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Old 08-17-2016, 06:35 AM   #61
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Wow ECCIE is worse that public elections. Not sure (don't follow all the drama) how a few can control the many..

Like previous post can give a rats ass who is a mod. But thankfully SA has the cream of the crop.

Just sit back you can learn which ladies you don't want them mad at you IJS

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Old 08-17-2016, 06:47 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Samcro84 View Post
Wow ECCIE is worse that public elections. Not sure (don't follow all the drama) how a few can control the many..

I think you meant.... A few have the balls to speak up for the many.....
Curious.... If a provider on this board took the money of hobbyistS and provided no service and she became a moderator... Would you then consider complaints on her Drama? Or useful information?

Like previous post can give a rats ass who is a mod. But thankfully SA has the cream of the crop.

You should be thankful SA has reputable providers that can be trusted

Just sit back you can learn which ladies you don't want them mad at you IJS

If you are, or plan on becoming a danger to providers....then yes, you should be aware that some of us will voice our anger.

Besos, Francisca
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Old 08-17-2016, 12:08 PM   #63
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(I admire the spirit in this one.)
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Old 08-17-2016, 07:21 PM   #64
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Wow ECCIE is worse that public elections. Not sure (don't follow all the drama) how a few can control the many..

I am not sure WHY you think that a FEW are controlling ANYONE... Look, just like A LOT of people... I enjoy READING and keeping up with some of my favorite posters...

I wouldn't say that Ms. Francisca and I have always seen eye to eye... but like anyone... I enjoy a beautiful SPANISH LADY who is articulate and knows how to hold a conversation...

When I saw that Doc Holyday SHORTED the beautiful lady... I just wanted to KNOW WHY??? SOOOO... I ASKED THE QUESTION... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MONEY?!?

After I asked the FIRST QUESTION it became known that he had SHORTED ANOTHER LADY... MJHolland... Surely, you can see that this is a PATTERN with this gentleman? This is not fair to ANYONE and it gives HOBBYISTS & MODTARDS a BAD NAME... NO ONE has TIME for that DRAMA...

So, I am not sure as to why you are trying to IMPLY that there is some CONSPIRACY AGAINST DOC HOLYDAY...

Like previous post can give a rats ass who is a mod.

And YET you took the time to POST and IMPLY that Ms. Francisca and I are somehow OUT to get this gentleman...

But thankfully SA has the cream of the crop.

Yes, we do!! We are VERY LUCKY IN SA!! On that we can DEFINITELY AGREE!!

Just sit back you can learn which ladies you don't want them mad at you IJS

Why do you think that I am MAD?!? I am not the one that HE SHORTED?!? If you bothered to watch the VIDEO'S that I posted you would see that I was LAUGHING at his pretentious ASS!! LOL... But then again... I LAUGH at my own OLD ASS ALL THE DAMN TIME!! So, I think that is a GOOD THING!!
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Old 08-17-2016, 07:24 PM   #65
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Old 08-18-2016, 12:35 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
JI, go ahead and pop that popcorn. Everybody in now? You folks pointing a finger, post all your hidden posts here and we will have a discussion. If you thought you can attack Doc and I'm just going to lay down and be maligned, you picked the wrong guy. Now I'm going to give you members that want to attack Doc and make malicious allegations 48 hours to get them posted. Don't leave any out now. I,ll be back Thursday.
Ya'll reckon the varmint's waitin' 'till sundown?
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Old 08-18-2016, 12:45 PM   #67
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Old 08-18-2016, 12:55 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by HUMP! View Post
Should I round up a posse, Mr. Dillon?

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Old 08-18-2016, 12:59 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by CoverMe View Post
Should I round up a posse, Mr. Dillon?

Attachment 559848
Make sure the young 'uns and womenfolk are out of harms way -- and the womenfolks' purses. Its been reported the varmint has sticky fingers.
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Old 08-18-2016, 05:40 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post

...You folks pointing a finger, post all your hidden posts here and we will have a discussion.
I haven't hid anything. Maybe you'd like to start the ball rolling by posting what you PM people here, myself included? That would be nice for you to put out in the open what you claim others are doing to you.

