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Old 01-14-2017, 01:28 PM   #1
JD Barleycorn
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Default Obama is setting up Trump (and the country) to fail

Bordering on treason, Obama has put in play a series of events designed to give Trump problems with governing. They will also give the left talking points for the next election. In 2000, Clinton wrote an executive order about the amount of lead in water. The amount that was the new standard was so small that even water in the Rocky Mountains could not pass. It was a ridiculous standard and Clinton knew it. Bush overturned the executive order...which was exactly what Clinton wanted. If you remember, the press and the left went ape shit about Bush trying to kill everyone with lead poisoning. Something that didn't bother Clinton for the entire eight years that he was there until the last week.
So now if Trump overturns these executive land grabs in the west, the left will scream that he is anti-enviroment.
If Trump reinstitutes the wet foot/dry foot policy then the left will say that he either antagonizing Castro or waffling on immigration (they can't tell illegal immigration from legal immigration).
If Trump pulls the US troops from the Russian border then he is soft on Russia,
If Trump leaves the US troops on the Russian border then he will be provoking the Russians.
Ditto on those islands in the South China Sea and the Chinese.
If Trump leaves Gitmo open then the left will say that Trump is holding onto history and not the reality of an empty camp.
Trump ends the investigation into Comey, Trump is in cahoots wth the FBI director to throw the election.
Trump expands the Justice Department inquirery into the FBI and Hillary Email, Trump is politicizing politics (???) by trying to jail his political rival.
Just look at anything done by Obama this last week and imagine the response from the left if Trump reverses it.
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Old 01-14-2017, 01:30 PM   #2
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Bordering on treason, Obama has put in play a series of events designed to give Trump problems with governing. They will also give the left talking points for the next election. In 2000, Clinton wrote an executive order about the amount of lead in water. The amount that was the new standard was so small that even water in the Rocky Mountains could not pass. It was a ridiculous standard and Clinton knew it. Bush overturned the executive order...which was exactly what Clinton wanted. If you remember, the press and the left went ape shit about Bush trying to kill everyone with lead poisoning. Something that didn't bother Clinton for the entire eight years that he was there until the last week.
So now if Trump overturns these executive land grabs in the west, the left will scream that he is anti-enviroment.
If Trump reinstitutes the wet foot/dry foot policy then the left will say that he either antagonizing Castro or waffling on immigration (they can't tell illegal immigration from legal immigration).
If Trump pulls the US troops from the Russian border then he is soft on Russia,
If Trump leaves the US troops on the Russian border then he will be provoking the Russians.
Ditto on those islands in the South China Sea and the Chinese.
If Trump leaves Gitmo open then the left will say that Trump is holding onto history and not the reality of an empty camp.
Trump ends the investigation into Comey, Trump is in cahoots wth the FBI director to throw the election.
Trump expands the Justice Department inquirery into the FBI and Hillary Email, Trump is politicizing politics (???) by trying to jail his political rival.
Just look at anything done by Obama this last week and imagine the response from the left if Trump reverses it.

All true. Odumbo is guilty as charged. And don't forget the Dakota Access Pipeline Odumo arbitrarily interrupted.
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Old 01-14-2017, 01:45 PM   #3
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This would be true if the media wasn't self-destructing.

Right now, it's important that Trump gets the Obamacare mess and the economy fixed. If he can come up with big wins, then bitching by the Dims' dogs, the media, will be on deaf ears.

Right now, the MSM is responding to dim's dog whistles, and are getting their collective asses handed to them.

I still don't get how this ridiculous argument about Trump is buddy buddy with Putin and Trump is trying to get us into a nuclear war has legs. It's about building the economy through the military and the US infrastructure.
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Old 01-14-2017, 04:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
I still don't get how this ridiculous argument about Trump is buddy buddy with Putin and Trump is trying to get us into a nuclear war has legs. It's about building the economy through the military and the US infrastructure.
LBJ's campaign operatives said the same shit about Barry Goldwater and tried to paint him as mentally unstable. If Trump and everyone else who are accepting his status as President would just ignore these hysterical, cry-babies then the shit wouldn't get legs.

