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Old 08-16-2016, 09:27 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by KatiforYou View Post
I have no dog in this fight but I do have to say something about Big C.
He was a good mod on the boards but he definitely had his favorites and he expected free sessions. It wasn't a thing where we offered him free sessions, he expected to just get them and when we turned him down, he was no longer the nice mod he was before. He would actually go out of his way to hurt your business if he didn't get what he wanted. But I still liked him off board and was sad to see he (and some of my favorite board members...like alwayswillingnable and ronmet) was gone when I came back. Some mods do abuse their power, unfortunately.
But that was all on aspd so it may not even be relevant here.

Finally some truth.
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Old 08-16-2016, 09:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by KatiforYou View Post
I have no dog in this fight but I do have to say something about Big C.
He was a good mod on the boards but he definitely had his favorites and he expected free sessions. It wasn't a thing where we offered him free sessions, he expected to just get them and when we turned him down, he was no longer the nice mod he was before. He would actually go out of his way to hurt your business if he didn't get what he wanted. But I still liked him off board and was sad to see he (and some of my favorite board members...like alwayswillingnable and ronmet) was gone when I came back. Some mods do abuse their power, unfortunately.
But that was all on aspd so it may not even be relevant here.

Thanks for sharing your honest assessment, you're a doll!
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Old 08-17-2016, 12:59 AM   #33
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Wink I personally

Never gave ANY OF THE MODS SHIT NOR MY COMPANY. THAT SAID. C was a bitch for banning me cause ....well. OK I probably always would be...however it's a no good job. And I personally have seen people attack them in really weird ways. I mean use me as example . Ya know they don't love me for God's sake! I simply grow on them like fungus..!!! lol...xoxo Annie
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Old 08-17-2016, 04:10 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by albundy View Post
Well the rules must be interpreted differently in other cities. Check out Dallas as one example. You see the word "Skittles" thrown around constantly and "shooting hoops" also. And yet, that's been standard practice for a while now. I suppose I just misinterpreted. I guess some of the hookers out there just really enjoy eating candy and playing some basketball. My mistake.

I'll provide MANY links to examples if you like.

But, whatever. I'll leave it alone now. I wouldn't want to discuss illegal activities or anything. LOL!!
(Suggestion)write a review and randomly place this rule in the comments:
#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
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Old 08-17-2016, 05:12 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by OldGent View Post
Finally some truth.
I don't know Kati nor am I defending Big C. My reasoning is that while I remember Big C from the ASPD days, I was not privy to his interludes. I also do not personally know Kati. I do know that there are three sides to a story. The story from each party and the actual truth. Not saying that Kati is lying or embellishing. I am saying that unless you were a provider back then or present, you don't know what's truth. This is after all the internet. We have all seen on backpage that people will say anything to further their agenda.
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Old 08-17-2016, 05:58 AM   #36
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I go back to the ASPD days and was way more active on that board than I am on this one. Became pretty good friends with one of the mods, if he was nice to someone as a mod they'd shit on his head, if he did his job as a mod they'd shit on his head.

Back then the norm was ban first and sort it out later, also the board was driven more towards the hobbyist........with that being said he never got free sessions. Eccie is an off spring of ASPD, ASPD was created by a provider. I don't remember the drama on there as it is on this board.

Being a mod is thankless job, add pussy and the human element,the dynamics will always be changing.

Nice to hear the name Ronmet again, he was a nice guy.
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Old 08-17-2016, 06:46 AM   #37
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For what my opinion is worth, I would never be a mod--a completely shitty job. It's a no win/no pay proposition. So what's the upside?

That said a good mod has to have the proper temperament to do the job well. Some had it like CC, some don't.

By the way, I never cared for ronmet. I thought he was a caustic bully that went out of his way to run off the newbies. Granted I never met the guy. Maybe he was a sweetheart in person.
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Old 08-17-2016, 07:06 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Raindog115 View Post

a good mod has to have the proper temperament to do the job well.

There are good mods and fair mods, i believe this but for some to try and point out that a mod is never unfair and doesn't have his favorites and has never tried to get free pussy and doesn't overlook some things as far as his favorites are concerned is just ridiculous

Come on now....
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Old 08-17-2016, 07:20 AM   #39
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I have met several of our local gents before they were MODs, as a provider and socially, and Big C during his tenure as a MOD. All of them were nothing short of gentlemen to me. Never pushed any boundaries.

@ Kati, I came on board during the transition from ERAPS to ECCIE. ERAPS was on its way down by the time I got here, and I was a member of both. I read SO many threads about ASPD I almost feel like I was there.
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Old 08-17-2016, 07:24 AM   #40
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I was a provider back then, but I'm talking about 2006. For personal reasons I left and when I came back, I changed names.

And there was drama. Not to the extent we have now but, does anyone remember Lilly and her bottles of water, lol? But in general the board was a friendlier place...

And holmes50, I'm not really sure who you are... I don't remember your name but how would you know whether or not he used his power to get free sessions? I'm not sure how many providers are here from that time but I know I'm not the only one and I'm thinking we all encountered the same thing.

Ronmet still lurks :-)

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Old 08-17-2016, 07:32 AM   #41
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I have never in my internet days read a thread like this. This has all the elements of hindsight, provocation, "clarifying", etc. I read quite a bit of these posts on this board and sometimes I try and picture what that person would be like in real life away from the hobby. Mostly see everyone as decent people, just horny or looking to make good money.

Saying that all the ladies on this board fake everything in order to satisfy my ego is a blanket statement IMHO. Not that I have had great success donating O's but I know for a fact that some of my sessions went well. I would even state that my repeat sessions were with ladies I really enjoyed.

As far as my interface with various MODS I think it has always been fair to me. I tend to learn as I go through life and this forum is no different. The human element of their job gets them enough ridicule they don't need me pushing the envelope. I do feel there is way too much drama here so my hat is off to them, I couldn't do it.
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Old 08-17-2016, 08:25 AM   #42
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I have nothing against any mod. Like Raindog said why would anyone do the job without pay? The person is allowing themselves to be taken advantage of, completely and thoroughly. Biggest reason people allow themselves to be taken is because he or she wants to feel liked, feels honored he was asked to begin with and feels apart of a community, a sense of belonging. Or he is seeking influence and power. These are not the reasons we tell ourselves we are doing something we know is stupid. We say in our mind, I can help, I am fair, I am good, etc. Mods should be paid, that is my position. Not going to a
let myself be taken. I would feel honored if asked but i would have to let that crap go and think logically. Of course with posts like this I stand no chance of being asked and great!!!
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Old 08-17-2016, 08:32 AM   #43
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I have no doubt there are some good mods out there. My interactions have been generally positive. I can't begin to imagine the crap those lords and ladies have to deal with tacked on top of less than stellar behavior of their bretheren
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Old 08-17-2016, 08:58 AM   #44
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There's some awesome mods out there. I like all of our current mods a lot.
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Old 08-17-2016, 09:19 AM   #45
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Yes Kati there are some good ones.

I want to add
I was still in Denver and long before i was here (in La) but from the beginning
SOULMANIKE always proved to be a good mod and when i was wrong i was wrong
he showed no favoritism, he was always fair and to me that is considered a good mod
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