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Old 10-10-2016, 11:55 PM   #1
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Arrow Ladies do the Men give up too easily ?

Do guys give up too easy ? Whether it being pursuing you romantically when your playing hard to get, or when they ask for something not on the menu, and you initially say no. Or When you name that price that's a little high and rather than negotiate the guy is like "Oh well, never mind...." You know what I'm talking about.

. Do we give up too easily sometimes ?
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Old 10-11-2016, 09:25 AM   #2
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Another way of looking at this is do men have respect for your boundaries and "value". I have NEVER negotiated price. If something I want is outside the lady's comfort zone, that activity would likely NOT be enjoyable. I don't think I give up too easily, I think I respect.
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Old 10-11-2016, 09:59 AM   #3
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real world and play world cannot be put in the same category as giving up too easily. i can see this question more in the gray area for our real world hookups but in playland its a whole different world there.
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Old 10-11-2016, 12:21 PM   #4
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If someone's menu or price is not to my liking, they will never hear from me. If that's giving up too easily, I'm guilty.
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Old 10-11-2016, 02:47 PM   #5
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I may be wrong but it seems the OP is looking for someone to say it ok to haggle and ask for additional services.

Personally, I believe that if a lady's rate is too high, the market will force her to adjust it.
If you don't like her rate, don't see her. I DO think it's OK to request a special rate for extended visits but, only if the lady doesn't have a multi-hour rate posted.
I also once contacted a lady who did not have rates posted at all. I asked her rate via message, she told me, and I declined. She offered a lower rate and I accepted. The key point here is that she initiated negotiations.
If you arrive and the lady has misrepresented herself, explain that she is not what you expected. I have only done this when a lady uses fake or dated pics. At this point I believe it is acceptable to negotiate. Personally, I wouldn't but I think any girl who misrepresents herself is asking for it.

It seems the OP is suggesting that rates are too high and believes he, and perhaps others, are justified in asking for lower rates and/or higher service. If she actually is asking too much, don't see her. She will be forced to lower her rate, move to a place where her rate is acceptable, or find other employment.
Another option is to treat them like crap until they decide to relocate to a place with better clientelle, then you can complain about the low level service in your area. I prefer to treat them fairly and keep them around. More girls in your area means competition and competition means lower rates. Cost will always be high when supply is low.
As far as additional services go, I feel it is OK to request additional services. She will let you know if she is ok with it, If she says "no", you might ask what it would cost, or even offer an amount. Asking nice can't hurt but, do not be demanding or pushy. If she still declines the offer, I might try saying, "maybe next time". If she is uncomfortable with your request, she might not see you again but she also knows you will likely be asking again.

Consider this guys, if some dude approached you on the street and asked you to blow him, how much would you want?
Her rates don't look that bad now, do they?
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Old 10-12-2016, 02:01 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by goodman0422 View Post
I may be wrong but it seems the OP is looking for someone to say it ok to haggle and ask for additional services.

It seems the OP is suggesting that rates are too high and believes he, and perhaps others, are justified in asking for lower rates and/or higher service.
No actually, Im not, at least not that specifically, just threw that in to tie up a paragraph. I already asked about negotiating in the Mens forum. I prefer not to negotiate actually as it makes me uncomfortable. I have a couple of times though. Once by accident, if you can believe that.

To get to the root of the matter, there is this girl, Non pro regular type, I think I may have thrown in the towel too early when I was hitting on lightly(IMO) and she threw up a Red card, then seemed later to be mopey and put off because I didn't pay attention to her anymore.

Im friendly but a tad frosty to any woman that shuts me down. Her subsequent behavior torques me off a bit. I act professional and courteous , but she seems to expect me to be the way I was before. Which is pointless now, and I want to ask her "what do you want?, what do you expect?, despite leading me to believe so, youre not interested in me. Well that sucks but fine moving on"

Some guys can interpret mixed signals, Im not great at it.
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Old 10-12-2016, 11:45 AM   #7
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Apologies for misunderstanding your question. Pursuing women in the RW and requesting things not on the menu are very different. As far as your rw girl goes, it depends on how serious the red card was. A lot of girls like the attention of a guy bending over backward for her. So she might string a guy along just to boost her ego. I honestly don't know how it plays out because when a girl plays too many games, I move on. In my experience, women decide if they want to sleep with you very soon after meeting. There may even be a limited opportunity to make a move. If you wait too long, you will miss it.
It's one thing to put effort into a girl when she is sending positive signals. It's another to waste time in something that won't pan out. There are articles on reading female body language out there that you might want to check out to help identify which one this girl is/was. There are also pick up artist programs that I have seen work but I've never tried one myself.
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Old 10-12-2016, 05:42 PM   #8
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Yeah, with regular games that the hum-drum girls play, makes them really unappealing. This little incident has bothered me a lot longer than it should have, because I am not sure if it was my fault. that bothers me

Fomerly I really liked her, now, well lets just say I don't care for people that commit fraud.(strong word, but can't think of a better one. Deception maybe) and I get a reminder of it every encounter now.

