Originally Posted by TownCryer
...You can always ask where the restroom is located, and hurry off as soon as direction are given. This should get you by.
Personally, I
don't prefer a gent to use a bathroom down in the lobby.
If he has to use one, use one at a McDonald's before he gets here.
If you ask where the bathroom is or just use one and they notice you going to the bathroom, they will most likely come to the conclusion that you don't have a room at their hotel (or you'd probably be using your bathroom in your room) and thus, they now know you're a "visitor" and might watch where you go or what you do thru the security cam if they are bored or curious.
Another important point...don't make your phone calls in the bathrooms OR elevators of the hotels.
I've had gents call me from the bathroom and I can hear the reverb on the phone which means people walking by the bathroom can probably hear you saying, "Which room are you in? Which way is that off the elevator?
#214 you say?"
In regard to the elevator, some establishments (like Marriott I believe) have audio recording to go along with their video. A lot of them have cameras in the elevators. It's not a smart idea to be asking which room while in the elevators either.
Just get all that info. done in the car in the parking lot.