Originally Posted by JCM800
...it just comes down to what you choose to believe. ....
...until then this is nothing but speculation.
It's not what one "chooses to believe" because if that is the reality then you fall into that rubric as well ... because? .... no substantive facts have been disclosed ... only the "assumptions" drawn from the process .... and that is why there ..
"is nothing but speculation"!
The problem is that 95% of the people posting in here, including you, don't get the significance of the differences between "speculation" and "facts" and the various burdens of proof appropriately applied to the various stages of the process.
When one factors in "motivations" for disclosing certain "speculative conclusions" the credibility of the sources (99% "anonymous") is diminished to the point of almost being worthless. Remember this all started with a "belief" that the Russians manipulated the 2016 general election RESULTS! That's debunked.
Up until the Russians were blamed the Democrats were pissing on each other with the "dirty tricks" (remember the B.S. with the DNC leadership in the middle of the convention and one prominent DNC "leader" feeding questions from the media at which she worked to HillaryNoMore...) .... "the Russians" were NOWHERE!!!
"Believe" me! I understand why you and millions of others in the country don't want to mention HillaryNoMore!!!! Or Bill!!!! Speaking of playing footsies with the Russians!!! It's easy: "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas"!!!! The Clintons been playing with the Russians long before Trump threw his "hat in the ring"!