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Old 10-26-2016, 05:29 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by yitzchak View Post
How come she treated everyone else so nice? Her reviews are outstanding. Why am I the only fool?
women can sense a clingy psycho very easily. unfortunately this is what you are here in this story. she doesn't want to see you because she is scared to see you + she already got money from you + she knows you got no more money + more

stop contacting her, move on and learn from this experience

if you want to see a provider for your first time then find a newb friendly one on here. but personally I do not think your first time should be that.. you need to fix yourself up and get your life straight first. if you got no money to pay your own bills, you shouldn't be hobbying in the first place.

you complain about yourself.. well why don't you get off your ass and do something about it. build up some self confidence.
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Old 10-26-2016, 07:37 AM   #47
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I'm not sitting on my ass all day, and calling someone is not equivalent to stalking them.

I think it's okay to want to speak to her and understand these actions before I post a bad review, or something like that. If I can't contact her, then I will have no other choice but to do what everyone has adviced.

I do appreciate everyone's input and response. Thank you for reading and offering your help.
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Old 10-26-2016, 08:29 AM   #48
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You are a woman, posing as a pussy. No man talks like you, hope you are enjoying the attention. Your entire story is bullshit, none of it ever happened and no one here believes you nor likes you, go away please.
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Old 10-26-2016, 08:50 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by yitzchak View Post
I'm not sitting on my ass all day, and calling someone is not equivalent to stalking them.

I think it's okay to want to speak to her and understand these actions before I post a bad review, or something like that. If I can't contact her, then I will have no other choice but to do what everyone has adviced.

I do appreciate everyone's input and response. Thank you for reading and offering your help.
you are stalking her and i would be scared if i was a chick and a guy was acting like this.. just leave her alone already. when women say things to you, take it for real.. so if she says 'don't contact me' or you hear 'she doesn't want you to contact her' and you continue to do so then yes that is STALKING. if you had a sister and some dude kept creeping her like this wouldn't you get pissed? so put yourself in her shoes

what I mean by not sitting your ass. you are 27 years old.. you aren't 72 years old right? this means go out and meet people. go to the gym, start taking care of yourself. women like men who workout cause it means they care about their body.

i'm not trying to upset or embarass you, I'm just telling you that you need to get a grip.. got your whole life ahead of you and you are obsessing over a hooker who has other dudes sperm on her lips on a daily basis.

everyone has been in your shoes before.. we all been lonely.. lots of dudes on here have had wives leave them, divorces, lost loved ones, been stoodup, been cheated on, etc. you paid this chicks bills for 2 months, well lots of guys on here are paying decades in alimony or child support. so why not just take the monetary loss and move on. ask her for the money back, post up her name.. whatever you feel you need to do. but the quicker you get over it, the better..

i get it, you feel used. imagine the guy on here who has 2 kids, then wife divorces him and takes half his shit and he has to pay child support for the next 2 decades. even if you are a guy who gets tons of women, shit like this can happen to you.
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Old 10-26-2016, 11:32 AM   #50
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She never told me anything, just gave me the cold shoulder. The receptionist told me she didn't want to see me, but she herself said that wasn't true.

I'm not arguing I inderstand what you're saying. I am trying to improve myself. I've been going yo the gym about 5 times a week. I have a busy schedule. I am graduating in May with a BS in chemistry and physics. Hopefully I can find a job and have money soon.
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Old 10-26-2016, 01:08 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by yitzchak View Post
She never told me anything, just gave me the cold shoulder. The receptionist told me she didn't want to see me, but she herself said that wasn't true.

I'm not arguing I inderstand what you're saying. I am trying to improve myself. I've been going yo the gym about 5 times a week. I have a busy schedule. I am graduating in May with a BS in chemistry and physics. Hopefully I can find a job and have money soon.
if you are well educated, make money at a good job, and keep your body in good shape you will have to fight off women with a stick into your 30's and 40's.

women your age go for the bad boys by nature, after they get burned so many times they wise up as they get older. that is where a guy like you will get tons of pussy when you get older.
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Old 10-26-2016, 02:18 PM   #52
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if ...

