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Old 02-13-2017, 01:18 AM   #1
The Infamous One
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Cool Just Don't..

I don't know what's going on lately. I don't know if the chicken came before the egg or whatever. I'm not sure if ladies are putting up with bad behavior or some hobbyist think it's okay to cross boundaries but it's not okay with me to....

Don't fucking order me around like some kind of submissive or victimized sexual circus monkey. Do not ever push my fucking head down & talk down to me (unless I specifically asked for it) or you will not like the out come.

I am NOT submissive. I do not like being roughed up. Do not short me. Leave your donation when you arrive. Not after & don't try to switch it up. Don't try BB or slipping the condom off or any other bullshit.

Dear regulars, thank y'all for being respectful cleanly gentleman that make me feel good about our time together!!

A few of need aya ass wooped around here & shown not to disrespect women just because they are "whores".

We put up with a lot of shit. This isn't easy money. Okay thank you. My quarterly spazz out is now over. Back to your regularly coed program!OMG... I needed to get that out! Thanks!!
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Old 02-13-2017, 04:06 AM   #2
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Hmm, I just heard the same rant from someone else when talking after a session. Is it just someone in particular, or have there been multiple offenders with the same m.o.?

I mean, just don't do this if the lady is resisting and protesting, it will screw up the mood for the whole session. Of course there are the ones that would gladly conform and submit without it being a problem, but you gotta be able to feel them out and know the difference.
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Old 02-13-2017, 06:42 AM   #3
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Ladies of Austin if you only new.

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Old 02-13-2017, 07:47 AM   #4
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I don't have problems saying the word "no" or "stop". They rather simple and easy words to say. My best advice is to stand in front of a mirror and say those two words until your conformable saying with confidence. I haven't come across any man that doesn't respect those words unless they were intent on harming another in the first place.
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Old 02-13-2017, 08:05 AM   #5
Cap'n Crunch
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Some of the guys on this forum are proudly misogynistic. They come here on some fake power trip to "put women in their place." And then there are equally weak-minded people applauding such behavior. I personally find it disgusting.

Unfortunately, some girls just put up with it. I saw a really nice provider who in a previous review had been abused by another ECCIE member. I asked her if she was into that and she said no, she didn't like it at all.. She is young and didn't know how to say no.
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Old 02-13-2017, 08:10 AM   #6
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There is power in words. Some people know how to use those words. For others it takes time and experience of the hard knocks of life to learn how to use words. For that young provider I hope she gets though this and learns to say "no" , "stop", and how to use call block. Again I say the same advice for this young provider- stand in front of the mirror and say those words until she has the confidence. It takes awhile but a person can do it.
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Old 02-13-2017, 08:19 AM   #7
Jeffrey Spaulding
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Based on the attitude reflected in some members post this d9want surprise me. Certain poste, who shall remain unnamed get off by belittling others. Keyboard tough guys. It would surprise me they treat providers the same way.
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Old 02-13-2017, 09:20 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch View Post
Some of the guys on this forum are proudly misogynistic. They come here on some fake power trip to "put women in their place." And then there are equally weak-minded people applauding such behavior. I personally find it disgusting.

Unfortunately, some girls just put up with it. I saw a really nice provider who in a previous review had been abused by another ECCIE member. I asked her if she was into that and she said no, she didn't like it at all.. She is young and didn't know how to say no.
Some of the guys on this forum are simply opinionated and share unpopular views and labeling them "misogynistic" is the most common reaction here.

That comes mostly from 2 types of people in my experience.

1) Whores that are not in touch with the reality of what they are. Some women make a decision at some point in their lives to sell their body and find it easier than doing anything else and become trapped in it. The disgust and distaste they have for themselves is vented through attacking those with views that do no glamorize their choice to be a whore.

2) Some men are here because they lack the self confidence and/or social skills to have attractive women in their lives and get caught up in the "illusion" that they might matter to these whores. It's all a performance in search of attention from the whores that provide them the only female attention they get.

There ARE, no doubt, some abusive men in the mix. Your mistake is in thinking they are men that participate in this forum. Outside writing a review or the one guy that is proud of his ability to rob the whores we probably seldom hear from any of those.

Have you not noticed though that the ones you might feel are "misogynistic" are never called out by any women here for what their personal behavior is like IRL?

There is a reason for that.
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Old 02-13-2017, 09:30 AM   #9
Victoria of Houston
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I am sorry to hear you had some bad experiences hun.

However, there will always be bad guys in the hobby, always. And there will always be awesome guys in the hobby as well.

Screen harder and it should significantly help cut down the number of undesirable gents you meet.
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Old 02-13-2017, 09:39 AM   #10
Lena Duvall
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As a sexual submissive, I just want to chime in to say there is a gargantuan difference between consensual BDSM play and abuse. Being tied up and put in my place can be such an exhilarating dynamic to explore when there is mutual trust and respect. And consent!

But a really important aspect of The Infamous One's initial post is: unless I specifically asked for it

I have very little tolerance for misogynist antics and non consensual degradation. Over the years, I've gotten better at discerning who may be likely perpetrators of the forms of emotional or physical violence mentioned. And in the cases where these jerks do bypass screening, I hope my fellow companions report them on the appropriate venues.
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Old 02-13-2017, 11:19 AM   #11
Cap'n Crunch
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Whores that are not in touch with the reality of what they are. Some women make a decision at some point in their lives to sell their body and find it easier than doing anything else and become trapped in it. The disgust and distaste they have for themselves is vented through attacking those with views that do no glamorize their choice to be a whore.
Perhaps you are not aware of the extent you are a mysogynist. Being as "opinionated" as you are, just makes you a LOUD misogynist. If a provider's name is Jane or Sally, instead you call her "whore". You always try to demean the girls and find a way of mocking their exsistance. It is quite repulsive and shows major issues you have with when dealing with the opposite sex.

"The disgust and distaste they have for themselves"
"Whores that are not in touch with the reality of what they are. "

WTF, dude. These are real people, in many cases super nice people. They deserve more respect than you ever give them.
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Old 02-13-2017, 11:22 AM   #12
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My wife got a sticky in Houston out of her thread...you think you'll get to that level of funny?

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Old 02-13-2017, 11:43 AM   #13
Cap'n Crunch
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Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
My wife got a sticky in Houston out of her thread...you think you'll get to that level of funny?

This should actually be required reading for all Johns.
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Old 02-13-2017, 09:03 PM   #14
The Infamous One
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98% of you gentlemen are great. I never have any issues, as I have no problem stating and keeping my boundaries. I can't speak for any of the ladies but myself. I just put this here as a preventative measure and to those few, in the past, that have tried or did cross the line. With guys chilling out on providers porches unannounced, being sneaky with the BB etc. I felt the need to get it on out!

It seems it's the newer hobbyists. We teach people how to treat us. Those things aren't cool with me. IJS!!

Back to sucking... Happy V Day!!
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