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Old 03-29-2017, 12:27 PM   #1
Melissa Madyson
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Default Co-ed is for discussion on relevant topics to hobby...

As a fellow board member of Eccie since 2011, I have seen a lot of things discussed. Most good and some bad.

I have seen many people, come on the board, only to leave driven away because of the drama, and I for 1 wish that would all change....

Also I have seen providers as well as hobbyist change their handles from who they were to someone new, because of various reasons just not limited to their safety.......

Some ladies get banned, some ladies make Mandels, some ladies become bitter and try to inflict their hatred on others in petty ways such as not offering references to ladies they have hate towards.

We are all in this to be safe, and not keeping one another safe because of hatred is very un-cool.....

I am getting to my point here in a second, so please bear with me ladies and gent's.

LOUISIANA had on the news last night about prostitution arrest, and stings they were doing recently. Some of the arrest they said were for prostitution, as well as other things like outstanding warrants, and other various NO-NO's....

As longstanding members here, we should want to keep other members safe, no matter who they are, no matter where they come from.

A woman, who was once a member here by MANY, MANY, MANY, various BANNED handles as well as known BANNED MANDLES, has decided to start a U-TUBE page and post about many of the LADIES and GENT'S on the Eccie forum, on her BP ads....
If a person such as myself, comes on to the Eccie forum, and comments anything SHE doesn't like she will go to her U-TUBE page and post about it. U tube has no filter guidelines when it comes to that sort of thing I suppose. If you click on her U-TUBE page, she get's paid by ADSENSE app. for each view she gets. JUST FYI...

She began posting about me as well as others on here, because I will no longer be her friend.

This known person, has been reported to the MOD'S sooo many times, and has been banned more times than I can count.
When 1 of her MANDLES get's banned, she already has a new one to come on the board with.

She writes FAKE REVIEWS of BACKPAGE GIRLS, to gain premium access. She travels to various locations in her trailer so she has a ROLLING I.P. ADDRESS all the time.

When the GOOD ladies on this board inform YOU GUYS of this crazy Woman's MANDLES you guys instantly become WHITE KNIGHTS, and think us ladies are just hooker bashers!!

I love all of my fellow comrades, and just want to see us all BE SAFE, and make the hobby fun for all...

I am CERTAIN that by me posting this post, she will be on here to read it and by the end of the day will have something posted about me on her U tube blog page...

The known hooker I am speaking of is very unstable.

This came from her BP. ad March 8th if anyone needs link for MOD purposes please PM. me.

So, with all of this being said, please ladies and gent's be very cautious when posting here, and also be careful being sucked in by MANDLES, and BP girls who are unstable.

She cannot come back on Eccie as herself, so she comes on here as various MANDLES to bother people. Ask any MOD. if you do not want to take my word at face value.

I will NOT be run off the boards by this woman. I will not let her bully me as a provider. I refuse to give in to BULLIES!!
God forbid if she know anything about your work environment, or your RW JOB info. she will OUT YOU!!

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Old 03-29-2017, 12:30 PM   #2
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Thank you for starting this thread MM

You forgot to mention her Twitter page she started
on how she tweets about all of us board members here (especially me)

Everytime I call out her mandles here in this forum
how other board members will come to WK
her and tell her to place me on ignore etc.

If other board members only knew how i wished
all of her many fake handles would ignore me.
I'd give almost anything for her to put me on ignore
and forever forget about me but she won't and can't.

Every single day one of her fake mandles contacts me via here on
Eccie or from a fake #
I am tired of it and she has crossed the line
when she has threatened to take my life.
I'm not exaggerating, every day she contacts me
and already has this morning w/her bullshit.

One of her fake mandles that one of you board members were WK'ing
was just recently banned for posting a FAKE REVIEW w/the fake mandle.
Whether you like me or not it's never alright to defend a poser, the fake mandles
who are unstable.

No matter what if i like you or not i would never wish harm on any board members here.

Whether i'm your shot of Scotch or not it is never ok to have someone among us who
is wishing harm on us all.
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Old 03-29-2017, 02:19 PM   #3
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Holy shit, MM! Are you kidding me? YouTube! Can you PM me the link please. She and I had a sordid past from her stay in MS. She is yet another evil person
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Old 03-29-2017, 02:37 PM   #4
Melissa Madyson
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^^^^^Yup, she is very evil, and will try to hurt people who go against her bullying!!
She spews evil on her U tube page about other providers to make herself look better. When I stopped being her friend because I found out about her past, she began to torment me with her ugliness. She out's guys information when she screens them, and if they refuse to give her 2 work related items for screening, she goes on a whining fest on her u tube page. She said the page was created because Eccie will give points for posting the kinds of things she is allowed to post there with no repercussions....

