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Old 06-28-2017, 03:18 PM   #1
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Default Should those on welfare/medicare lose the right to vote?

OK. So if someone's a Ward of the state (Prisons, mental institutions, orphanages etc) while they are a ward, they lose the right to vote..

So should those who can ONLY survive/have a life to live cause of government largesse (such as some one in a 40k wheel chair who has to require 2 at home nurse maids, all paid for by medicare to just be able to 'live on his own') be seen as a 'ward of the state', and thus lose THEIR right to vote?
What of those who live on welfare?
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Old 06-28-2017, 03:27 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
OK. So if someone's a Ward of the state (Prisons, mental institutions, orphanages etc) while they are a ward, they lose the right to vote..

So should those who can ONLY survive/have a life to live cause of government largesse (such as some one in a 40k wheel chair who has to require 2 at home nurse maids, all paid for by medicare to just be able to 'live on his own') be seen as a 'ward of the state', and thus lose THEIR right to vote?
What of those who live on welfare?
Medicare or medicaid ?
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Old 06-28-2017, 05:29 PM   #3
MT Pockets
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Great idea but lets not forget about all the Corporations that get a hand out. I know they do not vote but they seem to have money for lobbyist and politicians.
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Old 06-28-2017, 06:08 PM   #4
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by wordup666 View Post
Medicare or medicaid ?
Yeh, let's get that straight. Medicare is set up through the Social Security System for those over 65. We pay for it. Those of us still working and in a high income bracket pay even more.


Scroll down to the table. I am forced to pay an additional $428 a month for my plan "B". Most people aren't even aware of this because it does not affect the.

Medicare becomes your Primary Insurance Carrier when you turn 65. Any other insurance you have is suplimental.

Medicaid is medical welfare.
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Old 06-28-2017, 06:51 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Yeh, let's get that straight. Medicare is set up through the Social Security System for those over 65. We pay for it. Those of us still working and in a high income bracket pay even more.


Scroll down to the table. I am forced to pay an additional $428 a month for my plan "B". Most people aren't even aware of this because it does not affect the.

Medicare becomes your Primary Insurance Carrier when you turn 65. Any other insurance you have is suplimental.

Medicaid is medical welfare.
Maybe the OP thinks you should not be able to vote after your SS/Medicare pay out exceeds what you paid in.

I don't know...a rather slippery slope if you ask me.
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Old 06-28-2017, 07:04 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by MT Pockets View Post
Great idea but lets not forget about all the Corporations that get a hand out. I know they do not vote but they seem to have money for lobbyist and politicians.
You're a fucking dipshit. Give me examples of all those corporations receiving "handouts". A tax reduction is not a handout - it merely lets a firm keep more of its earnings, rather than surrendering them to the government. A contract is not a handout either - it's a payment for goods or services delivered. A handout is pure government largesse. Like your monthly welfare check.
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Old 06-28-2017, 08:27 PM   #7
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Everybody that takes a home mortgage deduction should not be able to vote...
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Old 06-28-2017, 08:44 PM   #8
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Maybe the OP thinks you should not be able to vote after your SS/Medicare pay out exceeds what you paid in.
I"ll have to live a few more years before that happens. I just started drawing when I hit 70.
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Old 06-28-2017, 09:10 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post

Scroll down to the table. I am forced to pay an additional $428 a month for my plan "B".

$428 a month ?? I pay around $100 a month, why $428 a month??
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Old 06-28-2017, 09:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by instfixer View Post

$428 a month ?? I pay around $100 a month, why $428 a month??
Go to the link. Scroll down. You will see the chart with the graduated payment scale depending on your income.
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Old 06-28-2017, 11:07 PM   #11
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Old 06-29-2017, 01:40 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by MT Pockets View Post
Great idea but lets not forget about all the Corporations that get a hand out. I know they do not vote but they seem to have money for lobbyist and politicians.
Agreed. EVERY special group except WE the people seem to have lobbiests..

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Medicare becomes your Primary Insurance Carrier when you turn 65. Any other insurance you have is suplimental.

Medicaid is medical welfare.
Apologies. I keep getting the two mixed up when i am typing...
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Old 06-29-2017, 08:38 AM   #13
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by garhkal View Post
OK. So if someone's a Ward of the state (Prisons, mental institutions, orphanages etc) while they are a ward, they lose the right to vote..

So should those who can ONLY survive/have a life to live cause of government largesse (such as some one in a 40k wheel chair who has to require 2 at home nurse maids, all paid for by medicare to just be able to 'live on his own') be seen as a 'ward of the state', and thus lose THEIR right to vote?
What of those who live on welfare?
welfare recipients shouldn't be allowed to vote. if they are off of it for a period of 2 years or 1 election cycle as defined by the state before they could vote again.

Medicaid - same as above.

Medicare - I'd leave this group alone.

corporations/business with govt. - CEO's & business owners shouldn't be allowed to vote if they get a contract with the govt. most of them have the money to lobby the govt. for special favors. these favors generally come in the form of corporate welfare which is another name for subsidies.
-best known subsidies are the agriculture subsidies where we pay farmers not to grow shit.
-Corn subsidies to support EPA ethanol mandate
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Old 06-29-2017, 09:28 AM   #14
MT Pockets
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're a fucking dipshit. Give me examples of all those corporations receiving "handouts". A tax reduction is not a handout - it merely lets a firm keep more of its earnings, rather than surrendering them to the government. A contract is not a handout either - it's a payment for goods or services delivered. A handout is pure government largesse. Like your monthly welfare check.
Royal Dutch Shell

If you think a tax break is not welfare then you are even dumber than I estimated. Then again since you do not even know what half the shit you type even means, you may mean something all together different then.

Let me give you an example of Corporate welfare.That effects me. I own a company. I have to pay taxes on everything I own and all the merchandise and supplies I have on the shelves. If a corporation wants to open a place next door they negotiate with the city to not have the pay property tax for a certain term. like 10 years or so. When the time is up, they renegotiate the terms. I know you enjoy jumping in on all the threads that spiral down into name calling, but leave the thinking to the rest of us.

So if you can read then you know what that means now. So when you go down to the store and buy your potted meat and Geritol, You benefit from them not paying taxes. So now who is on Welfare again?
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Old 06-29-2017, 09:39 AM   #15
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by MT Pockets View Post
Royal Dutch Shell

If you think a tax break is not welfare then you are even dumber than I estimated. Then again since you do not even know what half the shit you type even means, you may mean something all together different then.

Let me give you an example of Corporate welfare.That effects me. I own a company. I have to pay taxes on everything I own and all the merchandise and supplies I have on the shelves. If a corporation wants to open a place next door they negotiate with the city to not have the pay property tax for a certain term. like 10 years or so. When the time is up, they renegotiate the terms. I know you enjoy jumping in on all the threads that spiral down into name calling, but leave the thinking to the rest of us.

So if you can read then you know what that means now. So when you go down to the store and buy your potted meat and Geritol, You benefit from them not paying taxes. So now who is on Welfare again?
So is that why YOU and LUBE like the HEB parking lots over the Walmart parking lots ? Because Walmart ( a big backer of the lying liberals from a s far back as when ShrilLIARy was on their board when that broom driver was first, ahem, lady, ahem, of Arkansas ) gets LOTS of tax breaks when they build a new store in a city or town.
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