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Old 05-17-2017, 11:46 PM   #1
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Default For you Whores that fall for Married Johns....

Have you ever gotten involved with a married man? Was it love at first glance or did he have to grow on you?

Cheaters Cheat and Liars Lie and a married man dropping cash on a whore is both.....

you might THINK he has feelings for you the way you have for him but it's all just a lie designed to get what he wants in the moment....

You can try break it off with him.... if you fell right away it's never gonna happen.... It's not gonna end until he ends it and if he wants you back you are going to give in.... You have no choice….

Why? Because you believed the lies from the start..... To lose hope is synonymous to realizing how pathetic it was to fall in the first place...

You have no control in it..... Cheaters belong to another woman.... He might cheat on her and hope to never get caught but she has something that you are never going to have.... him....

Assume for a moment all the stories he told you of how horrible she is are true…(thay are not but play along) .... he always comes home to her right? He provides for her and even spoils her while settling for so much less than you are willing to give… Why? Go figure…. He loves her? She NEVER has to step up her game to have him…. She just has to weigh what he provides vs what she wants to give…… Hell… She’s way ahead of you in the game cause she does less and has him…..

You might think she would dump him if she knew?... naw..... She's going to forgive him..... Why? I can't say I understand that part of it.... It’s just the way it is…..

Some cheaters can be cruel...walking out on you and coming back over and over and over again....


Well.. You THOUGHT you were different than the wife was but the moment you knowingly let him leave to go home to her you gave him permission to do it over and over.... he lost respect for you that first time you accepted his leaving to return to her..... once he learns he can do that to you it will never change.... It can't.... you've accepted a quality in him he really dislikes himself.... So he will use you as needed and return to her....

He is even going to find another just like you.... Remember those stories about the wife and how horrible she is?..... You have to realize that with the next girl the stories are the same but you are the new subject.....

Cheaters Cheat..... Liars Lie..... They always go home to their wives…..

I will never understand why a woman wants another woman's man..... Why does you think you can be better than her and he will want to change for you? You are already defective in his eyes for wanting him KNOWING he is cheating..... Each and every time you let him return to you.... you undermine yourself....
My days on these boards go back to 1999 and I’ve been meeting guys and gals since the start….. I’ve seen it play out countless numbers of times…….

Most of those guys are at home tonight with their wives……. I don’t know a single whore that won this struggle…..

I’m sure others have experienced this as well…..

So tell me ladies…. Why do you think you are gal that wins and has the Cheater in the end?

Guys? Are you ever really going to take a whore and replace your wife with her? Are you going to put her in a role that involves your kids?
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Old 05-18-2017, 04:43 AM   #2
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You are absolutely correct.
I've said some fucked up shit about my so to get ass off another lady. But I would never ever leave her, Especially for some side chick.

First reason is I can't be seen as leaving my wife for another woman and be labeled a scumbag for the rest of my life.

Second would be trust. No relationship starting this way could last because someone would have trust issues.

Third is I know my so has my back. Always has and always will. Couldn't ever say that about a side chick.
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Old 05-18-2017, 05:56 AM   #3
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What brought all that on?
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Old 05-18-2017, 06:25 AM   #4
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Um, whimpy didn't anyone ever tell you that this isn't the dating game. We are all aware of these facts. When you have sex with someone repeatedly though guess what happens? HUMAN NATURE! You see whether it's provider or hobbiest we developed feelings one way or another. Humans do this and fuck machines/robots can't. That part thats called feelings,soul,sense of right and wrong ,ect means that if we have sex or any type of relationship we developed feelings towards that person. History ,since the day we started walking the earth ,is filled with such stories. You do know that providing is the oldest known profession,right? So thanks for trying to modernize some of these ideals and principles of the hobby but you FAILED to accomplish your point. Good morning!

A prostitute? Awesome!!!
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Old 05-18-2017, 06:35 AM   #5
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Default More cream gravy please!

