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Old 06-05-2017, 04:16 PM   #976
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andymarksman, answer these questions per the parameters that I set:

Before you saw my first post ever, you had no evidence that I existed. Does your lack of evidence, of my existence, prior to you seeing my first post constitute my not existing prior to you seeing my first post? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Was your statement, that they had to come up with a band new attack plan false based on your acknowledgement that this was updated? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Copy and paste this question, the yes/no options, to your reply. Put an "X" in the box that represents your reply.
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Old 06-05-2017, 06:54 PM   #977
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Originally Posted by MT Pockets View Post
The face sitter has two talents.
!. Holding his breath for long periods of time
2. Breaking every word you say down and writing an epic novel about it.

That being said you will see that he does not have enough sense to realize there are a certain group of members here that goad him on. He is like a yapping Chihuahua. Harmless yet irritating.
Why don't you challenge him (herfacechair)? MyTesticle Pockets, you seem to be itching for a fight or are you just a smart ass...

Hanging out in the background, showing up every now and then.

Go on, we will watch... and laugh!

Maybe andynaziboy is waking up to entertain us some more.

Anyway, Thanks HFC, you made my day!!! LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!

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Old 06-05-2017, 07:58 PM   #978
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post

Copy and paste this question, the yes/no options, to your reply. Put an "X" in the box that represents your reply.
hmm... I doubt andy is the kind of guy who will follow your instructions to the letter on that Y/N questions.

we shall see.
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Old 06-05-2017, 08:03 PM   #979
dilbert firestorm
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andy.. why did you revive a thread that ended about 1.6 years ago?
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Old 06-05-2017, 08:30 PM   #980
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
andy.. why did you revive a thread that ended about 1.6 years ago?
A. he's an Asshole
B. he's an Idiot
C. he's full of Shit
D. All of the above
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Old 06-05-2017, 08:35 PM   #981
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Why don't you challenge him (herfacechair)? MyTesticle Pockets, you seem to be itching for a fight or are you just a smart ass...

Hanging out in the background, showing up every now and then.

Go on, we will watch... and laugh!

Maybe andynaziboy is waking up to entertain us some more.

Anyway, Thanks HFC, you made my day!!! LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!

Well ya know, IFFY, MT Fluffer still holds a torch for Lubed Wide Ass and WK for him even with LUBE being on " vacation " !
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Old 06-06-2017, 03:51 PM   #982
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Originally Posted by MT Pockets View Post
The face sitter has two talents.
!. Holding his breath for long periods of time
2. Breaking every word you say down and writing an epic novel about it.

That being said you will see that he does not have enough sense to realize there are a certain group of members here that goad him on. He is like a yapping Chihuahua. Harmless yet irritating.
How will I need to hold my breath for a long time if I'm the one doing the face sitting? Do you see what I mean, now, when I tell you that you're just pulling straws and that you don't know what you're talking about? Did you mean to say, "face sat"? You could've also simply mentioned my username.

Holding your breath is something that you would have to do, as other members of the reach around crew "anal-late" you from behind and in front of you. You also have to hold your breath when you perform your toilet slave functions, can't have all your arguments suffocating you, or choking you.

Although there is "breath play" that could be involved with facesitting, there's also a way to get subjected to full weight facesits in a way that allows you to breathe. I've even been able to hold a conversation with a woman making me live up to my username, while she was doing a real facesit.

I wouldn't be surprised if you enjoy having a conversation with the woman using you as a toilet slave. The back-and-forth between the muffled fart sound she makes in the toilet bowl, and the muffled sounds coming out of your mouth while inside that toilet bowl, must be real fun and amusing to you.

Also, who said anything about my "writing" these posts? Even when I repeatedly tell you that I'm using speech to text software to generate these posts, you continuously insist that I write this. This is further proof that even when you are handed the facts, you prefer to spew the crap that your SCAT mistresses force-feeds you.