She comes on the Eccie board as many Mandles to gain premium access...Why not just come on here as YOURSELF then everyone can see the true evil woman they already know you are.????

She is VERY DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

She visits the Houston, Miss., Arkansas, NOLA, Alabama forums and other states to reek havoc.
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Old 03-29-2017, 02:46 PM   #5
Melissa Madyson
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Default I sent it....

Originally Posted by SeasonedMuse View Post
Holy shit, MM! Are you kidding me? YouTube! Can you PM me the link please. She and I had a sordid past from her stay in MS. She is yet another evil person
Did you get my PM...?? Please let me know.
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Old 03-29-2017, 03:23 PM   #6
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I sure did babe. Thank you
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Old 03-29-2017, 05:57 PM   #7
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Oh wow! This is some crazy shit! Even though I'm leaving in a couple of weeks, I would still like to know the link as well. I totally agree with you, we should all stand together, to offer protection and support.
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Old 03-29-2017, 06:42 PM   #8
Melissa Madyson
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Default Yes it is.....

Originally Posted by naughtyangel4u View Post
Oh wow! This is some crazy shit! Even though I'm leaving in a couple of weeks, I would still like to know the link as well. I totally agree with you, we should all stand together, to offer protection and support.
I pm'ed you with the link.
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Old 03-29-2017, 07:15 PM   #9
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This is unreal and I'll never understand the workings of a mind like that.

I've always understood that we all watch out for each other, both the ladies and the men and I hope like hell this will re-enforce the need to do that plus use solid screening from both parties.

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Old 03-29-2017, 07:16 PM   #10
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Thank you, Melissa!
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Old 03-29-2017, 07:52 PM   #11
Melissa Madyson
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^^^^^Your welcome hunny... I am very sure this disturbed woman is not finished trying to reek her havoc on me or Seeking~P. And if people aren't careful she will spew her hate on them.

Oh and did I mention she has a Twitter page dedicated to talking about things she reads on the Eccie board?? I sent link to Mod...SMDH

This is why it is so hard to welcome newbies to the board if they are a guy, because we DO NOT KNOW if it is really a new guy or if S*ber*a has made up a new Mandle....

So forgive me for not being as welcoming to the new guys here as I would like to be...
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Old 03-30-2017, 06:36 AM   #12
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I've seen her BP add's off and on for a good while and knew about the youtube link but I didn't know what was inside . I knew from so many warnings in the past she was evil but savvy so I never clicked anything associated with her or her youtube . I still haven't and won't . What you mentioned about her making money on it makes a lot of sense MM . It's probably part of her marketing scheme , stir controversy to the max to get more traffic and make more money . Thanks to a few of the ladies warning me a few years ago I've avoided her like the plague . I can see getting premium access for reviewing a known provider on this board but it's always been to easy for someone to review some obscure BP provider who will never be asked to vouch and still get it . It would be easy for me !That's the reason I don't have it because anyone can get in there and see things of a more private nature .

Maybe if they set the threshold a little higher for a noob user to gain first access with 3 reviews
with known providers that could be verified it might really make it elite but as it stands anybody can get in with just about any review on anybody anywhere . That's why she gets away with it . It's not just our mods per se that are faced with this . She could be doing the review in Hawaii or Ohio and then coming here to read .Thanks for having the guts to bring this up and make the community aware of her even at the risk of more personal misery MM . You rock .
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Old 03-30-2017, 07:34 AM   #13
Melissa Madyson
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YES the backlash will be significant, however I do NOT scare easily.... I am NO pussy and I am from the old skool where if you talk the talk you better walk the walk!! The board rules for premium access needs to be tweaked so not everyone can gain access so easily until they have @ least 3 verified bonafied ladies they have reviewed and can be checked out.

If we want our hobby boards to remain safe, we need to put more preventative measures in place to keep out the whackadoodles and nut jobs.

It will at least keep people from having Mandles and less headaches for the MODS!!
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Old 03-30-2017, 10:40 AM   #14
Melissa Madyson
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Mod Road Lizard, I just forwarded a PM. that I received to you from what is possibly S*ber*a's newest MANDLE....It is Guitar.... Joined recently and 46 posts no reviews...

Handle asked me about my posts. I told her to contact a Mod. for more info.
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Old 03-30-2017, 01:54 PM   #15
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Ms. Maydison, I'm afraid you have me mixed up with someone else. I'm tring to find out who you are talking about myself. But I've been told to be myself, so that's what I'm going to do. I even posted one time that I don't do reviews so that I am not tied to any particular activities. And you suggested that I come to La. for a level 1 visit, since that was what I was only interested in. But whoever you ARE talking about, must really be happy you don't suspect them. Meanwhile, I'm cautious about what I type and surely not going to give any reviews now. But have a nice day.
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