Originally Posted by Oralist
Nope. He's trying to decide if he's going to be WU, SC, DG or Valery today. I'm going with WU and SC. WU being the ultra cool 😎 super mod while SC pushes the WTM 😢😪button.
Lol. You cats are a trip. Live and breathe SC huh? Give it a rest dude.
Since I'm on your mind (no homo) but my man crush was doing his thing on stage last night at club Nomadic while I was stealing his thunder in the crowd. These sweet little white girls are awesomely wickedly wild and fun... after about the 5th number i started turning them down...Good thing Bruno Mars can't fuck em all. Save some for me. What an awesome night.
Next I'm looking to sell my Playboy party tickets to go to Floyd Mayweather's party night. So no I won't be pushing RTM buttons I'm in a good mood. ;-)