Now I'm going to give you members that want to attack Doc and make malicious allegations 48 hours to get them posted. Don't leave any out now.

I see by the clock on the wall the hour has come.I,ll be back Thursday.
Be waiting to see you post via back channel first.
P.S. still haven't read mine. You can start with it
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Old 08-18-2016, 06:59 PM   #71
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My, my, my, where have all my accusers gone???? I know that many accusations made in private areas are missing. Why is that? Is it because you members know they are lies and was just part of a malicious plan to achieve a goal? A goal you accomplished I might add. Is it because they will not stand the light of scrutiny by the members of this board?

[Staff edit. M]

That is the definition of a lie. However, WHEN YOU LACK ANY MORAL CORE, DISPENSING WITH THE TRUTH AND FACTS BECOMES EASY. If I committed the felony, criminal conduct as I was accused, I would be sitting in jail. I'm obviously not in jail nor have I been in jail. Since my accusers fail to put forward their allegations in a public forum and want to continue to hide in the shadows, behind a keyboard and monitor, in a dimly lit, smoke filled room, so be it. The ladies here can reasonably conclude the private allegations will not stand up to logical annalists and may discount them as the lies they are. What is the troubling part to me is that if they can do this to me, they can do this to any member and the next member might be you! So let me move on to what is in public.

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1801037&page= 4


The topic of this thread is hookering rules. Rules we should consider and try to follow.

It is a well known fact that moderators will use their power to get what they want, and that includes bareback, free time with ladies, etc, etc.....

One of my rules is that I do not see moderators BCD for the reasons I have stated above.

If you do a search on Doc Holiday, you will find he wore out his welcome in San Antonio for many reasons, by both the men and the women. Hence his reason for now joining your community in West Tx as well as other cities.

So, if your opinion is that I have a "personal vendetta" with him, fine, it's only an opinion, not a fact. If you choose to do a little research, you might realize and understand the reason behind my post.

I do not bring my Personal Vendettas on eccie, I take care of them personally. But, since I am being accused, I am happy to share with you how I conducted my personal vendetta.....
Doc Holiday paid a total of $400 in cash and 2 dinners that cost him about $200. He received a bbbj. That was a lot more satisfying than playing games on eccie.

I have alerted the ladies in the proper forum the detailed information needed regarding Doc Holiday, information that has been provided by many other providers and many other hobbyists.....

IMHO, the most important rule we should all follow, is to do your research before forming any opinion regarding anyone.

Besos, Francisca

That is post #51 in the link I provided. I want to focus on her following statement:

"Doc Holiday paid a total of $400 in cash and 2 dinners that cost him about $200. He received a bbbj. That was a lot more satisfying than playing games on eccie. "

So taking her own statement, I paid 4 Bills and 2 Bills for 2 dinners and received a bbbj. Not a bad pay day for a bbbj but lets analyze this deeper. If she was not paid WHY DID SHE ADMIT SHE WAS PAID and if she was not, why in the world would she go not once but 2 TIMES? I will let you come to your own conclusion to that answer but clearly a reasonable person will find her allegation not plausible. She was paid that is why she went, not once but TWICE!!!

Moving on again to post #1 in this thread:

Many negative things have been said about moderators, the most common being that they use their power to get "favors" from ladies........


How are moderator chosen?
Shouldn't moderators be those who a lady can trust?
Someone that will protect, guide, advice our community in a positive manner? Help to keep this community safe?

I am appalled, disappointed and scared after reading that the new moderator for New Mexico is Doc Holiday. A hobbyist, that for starters, requests bareback.

St Christopher....... With all due respect, I truly hope you take the time to review and improve the procedure of selecting moderators.

Besos, Francisca

Let’s look at two other allegations made by this member:

“It is a well known fact that moderators will use their power to get what they want, and that includes bareback, free time with ladies, etc, etc.....”

“I am appalled, disappointed and scared after reading that the new moderator for New Mexico is Doc Holiday. A hobbyist, that for starters, requests bareback.”

