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Old 07-04-2017, 03:50 AM   #1
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Default Warning Walkerdude14

This guy had about 6 cars parked at his house....i just kept driving. Now he is accusing me of plotting to rob his house. He mentioned all of the cars i didnt think he meant that many. I would steer clear.
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Old 07-04-2017, 06:55 AM   #2
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Were cars Transformers?

If not I don't see how this is an alert.
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Old 07-04-2017, 07:25 AM   #3
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Sorry to hear you felt concerned and so you bailed, and now you're being accused by the monger of just casing his house, but please explain to us what had you spooked about 6 parked cars??
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Old 07-04-2017, 07:59 AM   #4
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She should just update her showcase to state that she doesn't see men who own more than 5 cars. All of this could have been avoided.
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Old 07-04-2017, 09:13 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by DeeonnaGaia View Post
This guy had about 6 cars parked at his house....i just kept driving. Now he is accusing me of plotting to rob his house. He mentioned all of the cars i didnt think he meant that many. I would steer clear.
Idk...whenever I give out my incall address and that person cancels or flakes,it always raises flags for me as well as for others its happened to as well. So others should steer clear? Lol Since when has owning shit become an alert? That's all cockblock
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Old 07-04-2017, 09:29 AM   #6
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This is not the first time that a lady has gotten the yips about seeing Walkerdude14 and posted an Alert, and it's also not the first time that he has threatened a lady with escalation of what was probably just a misunderstanding. Walkerdude14 has an established history of drama. To the OP, being an "Empathic Intuituve" should not preclude you from doing your due diligence. Still, I don't fault you for going with your intuition.
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Old 07-04-2017, 10:56 AM   #7
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Maybe, just maybe it's not just 6 cars.

Maybe she wasn't clear....maybe HE didn't OWN those vehicles and there we're also 6 other guys at the location only HE was supposed to be at. Perhaps,she was assuming this guy was setting her up and it wasn't merely a one on one session. Back in the day a guy had me out for an out call and 3 other guys were there. I left, obviously. This could have potentially ended up very badly. I could be wrong in my assumptions but that's what I took away from her post with the previous k knowledge and experience of having "been there".
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Old 07-04-2017, 12:52 PM   #8
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Default I agree with that assumption, but...

Just wondering why the OP left out some of the important details, rather than leaving us all guessing??

Originally Posted by KlassyKelliAnn View Post
Maybe, just maybe it's not just 6 cars.

Maybe she wasn't clear....maybe HE didn't OWN those vehicles and there we're also 6 other guys at the location only HE was supposed to be at. Perhaps,she was assuming this guy was setting her up and it wasn't merely a one on one session. Back in the day a guy had me out for an out call and 3 other guys were there. I left, obviously. This could have potentially ended up very badly. I could be wrong in my assumptions but that's what I took away from her post with the previous k knowledge and experience of having "been there".
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Old 07-04-2017, 01:42 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by CoverMe View Post
This is not the first time that a lady has gotten the yips about seeing Walkerdude14 and posted an Alert, and it's also not the first time that he has threatened a lady with escalation of what was probably just a misunderstanding. Walkerdude14 has an established history of drama. To the OP, being an "Empathic Intuituve" should not preclude you from doing your due diligence. Still, I don't fault you for going with your intuition.
I believe there are several alerts on him COVERME,
you're absolutely right, it's a good thing she didn't get off the car.

He's a mess, be glad he acted out now so you stay away. If not it could have turned out worse. He's non violent but he has a sharp bitter tongue.

All vehicles are his and he does own them, he's an older gent with MAJOR issues. SOMETIMES he means well but you just don't know when, still serves him no right to treat/talk to any LADY as he does.

