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Old 10-15-2016, 08:48 PM   #31
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You offered it to me when I texted you last for +40. Ill post the. Text.
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Old 10-15-2016, 09:15 PM   #32
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Wise words@ Txtoast
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Old 10-15-2016, 09:42 PM   #33
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Hazelmontana - really interesting post. I think some of the more thoughtful replies have one clear thing in common, namely that if you build a solid client base, you won't have to worry about dipshit hagglers. Your regulars will take care of you.

I've seen enough providers in the last couple of years to learn to really appreciate the ones with whom I have some genuine connection. It's super fun to play with different ladies (and so many of you are absolutely stunning!), but what about the rest of the session? Shit, some dudes can probably pile drive for 30 or 60 minutes, I'm sure, but not me, LOL! So when I've met women with whom I click (which tends to be a mutual thing, it seems), I repeat. We even become friends of a sort.

Know that the grass is not greener on this side of the fence. For every great provider who really earns her rate, I'd say that there are 2-3 that absolutely should not be in this line of work. So that means for every $100 a guys spends, he spends an additional $200-$300 that he mostly wishes he hadn't. I've never met you, so I don't know what your sessions are like. But my experience is that there is a great deal of fraud out there. I don't mean that in a massively pejorative way...I just mean that the ad does not align to the actual service. Fake or deceptive pictures, false menus, rushed sessions, total lack of IOP, texting during the session, uncleanliness, filthy incalls, weird spontaneous restrictions, sighs/eye rolling/ or even no eye contact, illness (they're sick and are still seeing clients)...shit, I could go on and on. My point is that the grass isn't greener on this side of the hobby.

I think one of the natural consequences of this is that guys try to get a good deal. They know that if they've never met you before, there is a good chance it won't be the session of their dreams. Therefore, they try and limit their financial exposure. Said more plainly, they don't know if the product is a gem or crap, so they try not to pay too much in case it's crap. It's not like there is a return policy available, or some hooker hotline to call in case of bad service.

So back to what some of the other guys were saying, find *your* regular clients. Treat them well and be genuine with them. You'll get yourself out of the rat cycle (or at least you can reduce how much you're in the cycle). And maybe this will be less frustrating. I hope so, at least! You obviously care enough to make this post, so I wish you the best!!

I typed this on my phone so I apologize for typos, etc. And this is just my two cents, so take it only for what it's worth!
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Old 10-15-2016, 09:58 PM   #34
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@strongbow...I'm not sure I've ever read the male "let down" experience articulated so well; you are correct: we wade through a lot of bad experiences to find a few good ones, not to mention the research, hiding money from our wives, hobby phones, alibis, gas money to get to their incalls, and the risk to our bodies/safety as well. It's not one-sided for sure.
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Old 10-16-2016, 02:26 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by TxToast View Post
Just remember that many of us are successful and used to brokering deals. My best clients get preferred rates and I get "friend of the firm" rates from my lawyer, accountant etc.

Negotiation is a simple fundamental of entrepreneurial evolution. Use it to your benefit when it suits your needs..
There is negotiation and there is haggling. Negotiation happens when you already have a relationship with the client/seller. You male business owners give your best clients a great rate because they have a history of doing business with you often or they require your goods/services in such bulk that a discount to ensure their future loyalty makes sense.

In hobby terms, want to see a lady at a set time(s) every week and are willing to pay upfront for the the month? Damn skippy you'd expect an excellent rate. That's buying in bulk.

Have you spent a grand on a lady in the course of a month for several months in a row? You've established a history. She should be willing to see you OTC when you aren't BCD....if she doesn't then you really are just a wallet to her and know ya'll are friendly but hardly friends.

Pm a girl that you have never seen or spoke to with "hay thur i gots 100 can u c me nao 4 hr review speshul pls?????!?!?!" don't be offended when she tells you to politely fuck off.

