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10-21-2016, 11:41 AM
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Science might be right about the earth not being flat and many other things. But with enough time orthodox science has also been proven incorrect so many times that many of the assumptions of scientists must be viewed with caution.
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10-21-2016, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I googled Pew Research and found the following. Outside of the 16-19 age group, the unemployment rates are acceptable. And PEW points out that the number of people retiring and not looking for work skews the data.
"But the unemployment rate isn’t the only, or even necessarily the best, indicator to come out of the monthly jobs report. Simply being out of work isn’t enough for a person to be counted as unemployed; he or she has to have been available to work and actively looking for work, or on temporary layoff. (As the BLS itself noted once upon a time, “Being employed is an observable experience, while being unemployed often lacks that same concreteness.”) In any given month, the unemployment rate can rise or fall depending on the interplay between how many people find or lose jobs and how many join or leave the active labor force.
For much of the current recovery, the unemployment rate fell even when relatively few people were finding jobs, because even more people were retiring, going back to school, or simply giving up the job hunt. In the past six years, more than 12.6 million Americans 16 and over (seasonally adjusted) have joined the ranks of those not counted as part of the labor force."
Unemployment Rates by Age
Last August the President's Counsel of Economic Advisors found that of the 94 million Americans now comprising those absent from the Labor Participation Rate, that approximately half of those were Baby Boomers who had retired, and the other half were those adversely affected by the continuing economic crisis since 2008.
This should be no surprise given that welfare assistance has done nothing but increase since 2009. Individuals on food assistance has increased by 400 percent.
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10-21-2016, 12:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
One of todays biggest problems is "science." Today was cooler than yesterday, so how could there be global warming? And don't tell me its not obvious the earth is only around 6000 years old. I am sick and tired of "science" telling me otherwise.
Why does the liberal media insists the world is round? I'm looking outside, and its pretty flat to me. Liberal media always tries to shove facts down my throat. What if facts are contrary to my belief systems? I have feelings about how things are. That's good enough for me. If I ever do want facts, I prefer websites that will make up the facts I want to hear.
Trump is going to win the election in a landslide. I will be there on November 28th to cast my vote.
Hey Cap'n. You're gonna have to stop this "Humor" and "Logic" thingy. People are going to start thinking you're smart and witty which opens some kind of portal to hell according to them. Trust me, I know all about it.
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10-21-2016, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by pussycat
Last August the President's Counsel of Economic Advisors found that of the 94 million Americans now comprising those absent from the Labor Participation Rate, that approximately half of those were Baby Boomers who had retired, and the other half were those adversely affected by the continuing economic crisis since 2008.
This should be no surprise given that welfare assistance has done nothing but increase since 2009. Individuals on food assistance has increased by 400 percent.
The information on this website contradicts your statement of a 400% increase in those receiving food stamps.
"The amount of people on food stamps, while considerable, is an improvement.
When Obama took office in January 2009, almost 32 million people received SNAP benefits. The number increased during the Great Recession as more families turned to the program for assistance, averaging an annual high of 47.6 million participants in 2013."
"A report by the Food Research & Action Center, a hunger and nutrition advocacy group, applauded the 43 million figure in April as the lowest level of participants since October 2010. From April 2015 to April 2016, participation is down 1.9 million participants."
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10-22-2016, 09:58 AM
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so many times that many of the assumptions of scientists must be viewed with caution.[/QUOTE]
I think that's the whole point of science. THAT was the revolution. Thou shalt not control the production of knowledge. That's why the interpretation of events are called theories. However, it's good not to conflate intellectual openess with willfully ignoring evidence because it conflicts with what you think you already know (religion) or because it conflicts with some other end or system, economic or political (climate change deniers).
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10-23-2016, 03:16 PM
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It may not be 400 percent but it's still very high. And this is a pattern in your comments. I point to a terrible condition and quantify it and then you come back with evidence that my numbers weren't quite as high as that, and declare that everything in the economy is fine. But it's not fine. It's never been this bad since the Great Depression, and it would be worse than that except for 10 percent of the GDP being borrowed debt to stimulate us into zero growth. And let's be clear on that. The rate of growth is no higher than the increase in population. That's called zero in real terms, and reality is what matters.
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10-23-2016, 03:19 PM
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The senior climate scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is Dr. Richard Lindzen, and he insists that climate change from Carbon Dioxide is nonsense. Also several Nobel Laureate scientists such as physicist Freeman Dyson at Princeton agree that climate change is untrue and that Carbon Dioxide has nothing to do with climate change.
