the ones kneeling! . We just prefer law and order..

Law and Order?


No, it doesn't. Section 171 does not specify nor impose penalties for violating the section of the code. According to a Congressional Research Service report to Congress in 2008, “The Flag Code is a codification of customs and rules established for the use of certain civilians and civilian groups. No penalty or punishment is specified in the Flag Code for display of the flag of the United States in a manner other than as suggested. Cases ... have concluded that the Flag Code does not proscribe conduct, but is merely declaratory and advisory."
In other words, the Flag Code serves as a guide, and it is followed on a voluntary basis. You won't be forced to stand for the National Anthem, nor hauled off to jail if you don't. Cases brought because of something in the code -- mainly ones that involve defacing the flag -- have made their way to the U.S. Supreme Court where the justices have upheld that such conduct is protected by the First Amendment.
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Old 10-07-2017, 02:26 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes....after he got taxpayers to fund a stadium and after his father was elected President of the United States.....he was given an extra 10% of the team and they took land from people that did not want to sell......then and only then did he make money.

Are all owners doing this? Most are but you wait until a black man takes a knee at a football game to finally speak out against this?

I'm not sure what yall are mad about....the owners fleecing the public or the owners fleecing the public and not keeping their Black Players bringing you lemonade.

Are you mad because these owners get sweetheart deals ?

Or that their slaves are not being respectful enough.

Because that is the problem I have with the GOP supporters....they seem not to give two fucks about the rich taxing from the poor but have a Black man get out of line and it is shoot first and ask questions later.

More "mind reading" by the self admitted racist of the forum!

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Old 10-08-2017, 08:45 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
I'm not crying about players taking a knee.

You seem to be crying that the owners haven't stopped them.

You seem to want to threaten to stop funding their stadiums if they do not get those black contractors under control!

You never have seemed to care that you funded their play toys until those pesky blacks weren't showing the proper respect.

Now it is...."We will take away your stadiums if you do not get them under control!"
I don't seem anything. I'm just laying out the facts. It's an NFL rule that players must stand on the sideline and look towards the flag during the Anthem. They clearly don't enforce their own rules. In a sport where interest is on the decline they are further alienating their fan base. The poster child for this nonsense is Kaepernick. Who said blacks in America are oppressed while praising Fidel Castro and Cuba. If you agree with that you're as stupid as he is. The players who are kneeling should educate themselves on what exactly they're protesting. Clearly, they weren't very good students in college. A black man as more odds of being struck by lightning than being killed by a cop. More whites are killed by cops than blacks. Yeah, there are more whites than blacks. But blacks commit a majority of violent crimes in this country. They put themselves in harms way. These players seem to ignore this fact. So a majority of Americans don't support kneeling. The NFLs popularity continues to decline. I say, have at it.


Seth Curry has said d what I've been saying here. The players should go to their communities and try to help. Taking a knee during the Anthem accomplishes nothing.
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