The news media who keeps running their mouths about these stupid accusations are simply discrediting themselves even more than they already have. They are beginning to look really bad, not Trump. It's not going to make one bit of difference.
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Old 01-14-2017, 05:04 PM   #5
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I think the white working class people of this country woke up about what the America hating muslin in the white house is all about, that's why Trump is the 45th POTUS
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Old 01-14-2017, 05:07 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
I think the white working class people of this country woke up about what the America hating muslin in the white house is all about, that's why Trump is the 45th POTUS
And once the nonWhite folks get onboard those whining bitches with coloring books and comfort pets will be sucking hind tit...2018 and 2020.
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Old 01-15-2017, 01:47 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And once the nonWhite folks get onboard those whining bitches with coloring books and comfort pets will be sucking hind tit...2018 and 2020.
Depends on what Trump does or it will be like after Bush !, Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama.
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Old 01-15-2017, 04:42 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by wordup666 View Post
Depends on what Trump does or it will be like after Bush !, Clinton, Bush 2, and Obama.

eehhhhbuhrrrrr the swamp donkey... It's said when you're dead, you don't know it... It's the same when you're stupid...

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Old 01-15-2017, 08:12 PM   #9
dilbert firestorm
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shenanigans by past presidents need to stop.

this will require a constitutional amendment.

presidential powers should be limited after Nov. 9. this would make a president a caretaker government. this means he can't issue executive orders, sign treaties, or make general mischief or sabotage for the incoming president and sign pardons.
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Old 01-16-2017, 12:25 AM   #10
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
shenanigans by past presidents need to stop.

this will require a constitutional amendment.

presidential powers should be limited after Nov. 9. this would make a president a caretaker government. this means he can't issue executive orders, sign treaties, or make general mischief or sabotage for the incoming president and sign pardons.
So watcha tryin to say ? You're not OK with Jimmy Carter jetting around the world, throwing wrenches in the liberal " middle east peace process " and being a spokesman ( and keynote speaker ) for HAMAS at the last Muzzie and Muzzie-loving Liberal love fest HERE IN the U.S. !? Just wondering, if in odummer's ( and the rest of the POS lyin liberals ! ) world that if you're not " good with that " , you are, like me, " deplorable " ???
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Old 01-16-2017, 01:13 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post

All true. Odumbo is guilty as charged. And don't forget the Dakota Access Pipeline Odumo arbitrarily interrupted.
Since the Clinton's have been invited to the swearing in ceremony of Trump and , supposedly the media says they will attend , wouldn't it be great if " The Donald " had all of those women that the perjuring sexual predator molested stand DIRECTLY across from them AND IN BLUE DRESSES during the ceremony ! ??? Can you imagine the " seizures " that the lib media would have ? ! They'd be setting records for sales of Depends and how fast a Port-a-Potty can get filled up !
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Old 01-16-2017, 01:21 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by gary5912 View Post
I think the white working class people of this country woke up about what the America hating muslin in the white house is all about, that's why Trump is the 45th POTUS
But, but, but the " community-organizer-in-chief assured us that " the sweetest sound is that of the Muslim call to prayer first thing in the morning. And here, all this time, I mistakenly thought it was to here your children's first breath ( after having being swatted on the ass ) and subsequent cries ? Or, for your spotter to say " Target down., move to target # 2 ...or #3...or # 4,et.al " after having use d a Barrett to " dispatch " a jihady ? What the hell happened to my life , Marine ? !! OOH-RAH !
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Old 01-16-2017, 04:09 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by wordup666 View Post
Depends on what Trump does ....

The whining, blubbering Liberals are still insulting "middle America" ...

.. every day they talk about "Russian" influencing them .. insults them!

The whining, blubbering Liberal media is trying to form the "agenda" of Trump.

... "Middle America" is not concerned about "the first 100 days" ... and the whining blubbering Liberals haven't figured that out yet! They'll give him EIGHT YEARS as long as he works at for the first four!
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Old 01-16-2017, 07:36 AM   #14
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by Rey Lengua View Post
So watcha tryin to say ? You're not OK with Jimmy Carter jetting around the world, throwing wrenches in the liberal " middle east peace process " and being a spokesman ( and keynote speaker ) for HAMAS at the last Muzzie and Muzzie-loving Liberal love fest HERE IN the U.S. !? Just wondering, if in odummer's ( and the rest of the POS lyin liberals ! ) world that if you're not " good with that " , you are, like me, " deplorable " ???
you forgot north Korea. jimmy carter is one big run on sentence, he doesn't shut up about muzzies.

yeah I'm deplorable.
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Old 01-16-2017, 11:57 AM   #15
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Til, America is going to fail.
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