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10-24-2016, 12:16 AM
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Well, this is why I didn't want to cover too much in the first post - because some like you can't see the big picture or the trend, they just want to argue over 20 million details that don't just the final analysis. You were obviously oblivious to most of these things and still miss the mark on most of them - you need to do the homework, I'm not going to burn more time than I already have just to make it easier for you, or make it easier for you to waste my time.
- "examples" - I stated as clear as day that Obama has special ops in well over a hundred countries. In what way has Obama's foreign policy not been as bad? Iraq and Afghanistan continued - Libya, Yemen, Turkey, Syria - total disasters - he's played a part in all that. The list goes on - do your homework.
- asset forfeiture - which word in "continue" did you not understand. And for you to claim it has done nothing but put non violent criminals in prison means you don't know jack shit about how it has been abused and how there is a clear conflict of interest
- "freedom of speech zones" - once again you are going to blame the current admin use of that on bush - surprising
- crushing treatment of whistleblowers - one example? seriously, you are not even trying - do your homework, this is easy googling
- 100 mile zone - if the border patrol with exec approval recently starts using a bad law that was done in 1953 that is is on Obama. The law was bad and he is an ass for using it. Your excuse - pathetic as usual
- posse comitatus - you don't understand how disallowing military to do domestic police work affects our civil liberties is just your willful ignorance - I'm curious why you think they originally made that law...
- fed law enforcement/ows - yes, obama has nothing to do with federal law enforcement - damn bush
- fbi cultivating terrorists - do your homework, not hard to find
- no fly lists - once again you continue to not understand continuation - hope and change baby!
- domestic propaganda - "who gives a shit?" - yes, having the government influence mainstream media, create fake personalities en mass to influence public opinion, create purely fake news stories that are difficult to detect, and the like... "change the fuckin channel"? Half of your facts are horsecrap - I think you may not have changed the channel in time.
- joke attorney generals - opinion not fact? What did Holder do besides announce that he would not go after large corporations and cover up arms shipments to mexican drug gangs to influence their politics? Is there some way he has applied justice that I missed?
executive orders - they are not all created equally
regulatory capture - examples?
you either don't know what that is, or are just too lazy to look... here's a hint, where do you think the appointee for the FDA came from? How much presence does Monsanto have in the federal gov? Who wrote the Affordable-lol-Care-Act? In almost every direction...
Military drills in urban settings - so you are saying that our urban areas are just like theirs? And that there's no other way they can do that training? And that there can be no other motives beyond that simpleton reasoning you are giving?
You either are purely ignorant, one degree ignorant (with a quick google to back it) - and/or simply don't really care about civil liberties in which case you should just shut up about it.
I didn't even get into the ndaa - indefinite retention and a whole lot of other crap - but... internet arguing...
Your lack of name calling while being continually insulting has been duly noted, thank you for that.
Originally Posted by Little Monster
I'm not gonna call you any names sir, I honestly did enjoy this post you got me to think and look stuff up and I do respect that. It's obvious we get our news from entirely different sources and as I have said before that's the beauty of freedom. I do think you might want to consider doing a little research before posting some of the points you try to make, cause then you will just be like Trump and help your opponent out every time you open your mouth.
Once again thank you for this post!!
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10-24-2016, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by pussycat
It may not be 400 percent but it's still very high. And this is a pattern in your comments. I point to a terrible condition and quantify it and then you come back with evidence that my numbers weren't quite as high as that, and declare that everything in the economy is fine. But it's not fine. It's never been this bad since the Great Depression, and it would be worse than that except for 10 percent of the GDP being borrowed debt to stimulate us into zero growth. And let's be clear on that. The rate of growth is no higher than the increase in population. That's called zero in real terms, and reality is what matters.
The numbers I presented were MUCH less than 400%. High but no where near 400%. Going from 32 million to around 48 million is an increase of 50%, most of which were attributable to the 2008/2009 recession.I certainly agree with you that the number is higher than anyone would like it to be.
Conditions in 2008/2009 were MUCH worse than they are today in my opinion. When Obama took office we were in a recession bordering on a depression. In October 2009 the unemployment rate was 10%. It is now under 5%. I'm sure you will argue that the unemployment rate is manipulated. I am not going to disagree with you that the economy is far from perfect. But I do not think it is a disaster.
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10-24-2016, 12:28 PM
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The numbers I presented were MUCH less than 400%. High but no where near 400%. Going from 32 million to around 48 million is an increase of 50%, most of which were attributable to the 2008/2009 recession.I certainly agree with you that the number is higher than anyone would like it to be.
