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Old 09-28-2017, 01:19 PM   #346
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
Really, Jim?

I've got nothing. "Maybe people of color disregard the law and police authority." No, I do not believe I'm confused. It's is that very attitude that supports the argument that a disparity of justice exists.
In order for your claim of disparity of justice of people of color by the Police you and everyone else making that claim are going to have to show that police are trained and encourage to carryout such disparity. If you can't do that then you can't cite a profession for carrying out it's objectives in the manner in which you claim. Isolated instances of police brutality and injustice isn't and shouldn't be tolerated, by that same token Officers aren't and shouldn't feel obligated to put up with any shit from any citizen during the course of an investigation because they feel they are being victimized by the police based on the color of their skin.

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Old 09-28-2017, 01:36 PM   #347
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
In order for your claim of disparity of justice of people of color by the Police you and everyone else making that claim are going to have to show that police are trained and encourage to carryout such disparity. If you can't do that then you can't cite a profession for carrying out it's objectives in the manner in which you claim. Isolated instances of police brutality and injustice isn't and shouldn't be tolerated, by that same token Officers aren't and shouldn't feel obligated to put up with any shit from any citizen during the course of an investigation because they feel they are being victimized by the police based on the color of their skin.

Well taken and spoken. To focus the "issue" the Dallas Police Officers killed (5 of them ) by the Black sniper last year were guarding those participating in the "Black Lives Matter" protest march ... just like ALL OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT (Federal, State, and Local) tasked with assuring attendees (including team staff and players) are safe coming to, attending, and leaving the game ... which includes those kneeling in protest over the "oppressive" police!

Forget about the firefighters and police who died in the Towers at 911 entering the Towers to save those trapped inside by terrorists ... and the events and list are endless. There are Black officers and "officers of color" in those who have died for citizens of the U.S. of A.

But its ok to wear "pig" socks in protest of police? Right?
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Old 09-28-2017, 02:04 PM   #348
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Breaking news: Chicago police dept to replace their sirens with speakers playing the National Anthem. The gangstas will take a knee.
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Old 09-28-2017, 02:52 PM   #349
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
In order for your claim of disparity of justice of people of color by the Police you and everyone else making that claim are going to have to show that police are trained and encourage to carryout such disparity. If you can't do that then you can't cite a profession for carrying out it's objectives in the manner in which you claim. Isolated instances of police brutality and injustice isn't and shouldn't be tolerated, by that same token Officers aren't and shouldn't feel obligated to put up with any shit from any citizen during the course of an investigation because they feel they are being victimized by the police based on the color of their skin.

It is not my claim. No I don't have to prove they are trained in a certain way. The numbers are irrefutable. There is a HUGE problem.


I'm sure you know without reading that link what it says.

Black people are called minorities because they make up a very small percentage of our population. How is it that there are so many more blacks in prison compared to whites ?

Again they are minorities and have only have as many people living in poverty compared to whites. There are more white with incentive to commit crime for economic gain.


Yes, that link is from the times. Nevermind that, follow the link to 2005 DOJ report. That's during Bush's administration too. Can't pull the liberal card.

Blacks are stopped in traffic stops much more frequently than whites.

I cannot find it, buy there was a studied that showed the racial difference in stops actually went down significantly at night conpared to day time when race prior to the stop was known.
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Old 09-28-2017, 02:55 PM   #350
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Here's what I don't get... a majority of Americans are offended when the players fail to stand respectfully during the national anthem. How is ticking off a majority of Americans supposed to generate any sympathy for your cause?
It's not. Just like when BLM Stormed into stores, libraries and such, and harassed everyone inside, even to the point of CORNERING and surrounding people, demanding THEY listen to what BLM has to say... ALL THAT did was turn thousnads of people off what BLM was trying to say.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I doubt that a "majority of Americans" are offended. Some certainly are. .
So far, on all 9 of the forums i visit where this is being discussed, i would say a solid 80% ARE offended, 14% are not offended, and 6% couldn't give a shit..
From three news outlets who ran polls over the past few days, a solid 60% of those respondents said they were offended.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Until Trump talked and tweeted about the "SOBs" only a handful of people had ever heard of Colin Kaepernick.
Are you shitting me?? FOR MONTHS Krapperdink has been in the media..