Honestly with regular women are just not worth fucking with, I don't know what I was thinking, with their constant shit test and manipulation. And I don't feel a sense of accomplishment when I finally manage to bed one. I feel pissed at the effort it took. if I am completely honest, I am just sick of their shit. You sit around for fucking hours, talking with them about (T)hem and.....The ...most ....banal...shit.... You have to play act the whole time, drop money on them, pony up compliments...oh but not too many, and you do this fucking dance for the possibility, maybe, could happen, of getting sex.

And how will that sex be ? Generally not too fucking good, I mean theres always hope, but most likely your going to run into a closet full of hang ups. Like the No blow jobs girls most of us have met.

Its really funny, when you see a guy bang a girl then never call again and they will lament


No he didn't, he just found out you suck in bed. Why don't you look at your actions instead of blaming others.

Believe me if a girls any good, she won't have a problem keeping a fella around, hell she can't get rid of them.

Thought I would ask here because the pros are differnet and more honest,,, well I thought they were. Oops

Oh well, its like I always say:

I am always putting things were they don't belong, My shoes on the couch, my keys in the laundry, and my faith in women.
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Old 10-13-2016, 04:42 AM   #9
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Not one woman has responded lol
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Old 10-13-2016, 06:26 AM   #10
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Hobgoblin, it sounds like you're getting over this situation, good for you, and what took so long?

IMO, in answer to the original question, an emphatic NO WAY! If anything, most guys try too hard and pursue too long. Most RW women, again, IMO, have way too much of a GPS and they don't deserve our over-the-top efforts. If she doesn't want you as much or more than you want her, then move on. Plenty of other fish-smelling genitals in the gene pool.

If a woman isn't responding, is stringing you along, is playing you for dinners, gifts, or whatever - then the relationship is doomed to be fraught with problems and drama anyway. Move on.

Men with a decent job, good hygiene, good manners, respect for others and a good set of morals and ethics are as desirable to good women as good women are to men. Don't play the game - move on and find the one that values you as you do her.

Sure, the heart wants what the heart wants, but when it comes to a point where it's only one heart that wants something it's best to chalk it up to "it isn't meant to be" and move on. You will find the right one, and the right one is the one that feels for you as you do for her. Not the one that you want but only wants to feel like she is the light of your day. The feeling should be mutual so move on.

I guess what I'm saying is, IMO, women that think you have to earn their affection (aside from the obvious business situation usually discussed in this forum, which is an entirely different situation) ARE NOT WORTHY OF THAT AFFECTION. Move the fuck on, it's not worth it.

So to repeat, NO WAY, we don't give up too fast - we try too damn hard.
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Old 10-13-2016, 12:27 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Gotyour6 View Post
Not one woman has responded lol
Since realizing the what the OP was originally asking, I've realized this is not the right place to get this information.
The women on here aren't asking you to pursue them. They only want you to pay them.
I gave my advice ob RW women but if I had more game, I wouldn't be on this board. I also don't have the patience to pursue a girl, be a nice guy, and take her to dinner only to find out she's only testing me to see if I'm worthy enough for her to quit fucking her ex. The only plus side is waiting for the late night bootie call after you dumped her (after some other sucker took her out so she could go home and fuck you.)

I'm not sure where you could go to actually get good advice on this. The RW girls you are talking about want you to continue to do things like you're describing. Their advice, of course, would be "keep being a sucker". (Not pointing fingers. I've been a sucker plenty of times.)

There are probably boards where you could get better info. But this probably ain't the place.
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Old 10-13-2016, 01:27 PM   #12
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If one of these gals doesn't want to see me then I move on to someone else. Not playing the chase game. Part of the reason we hobby is to avoid that.
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Old 10-13-2016, 09:46 PM   #13
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Right on.
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Old 10-13-2016, 09:48 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by goodman0422 View Post
Since realizing the what the OP was originally asking, I've realized this is not the right place to get this information.
The women on here aren't asking you to pursue them. They only want you to pay them.
I gave my advice ob RW women but if I had more game, I wouldn't be on this board. I also don't have the patience to pursue a girl, be a nice guy, and take her to dinner only to find out she's only testing me to see if I'm worthy enough for her to quit fucking her ex. The only plus side is waiting for the late night bootie call after you dumped her (after some other sucker took her out so she could go home and fuck you.)

I'm not sure where you could go to actually get good advice on this. The RW girls you are talking about want you to continue to do things like you're describing. Their advice, of course, would be "keep being a sucker". (Not pointing fingers. I've been a sucker plenty of times.)

There are probably boards where you could get better info. But this probably ain't the place.

Like I said, thought they would be more honest. Did you read my post ?
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Old 10-26-2016, 09:11 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post
Do guys give up too easy ? Whether it being pursuing you romantically when your playing hard to get, or when they ask for something not on the menu, and you initially say no. Or When you name that price that's a little high and rather than negotiate the guy is like "Oh well, never mind...." You know what I'm talking about.

. Do we give up too easily sometimes ?
some do. most don't in my experience.
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