Conditions in 2008/2009 were MUCH worse than they are today in my opinion. When Obama took office we were in a recession bordering on a depression. In October 2009 the unemployment rate was 10%. It is now under 5%. I'm sure you will argue that the unemployment rate is manipulated. I am not going to disagree with you that the economy is far from perfect. But I do not think it is a disaster.
I'm going to repeat this again because despite your efforts to distort the facts here they are:
1.Prior to 2009 median household income was over 56,000 dollars and now it's still only 52,000. This despite the fact that corporate profits and the equity markets have all rebounded years ago. This new normal of low incomes will not change. It is static.
2.The numbers of people in poverty have never been higher, and the numbers of people on food assistance has increased significantly despite the fact that the richest one percent are making more money than ever and corporate profits are way up and the stock market is at record highs.
3.Economic growth over the last eight years has either been less than oner percent per year or one percent per year but no higher. At the same time the population increased by one percent per year.
4.During this time the amount of the Federal Budget comprised by debt was over 40 percent. The amount of GDP comprised by Federal spending is 23 percent. That means fully 9 percent of all economic activity and aggregate demand in the economy is made up by the Federal government borrowing money, basicially printing it out of thin air, and then distributing it to people so they can purchase things with little income WHICH WAS NOT EARNED. That's because the economy is now so small that there isn't enough demand to pay for all the people who are spending. So the balance is being made up by fiat money flooding the system.
5.At the same time the Federal Reserve is flooding the economy with trillions in zero interest credit to keep interest rates low and to provide liquidity. And even with all this phony money and debt the economy is still flat. Zero growth.
6.The numbers of people unemployed has not been this high since the Great Depression. According to the President's Council of Economic Advisors one half of the 92 million people permanently out of the work force are NOT retired people or people in the military. They are unemployed not recorded in the "unemployment rate."
But the one percent (including myself) has never been better.
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10-26-2016, 01:07 PM
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The answer is yes. Trump can still win. The polls are misleading. Hilary has no passionate supporters. People will not turn out for Hilary. Trump is a movement. His turnout could spell doom for Hilary. I mean really, can anyone really see Hilary as the President? She has no leadership personae whatsoever. She's an ugly, nasty fat old lady.
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10-26-2016, 01:37 PM
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I simply must congratulate Pussycat on his facility with fallacious arguments,dim witted theorizing, unearned superiority complex, blatant racism, putrifying sexism, and his ability to justify his leader's authoritarian fascism.
Your Goebbels und Himmler level devotion is truly astounding. You do it so well.
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10-26-2016, 02:06 PM
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Yew an' yer high-falutin' werds miss tha point thet poosy-gato makes mo' sense than Sara Pailin, Gary Johnston, an' Mike Huckabucc-ee put tagather! An' he speaks inna language thet e'ery buddy h'yar kin easily unnerstandt. Hell, Ah'd vote fer'im ta holdt an 'lected publick office!
'R s'lected pubic orifice. His choicet.
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10-26-2016, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by pussycat
The answer is yes. Trump can still win. The polls are misleading. Hilary has no passionate supporters. People will not turn out for Hilary. Trump is a movement. His turnout could spell doom for Hilary. I mean really, can anyone really see Hilary as the President? She has no leadership personae whatsoever. She's an ugly, nasty fat old lady.
You should really stop and read some of the BS you write. The only supporters Trump have are the uneducated whites and racist. Every time Trump opens his mouth he says something stupid. There is nothing presidential about him. The polls are misleading. Lol When he lose in a landslide, I bet you are going to say the election was rigged.
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10-26-2016, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by endurance
Well, this is why I didn't want to cover too much in the first post - because some like you can't see the big picture or the trend, they just want to argue over 20 million details that don't just the final analysis. You were obviously oblivious to most of these things and still miss the mark on most of them - you need to do the homework, I'm not going to burn more time than I already have just to make it easier for you, or make it easier for you to waste my time.
I agree, I have much better shit to do than waste time on a dumb ignorant fuck such as yourself, however you really do make shit way too easy to not have fun with your ignorant ass so I just can't resist. You just flat out twist facts to fit your argument then wanna call others ignorant when they don't agree with your stupid shit.
- "examples" - I stated as clear as day that Obama has special ops in well over a hundred countries. In what way has Obama's foreign policy not been as bad? Iraq and Afghanistan continued - Libya, Yemen, Turkey, Syria - total disasters - he's played a part in all that. The list goes on - do your homework.