He gets disrespectful when he's juiced up

Safe Play and stay safe
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Old 07-04-2017, 01:53 PM   #10
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I prefer outcall to my casa,...I let the provider know in advance that I'm the only one at my home, park in the driveway, and come on in, doors open. I had one Bail,...said she knew someone on my street and didn't wanna be seen, some others just don't like my side of town.
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Old 07-04-2017, 02:31 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by mfdvr 69 View Post
I prefer outcall to my casa,...I let the provider know in advance that I'm the only one at my home, park in the driveway, and come on in, doors open. I had one Bail,...said she knew someone on my street and didn't wanna be seen, some others just don't like my side of town.
Tht all sounds gud...but
The doors open come on in thing makes me very nervous. Hs
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Old 07-04-2017, 02:59 PM   #12
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What kind of cars are we talking about? Cash for clunkers or high rolling hot wheels?
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Old 07-04-2017, 08:32 PM   #13
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Thank you!!!
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Old 07-05-2017, 04:43 AM   #14
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Let me set record strait, the lady was staying in a place full of backpage providers people moving around all times of night so i declined seeing her , so she wanted to come to my house to play and party , she even took off her outcall fee to come party and play . I told her not to freak out i own lots of cars 5 total , she asked the right questions or turn it around could it be a set up , cus we all know lots of austins ladies come here to steal thieves dont commit crimes in there own back yard . She asked u live by urself so a yes could be great me and my pimp can push are way in , do u live in a house or apt , that could mean she knows i live by myself knows what cars i have and wzit for me to leave . Now lets say a provider has incall in a apt , she gives me address , tells me to text when i get there to get apt number , so the man does she gives numner to him and he never comes to door , i think she a little worried now . What is she to think ? I told her to let me know when she there ill come out and get her its 4 in the morning dont want the donkey lady chasing to the front door lol. Its dark and ill escort her inside . I get text saying whats up with the 10 cars wrapped around ur house and down the street . I have wrong house cus i only have 3 in drive way and 2 on the street , i text back are u here ? No reply after 10 text to her and yes i said i need to warn others u may be a thieve thats when she finally replyed back . Sounds fishy to me . Ok with both have the option to walk at any time if not comfortable with surronding . Thats all she had to do was give me a courtesy text and say that . But no she waited till i mentioned a alert . I dont know if she a thieve or not , i didnt know delila was a thieve when she called me at 4 in the morning crying for help that her boyfriend pimping her out and he the one texting the guys and forcing her to make appts .yes she stole a 900 dollar phone from me after i opened my door to help her out , she thinks its funny , but u can be her pen pal when she locked up , and guys i wouldnt go to her incall , good things not happening there , sure hate for u to be in wrong place at wrong time , and the rash she has on her leg its not going away u just take it home with u .and italia both ur mom and dad ur kids brother cousins all been to my house so am such a bad person then ur a bad mom bringing ur kids and putting them in danger lol . U must forget coming to my house with ur kids crying u had no where to go ur family wanted nothing to do with u , and begging me for money so u and ur kids have a place to stay i put u and kids in a suite for a week and u never paid me back , then this march ur calling me about breaking down in ur trash of a jeep begging again to come get u . I took ur battery out lent u one of mine charged ur over night and got u back on the road so u could hustle , next day knocking on my door to help u move , we used my truck my time my gas and even gave u money so u and ur daughter could eat that night. U took me to ur moms to pick up things , she didnt even want to help u. U didnt even say thank u . So to me ur rachet as they come . 2 weeks ago u haf ur brother banging on my door for a hr and then my window , if i dont answer my door after a couple knocks u leave , he told me it was ur doing wanting some kind of dope , what kind i dont know cus i only do mary jane. I have to much to loose to do stupid things . Ur hair on ur snatch matches ur hair on ur arms that i see , just nasty . And rachet . Tori did the same thing couple weeks ago , get address and dont show , thats some backpage shit , u dont think its going to happen here but some ladies arnt ladies and if i lash out at a so called lady she either owes me money or wasted my time . Am not going to sugar coat any thing am real talk . I dont lie cheat or steal . I have nothing to hide . So cover up until u know the truth cover up ur mouth cus ur a real drama queen to the max . U have to comment on every thing u see or hear , get a life buddy , if ur that bored ill invite u over when me and the ladies are at my crib enjoying things we do thete. I could say things on ur angel sa or cammille fox , lol why we have a secret u dont know , but ur over paying lol .so as far as the other night this lady asked to come to my crib for outcall saying she wants to party and play and wavied her outcall fee. She was told of my cars , not to freak out but she did . I wasnt going to write a alert it does no good , but as sokn as i mentioned it her attitude changed lol. So she took so long to reply to my tect she also took food off another providers table with her delayed text . It came to late for other provider to come over . I had to very pleasant professional providers come over last weekend , top shelf if u ask me, one was concerned about my car lot , but she knows how to protect herself and i assured her she has nothing to worry about , she came in looked around stayed and we had a wonderful time together . So ask any lady thats been to my crib if they have any thing to worry about there or do i warn them pry to getting there . I share the same info with every one .and sl i have a number ill share with u who knows if its same lafy that blows up my phone under the radar . Pm me . Am glad i got this out the way , so ladies u have nothing to worry about if u come for outcall to me , stay away from theses drama queens that no nothing about me on personal level , i am who i am and never have put my hands on any women . I have coached some of the top atheletes here in san antoino so asked them they would not be where they are today if it was not for me . Am still looking for a girlfriend and taking applications. Lol oh italia whats the juice ur talking about ? Ur talking out ur ass again , only juice i know of is orange juice . So please tell me what juice ur talking about maybe u can turn me on to some ur holding out on me again . Lol have a blessed day all enough drama for one day . Miss cunt cakes u go girl ur on point with this italia and friends . Lmao now i know
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Old 07-05-2017, 09:39 AM   #15
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must be clunkers
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