Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Actually, you ignorant fucks who support Hillary will not fare too well either after she's elected. She doesn't care about you any more than she does the rest of us. Your speech will be limited. Your taxes will go up. Your rights will disappear, all while she is serving her corporate masters and trading foreign and domestic policy for donations to the Clinton Foundation.
It's sad, AssupIgnorant, that you lack the mental capacity to see this coming. But you will have served your purpose as a useful idiot, and you will be discarded like the rest of us.
Is this another Chicken Little thread, Bunker Clown?
of course it it!
You've got to be happier than a puppy with two peters to have the greatest fear monger since Joe McCarthy at the top of your ticket.
OOooooooHHHHH! The end is near!