My friend is 50 years old, has a PhD in mathematics and a masters degree in physics and is unemployed. It sounds like an exceptional case, but just because you go to school and get a degree, even a graduate degree, it doesn't guarantee you will end up with a good job.

Some of the professors here, at least the women professors, don't make good money, despite having been in school their whole life. However, I also know a chemist who makes millions. Anything is possible, with an education or without.
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Old 10-26-2016, 02:50 PM   #53
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I'm going to chime in here with a professional opinion. You sir are deeply codependent whether you want to admit it or not. You invest so much of your identity and happiness in others. Your low self-esteem and self-worth make you highly dependent on others for validation and affirmation. Those deep insecurities you have made abundantly clear drive you to obsessively seek it in others, more often than not women I would bet. What you see as normal pursuit of a relationship, the rest of us see as a stalker in the making. Not only that, it paints a nice big target on your forehead. For all the nice and decent people on here there are plenty of well adapted predators waiting for you. I would discourage you from hobbying altogether because your emotional make up will drive you to push boundaries and make assumptions about emotional connections that aren't there. This could be a recipe for disaster for both you and any provider you see. Do yourself a big favor and get yourself into therapy to address those self esteem and codependency issues before you do yourself anymore harm. Right now you have probably scared off any of the nice and decent ladies from ever seeing you. Think I am joking?, Give it a try. I not saying this to be mean hearted. I want you to understand you are headed for some dark places unless you wise up. Get yourself some good help and do the work to get better. That would be a gift you give yourself. It could also spare you being victimized by anyone else. Okay rant over little brother good luck.
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Old 10-26-2016, 02:51 PM   #54
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You really need to walk away from this woman and don't look back. And in all honesty you probably shouldn't hobby. Best of luck to you.
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Old 10-26-2016, 08:37 PM   #55
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You've given me a lot to think about.

She messed with my head it seems.

It's disheartening to think that I am this way because I've never experienced acceptance or love or intimacy, and because of that people are afraid to give me those things or take advantage of my desperation.

This isn't the only girl whose treated me like this. It seems to be a cycle of some kind, repeating itself.

I think that I need help. If not from a provider, than I don't know who, but I do need help.

I'm making myself out to be the bad guy again, but she lied to me a lot and it messed with my head.
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Old 10-28-2016, 06:05 AM   #56
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Default First step to recovery!!

Originally Posted by yitzchak View Post
I think that I need help. If not from a provider, than I don't know who, but I do need help.
You are on your way....

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Old 10-28-2016, 06:20 AM   #57
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Some are destined to remain virgins for their entire life ...
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Old 10-28-2016, 06:54 AM   #58
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You should find yourself a nice Amish girl
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Old 10-28-2016, 07:39 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by yitzchak View Post
I have concluded many details in this story, because I am seeking guidance. If you don’t mind reading this and offering some advice, I will appreciate it. Thank you.

I met this girl who I really liked on a cam site. She asked me for financial help, and I was glad to help her, because she seems like an amazing girl. She is an escort, as well.

I supported her and paid her bills, even for her meals, for about two months. During that time we spoke on Skype and over the phone everyday. We talked about a lot of stuff, but most of the time I just tried to joke around with her as friends. We didn’t do anything sexual during this time, just talked. I only brought up sex a couple of times. She told me that we were friends and she was very thankful for my help. She even said that she loved me a few times, but I did not quite understand why. I think she may have been appreciative. I am confused about why she said that.

I told her about my troubles with women and how lonely I am. I am a 27 year old virgin. I'm not ugly. I'm just really shy, and I have low self esteem. It's very hard for me to attract girls. I've also been manipulated, scammed and lied to by many women while I was pursuing a girlfriend. She told me she would never do anything to hurt me like the other girls did. I thought she was the perfect girl, a Godsend who would cure my disease, to fix my soul and allow me to experience a woman for the first time, but not just any woman, She was the girl of my dreams. She told me that she thought it was hot that I was a virgin. She told me that my dream of being with her and losing my virginity would come true.