So only those who have not read a newspaper, listened to a news radio station or watched tv have no idea who he is..

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
As the most recent Federal investigation strips away the "covers" there will be some revealing revelations regarding the scope and depth of a majority of the "educations" ladled on athletes while making money for the college campuses. So, not as an excuse for their general ignorance of all things historical, but as merely a "point of order" there "college educations" are rather shallow and obligatory to keep them on the playing field or court, as the case may be, and bring in money for the school.
Exactly those 8 people grabbed in that NCAA scandle for basketball are imo just the TIP of the iceberg.. And all college sports are guilty of it..

Originally Posted by grean View Post
I pledge allegiance...liberty and justice for all.

I am saying there are us citizens who feel they are not included in the "all" part and therefore don't feel inclined to stand for a flag that doesn't provide the same sense of liberty and justice that it does for everyone else.
And they would be full of shit for thinking that.
How many congresmen and women are black.. Just over 12% of congress is black. BLACKS are one of only 2 ethnicities to have their own "Congressional caucuses", they get to vote, and have MANY Black mayors, governors, DAs and such..
SO How do they think they are not being included??

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The Two thirds comment by Lexus may have been made into a lie now (Cause its down to 55%), but it STILL is a majority, when its over 51%.. And since last year, that # was at 62%, that is almost 2/3rds..

Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I think you're a bit confused. It's not that the Police disregard people of color, but maybe people of color disregard the law and Police authority. Our Military fights for our freedoms and liberties thousands of miles away by killing people in another land many who are people of color, we thank them for their service. We don't afford the Police of this country the same thanks and they actually do protect us on a daily basis right here at home.

And that's MY big gripe with all this "the cops are racist" Bull shit.. ALong with the whole "Hands up don't shoot" lie.. IF the crooks would just LISTEN to teh cops, not grab for guns, THEN MAYBE THEY WOULDN'T be getting killed by the cops.

AND THEN going on riots, and calling for cops to be assassinated etc, is not going to get more cops to 'be nicer' to blacks..
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Old 09-28-2017, 03:01 PM   #351
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
What's the solution?

Boycott the baker! Boycott the football games.
That's what the website is about ... the free market.

BUT as we have seen lexus the BAKERS were not just allowed to "let the free market boycott them". THEY WERE SUED to comply with forced orders, OR Go bankrupt..

Originally Posted by grean View Post
That makes absolutely no sense.
Why does it make no sense?
IF a floreist can be FORCED to ignore his religious beliefs/political beliefs, and comply with an order from a judge to cater a wedding they disagree with, 'cause dey be da rulz dude', then WHY CAN'T we equally punish football players who are breaking the rules and SHOVING their politics into the game?

Originally Posted by grean View Post
It is not my claim. No I don't have to prove they are trained in a certain way. The numbers are irrefutable. There is a HUGE problem.

Black people are called minorities because they make up a very small percentage of our population. How is it that there are so many more blacks in prison compared to whites ?
Based on the # of times i have witnessed crooks do armed robberies, rape and such, blacks make up MORE of those who do the crime.. SO OF course blacks are going to make up more of those doing the time.
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Old 09-28-2017, 03:15 PM   #352
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post

Based on the # of times i have witnessed crooks do armed robberies, rape and such, blacks make up MORE of those who do the crime.. SO OF course blacks are going to make up more of those doing the time.
Let's assume because you're just one man you've witnessed only a fraction of crime.

Let's look at Connecticut just as an example.


They show a higher over all arrest rate for whites. There are a few categories where it is the opposite. But again, overall....

However, the incarnation rate between race is completely out of line with the arrest rate.
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Old 09-28-2017, 03:23 PM   #353
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post

The Two thirds comment by Lexus may have been made into a lie now (Cause its down to 55%), but it STILL is a majority, when its over 51%.. And since last year, that # was at 62%, that is almost 2/3rds..
A problem with the polling NOW is the methodology and wording of the polling questions ... it is also the same as the polling last year in the ramp up to the 2016 elections. So, am I "lying" or are the polls "lying"?