Originally Posted by Grubermctoober View Post
What brought all that on?
He's sticking his fat ass nose in grown ass people's business.
Nothing new there...
For someone who says he just had a trick baby with some little chickee,his faux concern for others rings a bit hollow,no?
His currency here is 7th grade level bitch ass gossip.
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Old 05-18-2017, 06:41 AM   #6
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Btw, so you see 1 provider starting a thread saying "oh, you poor loser douch bag. You thought I loved you? Oh no,no,no,no I'm going to set you straight ".Why is it ok for a hobbiest to continually say it's your whores fault for allowing this to happen. Even a MOD came whining to the board about after he had a great 10 yr relationship with clear rules about how his favorite provider lied to him. So it's all ok for guys to whine on every level from gold digging whore to the stupid whore who thought I would leave my wife but OMG a provider that said she was human. OMG to the provider that will one day post "hey sweetie how could you ever think I loved you ". You guys bitch on all of it anyways so at least one provider should step up to the plate and dish it right back.

Btw,I have NEVER wanted any man to leave his wife. I have NEVER wanted to be a mom to another's children. Thanks but I've done my time in raising children and that's more than enough for me. So again thanks whimpy for trying to lump everyone into nice labeled boxes. Remember that humans are very complex creatures that don't fit into boxes.
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Old 05-18-2017, 09:44 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by FirePhoenix View Post
So again thanks whimpy for trying to lump everyone into nice labeled boxes. Remember that humans are very complex creatures that don't fit into boxes.
I agree.... humans can be complex creatures....

But there is a simplicity to known cheaters and liars and the others that believe they want them and can change them.....
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Old 05-18-2017, 09:55 AM   #8
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For someone that complains about the "whores" only wanting attention, you sure start a lot of threads trying to get some.
You come off as a lonely, pathetic, attention seeking, validation seeking prick.
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Old 05-18-2017, 10:35 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Grubermctoober View Post
What brought all that on?
Don't give it a thought. It's just Whispers desperately seeking attention, as always. His own fucked up life forces him to try to drag everyone, or anyone, else to think he has information or advice to offer. PFFT.
Typical of a sad old man, hoping someone will make the mistake of thinking he's a sage, or guru of some type, instead of the worn out, windbag, woman hating misogynist, that he is.. As his days wind down, his ever increasing cries for attention get more and more depressing.
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Old 05-18-2017, 10:37 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I agree.... humans can be complex creatures....

But there is a simplicity to known cheaters and liars and the others that believe they want them and can change them.....
WOW!! Talk about words from the horse's mouth!!!!!!
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Old 05-18-2017, 11:48 AM   #11
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Um, change who? Only the person themselves can do the changing. A person can be influenced if they choose to be. If anyone thinks they can change another, then they have some serious control issues.
Even in sub/dom relationships the sub has to willing choose to change.
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Old 05-18-2017, 11:57 AM   #12
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Did you go and be a WK and got a bit burned? It's starting to sound that way to me. You can't save or help everyone and don't get bitter for the ones that take you for a ride and reject you. You can't win if you don't gamble. When gambling always expect to lose so it's nice when you do win. Never have strings attached becuase as much as you tried to tie it to another person the string is really tied to you and can be pulled on rather unpleasantly. (Learned that lesson yrs ago)
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Old 05-18-2017, 12:18 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by FirePhoenix View Post
Did you go and be a WK and got a bit burned? It's starting to sound that way to me. You can't save or help everyone and don't get bitter for the ones that take you for a ride and reject you. You can't win if you don't gamble. When gambling always expect to lose so it's nice when you do win. Never have strings attached becuase as much as you tried to tie it to another person the string is really tied to you and can be pulled on rather unpleasantly. (Learned that lesson yrs ago)
^^^^^^^^^^^ WELL SAID!!^^^^^^^^^^^
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Old 05-18-2017, 03:51 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by FirePhoenix View Post
Did you go and be a WK and got a bit burned? It's starting to sound that way to me. You can't save or help everyone and don't get bitter for the ones that take you for a ride and reject you. You can't win if you don't gamble. When gambling always expect to lose so it's nice when you do win. Never have strings attached becuase as much as you tried to tie it to another person the string is really tied to you and can be pulled on rather unpleasantly. (Learned that lesson yrs ago)
You talking to me? A WK?


Nope.... Just reading another one of those whore fell for a married hobbyist stories but this one has ended in an incredibly ugly fashion.... or actually is not quite over yet it seems as she makes yet another play to win him back!
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Old 05-18-2017, 05:28 PM   #15
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I like how you highlighted that part.Are you trying to say something? Hint at something? If so,what is it? Again with your disgust for the hobby that you invest so much of yourself in. Btw,ehat thread are you talking about?
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