This isn't gonna go over well with the guys but...girly, if you drop the BNGs and QVs for first time clients entirely you'll weed out a ton of shitheads. The other advice about growing a regular clientele and getting a more desirable incall location is also spot on.
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Old 10-16-2016, 03:26 AM   #36
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just some advice if you want to set yourself apart from others, your returns will depend on what you are willing to invest in the meeting. one provider i saw would do all the following consistently. nice incall, clean sheets, clean bath room, towels laid out, shower offered before and after. a mix of beverages offered from water to alcohol, jazz music playing in the background, massage, bbbj, mpcfs, msog, and at least acted very very very interested in the session, to make me BELIEVE that she truly wanted to spend time with me, no phone interruptions, no clock watching, was vocal during the session, and not just a cold fish. she would ask for 300hr and was worth every penny, why?? because no one else was doing what she did...
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Old 10-16-2016, 09:25 AM   #37
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Very interesting, informative and varying perspectives above.

All of which have at least some validity and value, imo, and, some of which have a lot more.

Regardless and outside of the pricing, most sessions' value to both provider and hobbyist cannot ever always be equal based on just the activities alone.

For the ladies, perhaps, it can be only about the revenue and the pleasure (assuming she gets pleasured either physically or emotionally). Since I am not a female, my perspective is obviously mine from a male pov.

For the gents, perhaps, it can be only about the cost and the activities much of the time. But again, from my hobbyist perspective, there's a lot more, as JohnnyG noted, the condition of the environment, the attention paid or denied, the comfort, the TCB, the etc., etc.

Or as I have noted many times in my "formula" - communication, chemistry, companionship leading to whatever comes next.
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Old 10-16-2016, 12:36 PM   #38
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Valid points everyone.
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Old 10-20-2016, 03:47 PM   #39
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You are so right. With your outlook and forthrightness, I am sure you will have no problem in attracting quality clients, because secure men (not boys), have no need to belittle an escort on a forum, for a typo, not even a spelling mistake for fuck sake. Besides, there are lurkers who never post but appreciate a certain type of woman.

Good luck.
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Old 10-21-2016, 12:08 AM   #40
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Unfortunately a female can have a great in call, great location, great reputation great service and reasonable rates along with great regulars....

You would not believe how often some hobbyists will absolutely insist upon crapping all over it by pushing for smaller donations, constantly asking for services not provided after being told no several times before and continuing to call after being blacklisted and calls blocked.

Men are predatory by nature. Most, thankfully are nice and polite and desired. But I can see why it is so difficult to find great service. Between the constant threat of LE and non stop, extremely aggressive stalkers with violence or theft of services agendas it is such a bummer sometimes to advertise and weed thru the terrifying responses.

I liken it to a store where shoplifters and even armed robbery is a constant threat.

Sociopaths are just as likely as good guys to book an appointment. Sociopaths never respect anyone, and the best service in the world won't stop one from being an asshole. They ruin it for everyone, and they unfortunately come in both male and female form so I guess this crap runs both ways.
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Old 10-21-2016, 02:46 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by johnnyglaze View Post
just some advice if you want to set yourself apart from others, your returns will depend on what you are willing to invest in the meeting. one provider i saw would do all the following consistently. nice incall, clean sheets, clean bath room, towels laid out, shower offered before and after. a mix of beverages offered from water to alcohol, jazz music playing in the background, massage, bbbj, mpcfs, msog, and at least acted very very very interested in the session, to make me BELIEVE that she truly wanted to spend time with me, no phone interruptions, no clock watching, was vocal during the session, and not just a cold fish. she would ask for 300hr and was worth every penny, why?? because no one else was doing what she did...
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Old 10-21-2016, 03:12 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by johnnyglaze View Post
just some advice if you want to set yourself apart from others, your returns will depend on what you are willing to invest in the meeting. one provider i saw would do all the following consistently. nice incall, clean sheets, clean bath room, towels laid out, shower offered before and after. a mix of beverages offered from water to alcohol, jazz music playing in the background, massage, bbbj, mpcfs, msog, and at least acted very very very interested in the session, to make me BELIEVE that she truly wanted to spend time with me, no phone interruptions, no clock watching, was vocal during the session, and not just a cold fish. she would ask for 300hr and was worth every penny, why?? because no one else was doing what she did...
Yeah, but thar's plenny o' hard laigs 'roundt h'yar thet wants the same treatm'nts fer $37.50 'r LESS an' still wants a free samm'ich outta tha deal 'r else tha gal is too uppity fer thar tastes! Meh, Ah'm happy wif a burger an' handjob in 'xchange fer mah game an' tuna-can sized peckerdillo!
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