When she started her escorting work, I tried to set up an appointment with her. I talked to her on the phone about it, and she seemed okay with it. In retrospect, her voice seemed a little sad, like quiet and monotone. I asked her if she wanted to see me, and she paused for a moment and said if I scheduled with her, she will not deny me. Her response confused me, but I was so close to having the ultimate dream girl that I paid it no attention.

The night before our meeting, I called the agency, because I had not heard from her and they never asked for my phone number or what hotel I was staying at. The lady told me that this girl did not want to see me, and I should see another. I was shocked. I sent her many messages in tears, because I didn’t understand why. She texted me late that night and told me that she was booked for the entire time she was in my area and could not see me.

I believed her, but when I texted her a few days later to see how she was, I received no response. It seemed as though she was ignoring me. I began to panic and cry again. I sent her a lot of texts, a few a day, expressing my confusion, anxiety and sadness. I did not hear a word from her until I asked her whether she had scammed me, and told her that if she had then I would have to report her to the agency, because it wasn’t right.

She told me that it was not a scam and that we are still friends. I said I was sorry. I just didn’t hear from her in so long that I began to think she had disappeared. The last thing she said to me was that the agency didn’t care about me or what I would say. That was the last thing I heard from her, about one week ago.

That being the last thing she said didn’t really calm my nerves. I’ve been extremely stressed over this for about a month. I’ve been crying everyday and trying to contact her, but she no longer responds. I’ve received a lot of mixed messages, and I am terribly confused. I don’t understand what is happening. She made it seem like we had a buddy-buddy kind of relationship, but leaving me to rot in this kind of pain and confusion doesn’t seem friendly to me.

I don't have much money. I am actually very poor. I basically live in poverty. I expressed that to her when we first met. She said I shouldn't worry about it. She would pay me back. I told her she didn't have to pay me back, because, honestly, getting the chance just to sit in the same room with this woman would have been a dream come true for me, and that was worth everything I had in this world. However, she kept saying that she would give back to me for helping her. So, I kind of gave her a little more than I could afford. She seemed like a wonderful person. She was funny, she was cool, beautiful beyond belief and we seemed to get along really well.

Now, she seems to have cut me off. I don't know what to do. Should I believe what she has told me? Should I just leave her alone and believe everything is fine? Am I being a pest to her by texting too much? Maybe I got too emotionally involved, but why would she say that she loved me, that we were good friends and that she would never break my heart? To take a measly five thousand dollars from me, for what seemed like for fun or no reason at all? She makes way more than that in just one week. I'm a poor and lonely guy. Did she use that to take advantage of me? Why would she ruin my life for just 5k? She can make that much in one day. I can’t make sense of it. Do you think she just really did not like me after getting to know me? Did I do something wrong? Did I send too many texts, freak out too much and ruin my chances of ever speaking to her again? Maybe she realized that I’m too much of a loser to talk to her. I can’t tell if I’m being a weirdo by freaking out about this or if she really has used and manipulated me. Both are tearing me apart. I keep beating myself up for freaking out, thinking I have scared her away, and I keep crying, thinking she has scammed me.

I am very sad and confused right now. I need someone a little more experience than I to help me understand what is happening.

Thank you.
Unprofessional.Escort didn't like you joking around with her friends.Escort like you paying her bills.Thanks sharing your story about unprofessional escort
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Old 10-28-2016, 09:35 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Some are destined to remain virgins for their entire life ...
What do I do? Last time I tried to get laid I was catfished by some obeise black chick who lives by Houston Texas, where I was homeless for several days when I went to go see her.

I have more stories like that, unfortunately.

I legitamtely had a crush on this escort for a few years and being fooled by her felt even worse than the prior rejections I've had.

Would any escort actually want to meet me after everything I've revealed here? Would any girl, in general, want to put up with me? The absolute worse thing I'll do is send a little too many texts. I can think of worse people out there.
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