Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
1) you're coming off as needy and they're ghosting you
2) you're trying to have a conversation, rather than booking, and they have shit to do
3) their appointment just walked in, and their TCB sucks so they don't get back to you after their client leaves
4) they're on mommy duty
5) you've tried to haggle and they've now ghosted you
6) you're texting after she went to bed
7) she's at her RW job
8) RW friend, bf, family member walked in/called, etc
Really, the list is endless. If you really want to see that specific provider, try again. After that, move the fuck on, because either a) she has shitty TCB and who knows if she'll show up/be ready on time, or b) she's too busy with her current clients and doesn't have time to fit you in anyway (and doesn't have the courtesy to say she's too busy.
Right on!
We want to be sweet and as professional as we can. But guys...she has a life too! It might not be an instant reply every time lol.
And if she doesn't ever reply? Take the hint...