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Old 01-15-2017, 12:36 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
I don't care what their attitude is. Show up, deliver the services I'm paying for, and leave. I'm under no illusions about paying a hooker to fuck having anything to do with real life personal interactions...

You care about attitude whether you admit it or not. If a hot skinny white provider hit you with some ratchet ghetto talk it would be off putting and I'd venture to say it might even scare some of you.
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Old 01-15-2017, 01:05 PM   #17
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Laughthink, I agree with you but being attracted to her is equally important. Her having a high IOP makes it that much better.
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Old 01-15-2017, 01:08 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
Hell yeaaaa

Providers AND hobbyists attitudes make or break a good time
100% agreed. OP you forgot to mention the gent's attitude as well. I see and have seen many gents complain about a girl's attitude for years now in the hobby; something I don't think many gents realize is that the energy you bring with you into the session, can affect the provider and how the session goes very strongly as well.

I am not saying this in defense to a provider who is just plain shitty and doesn't give 2 shits about providing a good experience; but for example, when a gent turns up for the first time to meet me, and he is nervous, I pick up on it and it makes me nervous as well. I am sure other providers feel similar.

Some gents aren't exactly rude or disrespectful, but I can tell they have some issues going on (perhaps in their personal lives), and it affects my entire mood during the session. Or they are a void of interaction and lay there completely silently and I maybe get 5 words out of them for the entire session.

Or for another instance, throughout the years I have heard both complaints from gents about a single provider - she talked too much, or she didn't talk enough. Guess what? We are not mind readers. Set the tone of the session and show us how much you would like us to engage with you, and any good provider will follow suit and try to accommodate your preferences as best as she is able.

Other gents turn up and are completely congenial, very sweet, responsive, etc etc and it makes things go great. And then there are just some people you will jive with better than others; that's just down to human nature and chemistry.

Anyways, I do agree with you OP but guys, please keep in mind that this issue is a two way street. There are two (or sometimes more!) people involved in this scenario, just like any other sort of relationship, and it takes both of you "bringing your A game" to make it an all around fun and enjoyable session for all parties involved.
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Old 01-15-2017, 01:34 PM   #19
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I was just thinking about this subject. I can say that there are certain things that get under my skin like texting when I specifically ask not to and asking about a menu when ymmv and I have plenty of reviews plus its solicitation to answer a question like that. As long as I can smoothly book someone without a lot of faux pas then you going to get a lovely attitude from me, it makes my job great but if you start of by texting me, not introducing yourself, then going straight to the jugular by asking about specific "acts" Im already in a bad mood because All I ask is that my time and safety is respected. The last thing any of us want is to deal with LE so that menu question just feels like a set up. Also the relentless requests for BBFS can really put a girl in a bad mood as well not to mention guys asking if I can take $60 or so, its just an insult.

I take each guy on a case by case basis so the slate is clean the minute you call but as soon as you cross those boundaries you could get some attitude.

I am a business and I have a due process, like any business you go to you respect the due process to get the service you want.

Bottom line you know better than to piss off someone who prepares your food but you disregard doing it with your provider?
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:00 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Gabriel070 View Post
More important than looks, menu or rate

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Old 01-15-2017, 02:03 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
100% agreed. OP you forgot to mention the gent's attitude as well.
Well, actually, from my OP:
Originally Posted by laughthink View Post
"How about providers - how important is the attitude and friendliness to you of the hobbyist?"
I *totally* get that it is a two way street. I would never expect a good attitude without bringing one to the session, but that is my standard attitude (for the most part) in or out of the hobby! :-)

Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston View Post
Some gents aren't exactly rude or disrespectful, but I can tell they have some issues going on (perhaps in their personal lives), and it affects my entire mood during the session. Or they are a void of interaction and lay there completely silently and I maybe get 5 words out of them for the entire session.
Ha! Yeah, I know that I've met providers and I've felt the same way! Yeah, it sure does go both ways... Everyone (providers and hobbyists alike) have some amount of baggage, but the more we can leave outside a session, the more enjoyable it is for everyone. I also liked your comment about not being mind readers. I get it - EVERYONE is different. I think just a willingness to be respectful and reasonably friendly (on both side of the fence) makes the hobby a LOT more pleasant!
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:08 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by DatyOyes View Post
Laughthink, I agree with you but being attracted to her is equally important. Her having a high IOP makes it that much better.
Yeah, very true! Ultimately, if there is no physical attraction, that's going to be a tough session. For me though, I'd rather have a session with a more plain looking provider with a great attitude then a session with a super hot woman who just wasn't friendly. That's just me though, I totally get that for some the priorities are totally different.
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:09 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by laughthink View Post
Well, actually, from my OP:

I *totally* get that it is a two way street. I would never expect a good attitude without bringing one to the session, but that is my standard attitude (for the most part) in or out of the hobby! :-)

Ha! Yeah, I know that I've met providers and I've felt the same way! Yeah, it sure does go both ways... Everyone (providers and hobbyists alike) have some amount of baggage, but the more we can leave outside a session, the more enjoyable it is for everyone. I also liked your comment about not being mind readers. I get it - EVERYONE is different. I think just a willingness to be respectful and reasonably friendly (on both side of the fence) makes the hobby a LOT more pleasant!
Totally did not see you state that, my mistake.