Here we have an attack not just on me, oh no, we can only conclude this is an attack on ALL Mods. since she does not name names (other than me). Furthermore, she goes on to state it is a “well know fact.” Madame, excuse me but you failed to show the “well known facts!” You made a gratuitous assertion with no proof that I or all Mods or any Mods. “use their power to get what they want, and that includes bareback, free time with ladies, etc, etc.....” Also, if not all Mods. What Mods. Are you referring to? You have called out all Mods for the same thing you are accusing me of. I am telling you that your assertion is not only false but APPALLING!

Furthermore, you admitted “He received a bbbj.” Very well, a bareback BJ. You can’t turn around and claim any other form of BB if only a BJ was involved! You madame are a MALEVOLENT CHARLATAN AND HAVE BEEN EXPOSED!!! Your conduct about all this drama you created is disgraceful!

Although I’m just getting started, I’m done for now. I have better things to do with my time than expose RUMOR MONGERS. Ladies, gentlemen, good day!
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Old 08-18-2016, 07:04 PM   #72
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Old 08-18-2016, 07:30 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
My, my, my, where have all my accusers gone???? I know that many accusations made in private areas are missing. Why is that? Is it because you members know they are lies and was just part of a malicious plan to achieve a goal? A goal you accomplished I might add. Is it because they will not stand the light of scrutiny by the members of this board?

Ladies, if you want to see the true moral character and lengths a very small group of providers among you will go to spew their hatred and venom, then I suggest you go see what the afore said group accused me of. It's all there for you to see. The nature of those accusations and volume of accusations was disgraceful. For you gentlemen who cannot go to see what I am talking about, it was the most vile and slanderous diatribe I have ever experienced. It was all posted knowing it was false when they posted it!! That is the definition of a lie. However, WHEN YOU LACK ANY MORAL CORE, DISPENSING WITH THE TRUTH AND FACTS BECOMES EASY. If I committed the felony, criminal conduct as I was accused, I would be sitting in jail. I'm obviously not in jail nor have I been in jail. Since my accusers fail to put forward their allegations in a public forum and want to continue to hide in the shadows, behind a keyboard and monitor, in a dimly lit, smoke filled room, so be it. The ladies here can reasonably conclude the private allegations will not stand up to logical annalists and may discount them as the lies they are. What is the troubling part to me is that if they can do this to me, they can do this to any member and the next member might be you! So let me move on to what is in public.

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1801037&page= 4


The topic of this thread is hookering rules. Rules we should consider and try to follow.

It is a well known fact that moderators will use their power to get what they want, and that includes bareback, free time with ladies, etc, etc.....

One of my rules is that I do not see moderators BCD for the reasons I have stated above.

If you do a search on Doc Holiday, you will find he wore out his welcome in San Antonio for many reasons, by both the men and the women. Hence his reason for now joining your community in West Tx as well as other cities.

So, if your opinion is that I have a "personal vendetta" with him, fine, it's only an opinion, not a fact. If you choose to do a little research, you might realize and understand the reason behind my post.

I do not bring my Personal Vendettas on eccie, I take care of them personally. But, since I am being accused, I am happy to share with you how I conducted my personal vendetta.....
Doc Holiday paid a total of $400 in cash and 2 dinners that cost him about $200. He received a bbbj. That was a lot more satisfying than playing games on eccie.

I have alerted the ladies in the proper forum the detailed information needed regarding Doc Holiday, information that has been provided by many other providers and many other hobbyists.....

IMHO, the most important rule we should all follow, is to do your research before forming any opinion regarding anyone.

Besos, Francisca

That is post #51 in the link I provided. I want to focus on her following statement:

"Doc Holiday paid a total of $400 in cash and 2 dinners that cost him about $200. He received a bbbj. That was a lot more satisfying than playing games on eccie. "

So taking her own statement, I paid 4 Bills and 2 Bills for 2 dinners and received a bbbj. Not a bad pay day for a bbbj but lets analyze this deeper. If she was not paid WHY DID SHE ADMIT SHE WAS PAID and if she was not, why in the world would she go not once but 2 TIMES? I will let you come to your own conclusion to that answer but clearly a reasonable person will find her allegation not plausible. She was paid that is why she went, not once but TWICE!!!

