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"Thank You Everybody- What A Crowd What A Turn-out"
Can yall believe this fucking douche bag? Self promoting in the face of the Harvey crisis. Wearing a cap that he's currently selling for $40 and his mail order wife wearing high heels.
Trump did not utter one word about those who lost their lives, their homes or businesses. No mention of the first responders and volunteers putting their lives on the line. No words for the tens of thousands of evacuees displaced and living in shelters.
What did this fuck face of a president do? He pimped his fucking hat never missing an opportunity to sell. It's clear he went as a look at me moment... not to offer sympathy for the victims or hope to the dispossessed.
Can yall believe this fucking douche bag? Self promoting in the face of the Harvey crisis. Wearing a cap that he's currently selling for $40 and his mail order wife wearing high heels.
Trump did not utter one word about those who lost their lives, their homes or businesses. No mention of the first responders and volunteers putting their lives on the line. No words for the tens of thousands of evacuees displaced and living in shelters.
What did this fuck face of a president do? He pimped his fucking hat never missing an opportunity to sell. It's clear he went as a look at me moment... not to offer sympathy for the victims or hope to the dispossessed.
These are some seriously fucked up people.
Fuck you, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. The man is actually speaking to first responders and begins with the statement that, "... we are here to take care ..." and your dicked-up ass cannot even understand plain English, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. Plus, it's obvious you're a fucking liar when you only show part of the actual video.
Even in this time of an apocalyptic disaster that is beyond words...when there is so much need from so many that have been impacted and displaced by this still find time to spew your stupid, pig-headed, hateful venom. SissyChaps, you little truly are a piece of work.
Even in this time of an apocalyptic disaster that is beyond words...when there is so much need from so many that have been impacted and displaced by this still find time to spew your stupid, pig-headed, hateful venom. SissyChaps, you little truly are a piece of work.
That dude has no class. I mean what can you expect from a pant sagging jagoff who would be more inclined to join a group of looters than a group that would help those impacted by this event. So naturally the president and these first responders don't have his respect.
Can yall believe this fucking douche bag? Self promoting in the face of the Harvey crisis. Wearing a cap that he's currently selling for $40 and his mail order wife wearing high heels.
Trump did not utter one word about those who lost their lives, their homes or businesses. No mention of the first responders and volunteers putting their lives on the line. No words for the tens of thousands of evacuees displaced and living in shelters.
What did this fuck face of a president do? He pimped his fucking hat never missing an opportunity to sell. It's clear he went as a look at me moment... not to offer sympathy for the victims or hope to the dispossessed.
These are some seriously fucked up people.
Can you believe this douche bag worried about Trump's head gear and Melania's shoes rather than the affected by the flood. By the douche, Melania changed on the plane and wore athletic shoes you lying piece of shit. No one but the assholes care what was on who's head.
Ohh so what!!! All you ass clowns think a fucking Hurricane is gonna bring us together in some kind of display of fake ass unity? You're all out of your goddam rabid ass minds. You are who you are. I have more in common with Kim Jung Ung than I do with you racist bastards.
Now again I submit to you:
Trump did not utter one word about those who lost their lives, their homes or businesses. No mention of the first responders and volunteers putting their lives on the line. No words for the tens of thousands of evacuees displaced and living in shelters.
What did this fuck face of a president do? He pimped his fucking hat never missing an opportunity to sell. It's clear he went as a look at me moment... not to offer sympathy for the victims or hope to the dispossessed.
By way of comparison. The Trump's are classless garbage. Even George Bush had more class than these low life degenerates and that's no easy feat. Everyone except Trump has shown and knows how to be Presidential during a crisis. This fucking pig.
By way of comparison. The Trump's are classless garbage. Even George Bush had more class than these low life degenerates and that's no easy feat. Everyone except Trump has shown and knows how to be Presidential during a crisis. This fucking pig.
You stupid asshole licker, who needs a hug from the POTUS? AHole lickers like you. Here's what you missed from the MSM. Check the end of the video:
Trump can't win for losing with these ignorant Liberals. Last year during Louisiana's Flood Trump donated an 18 wheeler full of stuff for flood victims.
Ohh so what!!! All you ass clowns think a fucking Hurricane is gonna bring us together in some kind of display of fake ass unity? You're all out of your goddam rabid ass minds. You are who you are. I have more in common with Kim Jung Ung than I do with you racist bastards.
Now again I submit to you:
Trump did not utter one word about those who lost their lives, their homes or businesses. No mention of the first responders and volunteers putting their lives on the line. No words for the tens of thousands of evacuees displaced and living in shelters.
What did this fuck face of a president do? He pimped his fucking hat never missing an opportunity to sell. It's clear he went as a look at me moment... not to offer sympathy for the victims or hope to the dispossessed.
It is awesome that with all the tragedy, disaster,and destruction that people still feel the need to turnout to greet the President of the United States.
America just got a little greater!
By way of comparison. The Trump's are classless garbage. Even George Bush had more class than these low life degenerates and that's no easy feat. Everyone except Trump has shown and knows how to be Presidential during a crisis. This fucking pig.
you know those hugs by clinton, bush & obama were Public relations stunt to show "they care".