On legalizing marijuana I get the feeling Texas is going to be one of the last states to do so.
Why?, what are the main reasons the politicians or voters for that matter oppose this?
I have never smoked, used tobacco in my teens, mainly because I wanted to "be cool and belong" with my peers. I might use it as I get older, arthritis, heck even recreational,. I have friends that do, not heavily, they have families and jobs, pot does not make them crazy or lazy.
Other states are generating revenue with this, not to mention the resources that are not wasted on prosecuting it (police, courts, users).
Today the DA unveiled the "2nd chance" program, barely alleviating the prosecuting part of it.
On the other hand, Abbot seems to be flat against it, even worst, fecking Sessions was appointed as AG, so forget it @ federal level.
Do the voters really think keeping illegal is the best way? because if the majority don't, why don't their representatives actually, you know, represent?