You wann talk about me wanting to pin everything on bush and here you are blaming Obama for two wars that Bush led us into, Afghanistan we need to go into I admit that, but the Iraq war was started on a bunch of bull shit lies about WMD's that Bush even admitted he knew never existed. We spent over 2 billion dollars a day over there it was time to leave period end of storey.
- asset forfeiture - which word in "continue" did you not understand. And for you to claim it has done nothing but put non violent criminals in prison means you don't know jack shit about how it has been abused and how there is a clear conflict of interest
I never said "asset forfeiture put non violent criminals in prison, Reagan's "War on Drugs" ha. Of course reading comprehension has not been your strong point thus far. And please explain to me why it is up to Obama to do away with a BS policy that was started by ignorant conservatives such as yourself???
- "freedom of speech zones" - once again you are going to blame the current admin use of that on bush - surprising
I never once blamed Bush for the free speech zones, I simply stated he used the shit out them. Once again reading comprehension has not been your strong point. I clearly stated that free speech zones were created by the conservatives in 1988. And if Obama used them against the conservatives then GOOD!! You hypocritic pansies deserve it. If you can't handle your own medicine then you should not have started them in the first fucken place ignorant one. Go bury you face in a pillow and cry about it.
- 100 mile zone - if the border patrol with exec approval recently starts using a bad law that was done in 1953 that is is on Obama. The law was bad and he is an ass for using it. Your excuse - pathetic as usual
Seriously??? How many presidents have we had since 1953?? and you're trying to blame Obama for a policy that was created before he was even born. Your argument.... Pathetic as usual ignorant one (damn you make this shit easy!!)
- posse comitatus - you don't understand how disallowing military to do domestic police work affects our civil liberties is just your willful ignorance - I'm curious why you think they originally made that law...
WOW, in this point you say the Military should be allowed to do domestic police work, but further on down the list you say the military has no business doing traing in an urban area. You do realize that you are contradicting yourself right. Your ignorance is really getting the best of you!!
- fed law enforcement/ows - yes, obama has nothing to do with federal law enforcement - damn bush
I Never once mentioned Bush on this point. I did ask for a link stating Obama was behind the OWS break up. and of course you can't produce it, LAME!!
- no fly lists - once again you continue to not understand continuation - hope and change baby!
Once again a Bush policy but go ahead and continue to try and blame Obama ignorant one.
- domestic propaganda - "who gives a shit?" - yes, having the government influence mainstream media, create fake personalities en mass to influence public opinion, create purely fake news stories that are difficult to detect, and the like... "change the fuckin channel"? Half of your facts are horsecrap - I think you may not have changed the channel in time.
OK, if you are the type who lets the media persuade your views then not only are you ignorant and dumb, but you sir are very weak minded.
- joke attorney generals - opinion not fact? What did Holder do besides announce that he would not go after large corporations and cover up arms shipments to mexican drug gangs to influence their politics? Is there some way he has applied justice that I missed?
I'm in a Mexican drug gang, I like Holder he's a cool ass mother fucker
executive orders - they are not all created equally
Oh so now there are different levels??? HAHAHAHAHA!! Once again trying to twist shit up to fit your argument. Fucking pathetic. Reagan was 10x worse than Obama on the usage of executive orders period end of story.
Military drills in urban settings - so you are saying that our urban areas are just like theirs? And that there's no other way they can do that training? And that there can be no other motives beyond that simpleton reasoning you are giving?
Hell yes they are!! have you ever been to Memphis, TN??? That city is way worse than Baghdad!! First you say that the military should be policing us now are saying that they have no business in our inner cities, you sir are contradicting yourself!! You really are a Trump supporter aren't you!!
You either are purely ignorant, one degree ignorant (with a quick google to back it) - and/or simply don't really care about civil liberties in which case you should just shut up about it.
I didn't even get into the ndaa - indefinite retention and a whole lot of other crap - but... internet arguing...
Your lack of name calling while being continually insulting has been duly noted, thank you for that.
Now I have debated some Ignorant fucks before, but you sir are on a whole other level. I really do hope for the sake of humanity you do not have any children or grand children cause the thought of there being other worthless Bastard children out there who posses your ignorant gene's really is a scary thought!! And if you have any underage daughters or granddaughters I would love to find out who they are and fuck the shit out of them cause gods know they probably need some sense "put into them" HAHAHAHA!!
Wanna get a beer sometime??
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