The rant about racism will give people pause to give an honest answer and the question asked doesn't provide any room for any equivocation or qualification. Then there is the problem of "interpreting" the results. Can anyone say: "Exit polls"?

When roughly 85% of the population stands for the National Anthem at events ... how can someone interpret that 50% don't mind others not standing? The interesting, and perhaps coincidental, stat is that roughly 85% of the people in this country consider themselves Christians. If you walked with dressed in Black holding a knife ... they might answer "no"!

Like "racism" and "racist" have been worn out ... so have the words "lies" and "liar" ... that shit started back during Bush's terms. And it continues. Poor little AssUp!
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Old 09-28-2017, 03:44 PM   #354
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Originally Posted by grean View Post
It is not my claim. No I don't have to prove they are trained in a certain way. The numbers are irrefutable. There is a HUGE problem.


I'm sure you know without reading that link what it says.

Black people are called minorities because they make up a very small percentage of our population. How is it that there are so many more blacks in prison compared to whites ?

Again they are minorities and have only have as many people living in poverty compared to whites. There are more white with incentive to commit crime for economic gain.


Yes, that link is from the times. Nevermind that, follow the link to 2005 DOJ report. That's during Bush's administration too. Can't pull the liberal card.

Blacks are stopped in traffic stops much more frequently than whites.

I cannot find it, buy there was a studied that showed the racial difference in stops actually went down significantly at night conpared to day time when race prior to the stop was known.
Yes there is a huge problem it's called crime, perpetrated by both black and white citizens and the Police took a solemn oath of office to deal with it. Their basic job is to investigate crime and arrest the offenders, not to target a specific ethnic group and fuck with them. I am the first one on this board to criticize the actions of police when warranted. I am not inclined to fall for the false notion that the profession of Law Enforcement has adopted a specific mission to target black citizens and oppress them and deny them their constitutional rights. Our society has become ass backwards instead of the criminal being scrutinized it is now the Police.

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Old 09-28-2017, 05:06 PM   #355
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Well that's what the protest is about! Trump!

And "that other guy"!


Hopefully, "his football brothers" will set up a "Go-Forth" fund to provide him with a lifestyle that suits his "oppressed" conditions.
CK was sitting on his couch watching football on Sunday.
Since the divider in chief stirred the pot, some owner may hire him just to piss Trump off.
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Old 09-28-2017, 05:22 PM   #356
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What's lost in all this bullshit is that whites are killed by LE more than blacks or minorities. You can argue that there are more whites in this country. That's true. But it's also true that blacks commit far more violent crimes than whites.


Maybe these players should spend time with LE and see how hard their job really is. Their yearly salary is far less than a weeks paycheck for an NFL player. Maybe families of slain police officers should protest. Cop killings are up 20%.

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Old 09-28-2017, 05:49 PM   #357
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You're a fucking authority, EATLER.
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Old 09-28-2017, 06:04 PM   #358
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
You're a fucking authority, EATLER.
Another worthless post from the stupid pig. Those are the numbers. They are what they are. Do you have a point? Do you ever have a point. No. You just illustrate your stupidity. Go fuck yourself pigfuck. You're the reason why people don't post here. Because you're a useless, stupid pig. Now post some cock pictures. It's what you do because you can't post anything of substance.

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Old 09-28-2017, 06:49 PM   #359
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The NFL is done! https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2017/9...ootball-impact

What we are witnessing here is the playoffs for the next Sharpton & Jackson... Kappy the Islamo and his BLM girlfriend seem to be leading the sports division!

I DAMN sure won't miss the Globalist/Satanic halftime show...

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Old 09-28-2017, 08:15 PM   #360
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
The NFL is done! https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2017/9...ootball-impact

What we are witnessing here is the playoffs for the next Sharpton & Jackson... Kappy the Islamo and his BLM girlfriend seem to be leading the sports division!

I DAMN sure won't miss the Globalist/Satanic halftime show...

Soccer won't be too far behind.

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