Moving on again to post #1 in this thread:

Many negative things have been said about moderators, the most common being that they use their power to get "favors" from ladies........


How are moderator chosen?
Shouldn't moderators be those who a lady can trust?
Someone that will protect, guide, advice our community in a positive manner? Help to keep this community safe?

I am appalled, disappointed and scared after reading that the new moderator for New Mexico is Doc Holiday. A hobbyist, that for starters, requests bareback.

St Christopher....... With all due respect, I truly hope you take the time to review and improve the procedure of selecting moderators.

Besos, Francisca

Let’s look at two other allegations made by this member:

“It is a well known fact that moderators will use their power to get what they want, and that includes bareback, free time with ladies, etc, etc.....”

“I am appalled, disappointed and scared after reading that the new moderator for New Mexico is Doc Holiday. A hobbyist, that for starters, requests bareback.”

Here we have an attack not just on me, oh no, we can only conclude this is an attack on ALL Mods. since she does not name names (other than me). Furthermore, she goes on to state it is a “well know fact.” Madame, excuse me but you failed to show the “well known facts!” You made a gratuitous assertion with no proof that I or all Mods or any Mods. “use their power to get what they want, and that includes bareback, free time with ladies, etc, etc.....” Also, if not all Mods. What Mods. Are you referring to? You have called out all Mods for the same thing you are accusing me of. I am telling you that your assertion is not only false but APPALLING!

Furthermore, you admitted “He received a bbbj.” Very well, a bareback BJ. You can’t turn around and claim any other form of BB if only a BJ was involved! You madame are a MALEVOLENT CHARLATAN AND HAVE BEEN EXPOSED!!! Your conduct about all this drama you created is disgraceful!

Although I’m just getting started, I’m done for now. I have better things to do with my time than expose RUMOR MONGERS. Ladies, gentlemen, good day!
Well that clears up one thing: those aren't the written words of a professional man, a learned man.

I'll bet he does build one hell of a good garage though.
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Old 08-18-2016, 07:40 PM   #74
Slave Guinevere
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Talking Paranoid much?;)

[QUOTE=DocHolyday;1058533988]My, my, my, where have all my accusers gone???? I know that many accusations made in private areas are missing. Why is that? Is it because you members know they are lies and was just part of a malicious plan to achieve a goal? A goal you accomplished I might add. Is it because they will not stand the light of scrutiny by the members of this board?

[Staff edit. M]

That is the definition of a lie. However, WHEN YOU LACK ANY MORAL CORE, DISPENSING WITH THE TRUTH AND FACTS BECOMES EASY. If I committed the felony, criminal conduct as I was accused, I would be sitting in jail. I'm obviously not in jail nor have I been in jail. Since my accusers fail to put forward their allegations in a public forum and want to continue to hide in the shadows, behind a keyboard and monitor, in a dimly lit, smoke filled room, so be it. The ladies here can reasonably conclude the private allegations will not stand up to logical annalists and may discount them as the lies they are. What is the troubling part to me is that if they can do this to me, they can do this to any member and the next member might be you! So let me move on to what is in public.


Are you SAYING that there is PRIVATE INFORMATION in the WOMEN'S AREA about YOU that YOU want to DISCUSS?? Last time I CHECKED you DO NOT have ACCESS to this AREA...


Enquiring SLAVES want to KNOW...


So, WHAT HAPPENED to the MONEY with MJHolland again?!? Still DODGING that question??



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Old 08-18-2016, 07:51 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
You can’t turn around and claim any other form of BB if only a BJ was involved.
BBFS taking place was never implied, suggested, or alleged by anyone. What was alleged was your request that you would like to have it take place. If you can't get that simple distinction straight, all of the the rest of your "rebuttal" is suspect.

You're not going to like how this goes.
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