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Old 03-25-2017, 06:43 PM   #1
Mykah Stone
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Angry Make an appointment... just to not show up.

I don't get it. Why take the time to call a provider, go through screening, hear menu options, then arrange an appointment time; just to NOT show up? Why? I don't get it, can someone please explain this to me?
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Old 03-25-2017, 06:58 PM   #2
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Default I will explain it

First, there are a lot of good people on here. Both sexes
And there are a lot of assholes, both sexes. It happens the other way also.

The type of guy who does what you are talking about is hedging his bet. He has probably contacted several ladies and ultimately goes and sees who he wants. he keeps you on the hook as he is not sure if the other lady will come thru.
this person has no consideration for you or any of the other people If you screened thru other women drop them a note and let them know. this type of person is generally a repeat offender.

that said, women do the same thing. They will make an appointment and then a regular calls and they give the already scheduled slot to him. It has happened, and will continue to happen.

a;; in all it can be a fun time but certainly has it's down times also. Sorry it happened but that is the way it is and will continue to be.
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Old 03-25-2017, 07:16 PM   #3
Nina the Dicknapper
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Originally Posted by Mykah Stone View Post
I don't get it. Why take the time to call a provider, go through screening, hear menu options, then arrange an appointment time; just to NOT show up? Why? I don't get it, can someone please explain this to me?
Is this personal? Blast his ass. Idiots like that need to be brought to light
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:02 PM   #4
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The obvious answer is an emergency but general courtesy is to send a quick text. Maybe the menu items didn't include what he was looking for and he was embarrassed to tell you. Hard to say but it's very rude on both ends to just not tell you and not show but as we see here happens way too often and is probably not even brought up most of the time.
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:09 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mykah Stone
just to NOT show up? Why? I don't get it, can someone please explain this to me?
Mykah, sorry the session didnt take place.

there are a gazillion + 1 reasons why a guy would do something like that.
but there is only ONE reason why your potential client did what he did.
if you want to, send him a note asking what happened, if he's okay, and/or if he wants to reschedule [depending on what's important to you]. he might reply w/ info and/or a reason [which may or may not be the reason he did]. i wouldnt recommend holding your breath for a response.

Originally Posted by Nina the Dicknapper View Post
Is this personal? Blast his ass. Idiots like that need to be brought to light
mykah, i would wait a day or two for the guy to reply.
if you dont get a response, you could let the other dallas area providers know in the powder room who is he and his contact info ["just the facts, ma'am"]. some other providers might reply w/ "yep, he did that to me" or "never had a problem w/ the guy."

unless he's done this to you before or to a bunch of other providers, i dont see any good reason to think he's an idiot or needs to be blasted.

finally, i would not say it's personal. he chose to do something. and tho there's a low probability he was doing it to "hurt" you [financially or emotionally or ??], i doubt it.

like many guys say to other guys when they get ncns'd or provided a crappy session, MOVE ON - there's more fish in the sea.
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:16 PM   #6
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It could be that he's found someone he's more fond of. Some guys pm many girls and when inquire each one of them. Its like buying a car, you wanna look in multiple showrooms to find the best price and quality.
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:27 PM   #7
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It's not obvious, that's why she is asking. It's very much rude and inconsiderate. Some people are just self centered or just don't have home training.
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:47 PM   #8
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I appreciate everyone's response. When I confronted him about it, he pretended that he actually showed up. He didn't remember. Yes I get the infoumous "family emergency " lie; that would have been the least he could have done actually. I'm not upset he didn't show, just confused as to why waste your own time, and mine. He said he arrived at the appointment at 5:30.... he made the appointment at 5:45. Lmao.
And I don't get the whole provider NCNS like.... your regular will be a regular, try to make a new regular because the old regular will see you regardless. I'm super considerate, and was genuinely worried when he didn't show, I sent him a "smh" text and let him know how I felt and he also said I had the wrong guy. How? Lol I

Epiphany: the girl I called to get a "YES" from probably callled him and cock blocked. It just hit me. Wow!
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:48 PM   #9
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I've been NCNS'd before and it's very annoying. When I make an appointment I stick to it. I'm generally early. If I have to cancel for some reason I do it well ahead of time. It's common courtesy that people don't commonly have and it drives me nuts.
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Old 03-25-2017, 08:51 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mykah Stone View Post
Epiphany: the girl I called to get a "YES" from probably callled him and cock blocked. It just hit me. Wow!
??? is this sarcasm? if not, I have no idea what you mean.. please explain.
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Old 03-25-2017, 09:05 PM   #11
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So many more family emergencies in the hobby versus the real world.
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Old 03-25-2017, 09:10 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
??? is this sarcasm? if not, I have no idea what you mean.. please explain.

No Sarcasm, I think I figured out why he didn't show up while I was typing. When I called the other provider to screen, she said he was cool to get me off the phone. Once I was off the phone, she probably called him and told him come see her for a cheaper rate. I'm assuming. Lol
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Old 03-25-2017, 09:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Mykah Stone View Post
your regular will be a regular, try to make a new regular because the old regular will see you regardless.
I believe successful providers treat their regular clients like gold.
"The old regular will see you regardless" is naïve to say the least. As soon as I don't feel my regular repeat business isn't appreciated I will look somewhere else (and I have). The provider acted hurt but damn take care of the man that puts consistent income in your pocket every week. I wanted to say that for a while and I'll get off my soapbox now.

I don't have an answer for why somebody would schedule, set a time, confirm it, and not show up. I have put out feelers before but if I confirm an appointment that's the appointment I go to.
Bottom line he's at a minimum rude to not let you know. This is a business for you and when a spot is taken and then no showed, that income is just gone. You're pretty cute...I wouldn't no show you.
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Old 03-25-2017, 09:34 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Mykah Stone View Post
No Sarcasm, I think I figured out why he didn't show up while I was typing. When I called the other provider to screen, she said he was cool to get me off the phone. Once I was off the phone, she probably called him and told him come see her for a cheaper rate. I'm assuming. Lol
While it's an assumption, it's not crazy. I've had it happen more times than you could imagine. While a new girl is checking a reference on me the girl she's checking with will reach out to me offering cheaper session, more activities, longer sessions, etc.

It's a very competitive environment with so many girls here that one is always trying to trump another. Every week someone tries to have a better ad, better price, or offering special services to get guys to buy their services. Pretty much like every other business.
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Old 03-25-2017, 09:40 PM   #15
Mykah Stone
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Default Soap box blues

Originally Posted by L.A. View Post
I believe successful providers treat their regular clients like gold.
"The old regular will see you regardless" is naïve to say the least. As soon as I don't feel my regular repeat business isn't appreciated I will look somewhere else (and I have). The provider acted hurt but damn take care of the man that puts consistent income in your pocket every week. I wanted to say that for a while and I'll get off my soapbox now.

You're pretty cute...I wouldn't no show you.
Didn't mean to get you in your feeling box lol. Its not naive to me to say that my regular will show up regardless. I'm speaking from personal relationships that I've built with them. My regulars KNOW for a FACT that I take care of them when they come to see me. Further more, if I have already scheduled an appointment and then my regular calls wanting that spot, they would never want me to cancel the first client. They want to see me succeed so usually want me to try to make all the cash I can. Usually, I'll move the appointment down if I can to squeeze him in; otherwise if I can't, they always say they can come a little later. If my regular and I have a specific day and time, I would NEVER schedule that slot. Going a bit off topic just wanted to clarify. I'll make another thread for this topic because it's a good one. Thanks for the input and the compliment. ;-)
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