Also, you need to be honest about who is being goaded or not. You're the one that is reacting nicely to the words that I choose to use in my posts. I get a good laugh at reading your replies. You are definitely unhinged, and you have an extremely thin skin. Spinning you around, like a top, is fun. More hints that I have successfully goaded you, and that others have successfully goaded you? The fact that you would jump on this thread and take swings at me when I replied to Andy.

What you're really doing here, with your "goading" comment, is attempting to use reverse psychology to get me to stop hammering you. Why, if only I would stop "reacting" to a "certain group of members here", I would "foil" their plans. Baloney. What you really want is for me to stop hammering you, which will not happen. I take sadistic pleasure in destroying your arguments, and watching your reaction.

Your statement about that Chihuahua comparison speaks volumes about how you truly feel about my consistently hammering you. It's "irritating" that I keep returning fire at you. Of course, my posts are "harmless", in a physical sense. However, I am "hitting" your ego in the jugular. I will not stop doing that too, because I have too much fun watching you react.
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Old 06-06-2017, 03:53 PM   #983
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
Why don't you challenge him (herfacechair)? MyTesticle Pockets, you seem to be itching for a fight or are you just a smart ass...

Hanging out in the background, showing up every now and then.

Go on, we will watch... and laugh!

Maybe andynaziboy is waking up to entertain us some more.

Anyway, Thanks HFC, you made my day!!! LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!


MT Cranial Cavity attempted to do that in R.M.'s "Condi" thread and got his ass shoved down his throat repeatedly. He has been reduced to making "my ego is bruised" commentary in a feeble effort to get back to me. I find his antics laughable, amusing, and entertaining.
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Old 06-06-2017, 03:57 PM   #984
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
hmm... I doubt andy is the kind of guy who will follow your instructions to the letter on that Y/N questions.

we shall see.
He, like other liberals that I have debated against, will refuse to answer that Y/N question per for the parameters that I set. Why? These questions are not shot gun questions, they are not "got you" questions. There are simple, straightforward questions with common sense/logical responses. This is answerable with just a "yes" or a "no".

However, this presents a dilemma.

The factual, truthful response destroys the main premise, of the arguments made by the person who is required to answer that question. The person reading the question, and requirements, knows that. So, they consistently ignore it in order to provide themselves with the "justification" to continue on with an argument that they now know is logically false. They don't realize that their failure to answer that question, per the parameters set, substantiates my suspicion that even they know that their argument is weak, and that they do not trust the argument that they are making.

Of course, the opposition could answer the question by putting on an "X" in the "no" box in order to remain consistent with their argument. But even then, they would have to accept a false premise, and thus show everybody else that they lack integrity, honesty, and that they are extremely narcissistic.
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Old 06-06-2017, 04:01 PM   #985
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
andy.. why did you revive a thread that ended about 1.6 years ago?
I provide an insight here:

Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
The psychological profile, that I have on Andy, shows an individual that exercises piss poor judgement, driven by emotion, anger problems, and control problems. I've seen his actions on the other threads here, to include comments busting him for posting inappropriate videos on one of the Luke Wyatt threads.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had problems maintaining a job, a career, or a business, and that his resume is littered with numerous short time employment attempts. His attitude here, on this thread and on others, shows someone that doesn't have much friends on the outside. He's probably seen as "weird" by the others, more than likely has problems relating to people, something that would impact his ability to request pay raises, successfully secure promotions, or successfully obtain lateral transfers to coveted job positions.

His piss poor judgement, demonstrated on this thread, is related to these other things that I see in him.

If he wanted anybody to take him seriously, or to even meet him halfway, he wouldn't take a confrontational, zero-sum, approach to people here. The reactions that he draws, towards him here, would be similar to reactions he'd draw toward him in the real world.

The fact that he, after thoroughly getting destroyed on this thread, would resurrect it to make the same mistakes he made that got him destroyed in the first place, just for him to get destroyed again, indicates that he has problems letting things go.

I wouldn't be surprised that in addition to not having that many friends, that he has little sympathy in his family, and thus have little to no friends within his family.

We are pretty much what he has, he doesn't care about what kind of attention he gets. Perfect debate target.
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