Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Play whatever scratch off that strikes your fancy. However, to ensure fairness in your play just make sure you either go to txlottery.org to check or ask the store clerk for a print out of how many winning scratch off tickets remain for the ones you decide to play. Stores (or the lottery commish) are under no obligation to stop selling tickets after all the game prizes are sold so its up to you to find out. They will give you a print out if you ask.
It's interesting you mention that because I remember seeing a segment on the news where people were complaining because all of the prizes had been won on particular tickets, yet those tickets were still being sold.
And you're right. It's not against the law nor does the state lottery have to pull those tickets even though all the big prizes have already been claimed.
However, I didn't have any idea about how to find that information out. That helps a lot, thanks!