It can be hard to please everyone in the world, so yes, some direction is most appreciated. This also applies to when it is time for the "fun" parts of a sesh; not all techniques are going to please everyone, so gents, don't be shy in opening up and letting us know what you like and what feels good!
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:12 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Lily Stargazer View Post
Bottom line you know better than to piss off someone who prepares your food but you disregard doing it with your provider?
This made me LOL! Yeah, I hear you. I'm gonna eat, either way, so better be nice to the other person involved! Ha!

I also hear and respect your pet peeves about not doing the background research and following a few simple ground rules and the "due process." It is inherently a risky proposition (for both of us) to hobby, so common sense, due diligence, and a good attitude go a long way on both sides IMHO.
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:41 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Gabriel070 View Post
More important than looks, menu or rate
Let's not get carried away now
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:48 PM   #26
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For me its right up there in terms of looks and service. Normally how I can tell how the provider will be is thru text or a phone call first...that gives me a general idea of their attitude. But I also think its a give and take deal too cause I'm sure they deal or have deal with real asshole types also. What they do is similar to what we do...if you have someone at your job who's a real jerkoff...you're going to be hostile towards that person also. I've been pretty lucky I've never really dealt with anyone who was cold..and I'm as laid back as possible. The more comfortable you make them feel...the more they are accommodating with you.
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Old 01-15-2017, 02:54 PM   #27
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I would say attitude is a significant factor, but not the defining factor. If a provider has a great attitude and mediocre performance, she will work with you to find a way for you to leave satisfied while remaining happy and patient. Attitude is the underpinning of a great session and gives you the ability to salvage a subpar session. A bad provider attitude instantly puts you into a situation where you have to decide to gut it out to get a nut or cut your loss and leave mad. You need a blend of both attitude and performance. A great attitude with poor performance is a do not visit again for damn sure, but a bad attitude with PSE BJ skills will probably have me tolerating your bad attitude. A great nut beats a bad attitude most of the time. I wouldn't do an hour with a bad attitude provider, but I would do BNG if her head game was pushed me beyond rational thinking.

Like others have said, customers shape provider attitudes. If a customer shows up with a bad attitude or failed to follow the rules requested by the provider, you have already set the tone for a challenging session. Us as customers always rant about providers and their bad attitude, but I can't ever recall a customer posting that he fucked the session up and he was the blame for her attitude.
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Old 01-15-2017, 03:13 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Bigdawg300 View Post
I would say attitude is a significant factor, but not the defining factor. If a provider has a great attitude and mediocre performance, she will work with you to find a way for you to leave satisfied while remaining happy and patient. Attitude is the underpinning of a great session and gives you the ability to salvage a subpar session. A bad provider attitude instantly puts you into a situation where you have to decide to gut it out to get a nut or cut your loss and leave mad. You need a blend of both attitude and performance. A great attitude with poor performance is a do not visit again for damn sure, but a bad attitude with PSE BJ skills will probably have me tolerating your bad attitude. A great nut beats a bad attitude most of the time. I wouldn't do an hour with a bad attitude provider, but I would do BNG if her head game was pushed me beyond rational thinking.
Interesting and well thought out response. I can see where you're coming from, especially "attitude is the underpinning of a great session." Lots of other stuff comes in to play, of course!

Personally, I would have a hard time enjoying a PSE BJ with a provider with a bad attitude. I'd be too annoyed. For me, I'd rather have a mediocre BJ from a girl that's really trying to please as opposed to great oral work from someone who would clearly rather be elsewhere and had a crappy attitude.
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Old 01-15-2017, 03:14 PM   #29
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There's an escort advertising 600 an hour on P411.

I looked her up a review of hers on erotic monkey and one had an opening preview mentioning how she's cute but highly self absorbed.

Ouch. At that rate, everything has to be perfect and then some but I guess this is an industry catering to rich fools eligible for rip-off's based on lackluster performances.
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Old 01-15-2017, 03:21 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by hk toys View Post
Ouch. At that rate, everything has to be perfect and then some but I guess this is an industry catering to rich fools eligible for rip-off's based on lackluster performances.
Shit... Sounds like you're talking about my financial advisor!
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