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Old 08-12-2016, 02:23 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Please, Lube Myass, show up to vote on November 6. Just write your vote on the special paper blowing around, and place it in the big green ballot box. You will be a proud American. Remember, vote November 6!
I make my vote count unlike you and besides I have voted for more reublicans in my life than you have pal. You mentioned the other day that you have voted for libertarian candidates in the past few elections knowning that you are voting for a losing candidate. You basically been voting for losers all your life.

It will be a cold day in hell before I allow trump to win the presidency I rather eat a pile of horse shit than live with trump as president. Trump is a loose cannon if I ever seen one and I am not going to be sheep like the rest of you jack assess because he's a so called republican.

I have proved over and over that he's unqualified and the only reason you are voting for him is because he's a republican and nothing else. It's as absurd as a woman voting for Clinton only because she's a woman or blacks who only voted for Barry because he was black.

You can't with an honest conscious give me good reason why he is even qualified to hold the office.

Please tell me again Trumps political experience ? He's never held an elected office in his life, he's never got his hands dirty or worked hard in his life and somehow you think he's a good choice?

Honesty, I think trump is saying these outrageous things because he's trying to lose and he wants to make sure he loses. Have you heard his rhetoric in the past weeks? He said the election will be rigged which again should disqualify him - he also mention that he might lose and go on vacation. He doesn't take the Job seriously he's just enjoying this crap to soothe his enormous ego.
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Old 08-12-2016, 02:26 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
Well you have to do your own research then, but it's quite clear that Obama has funded, equipped and trained ISIS fighters. That's the truth and there's nothing you can do about it. Sorry if your twisted ass can't handle what the truth is.

Prove it you lying conspiracist nut job - I am not even a big supporter of Obama but I know when to call bullshit!!! Shame on you to even think the way you have you dumb fuck. If he supported Isis it would make watergate look like a fairy tale you been drinking one too many tequilas or smoking some illegal substance Jim.
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Old 08-12-2016, 02:29 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Where do you think Putin gets that idea? That's right! From his butt buddy, Drumpf!

I think Putin is quite aware what Obama is up to, and Trump knows it too. Obama is keeping the so called war on terror alive and well with our tax dollars. If that crushes your image of Obama tough shit. It's about time you learned.


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Old 08-12-2016, 02:36 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
I think Putin is quite aware what Obama is up to, and Trump knows it too. Obama is keeping the so called war on terror alive and well with our tax dollars. If that crushes your image of Obama tough shit. It's about time you learned.


This is the same bullshit the left wing nut jobs were saying during he bush years! Remember 9-11 was an inside job, blame Iraq and create a fake war to steal Iraqs oil. Invade Afghanistan to eventually control afghanistans huge untapped resources. Keep Osama alive and on the run so we have some boogey man to fear and slowly strip away our freedoms?

Sounds familiar Jim?

By the way you never been a liberal - no liberal would ever be pro trump you are full of shit !
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Old 08-12-2016, 03:50 AM   #20
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This upcoming election is odd. Apparently people are willing to over look the mountain of corruption and the "unexplained" deaths tied to Hillary, but HATE Donald Trump, well, because he says offensive things.

Really? Who cares if he's an asshole? Maybe we could use an asshole right now. Sure beats someone as corrupt as Hillary.

But, overall, both candidates are pretty weak choices.
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Old 08-12-2016, 05:26 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
What's more disturbing you actually believe Putin is a honest man.

Putin is one of the most corrupt leaders in the world -

"2,000+ words"!!!
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Old 08-12-2016, 05:30 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
...I rather eat a pile of horse shit than live with trump as president....
Is Arabian horseshit a favorite fare of yours?

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Old 08-12-2016, 06:06 AM   #23
I B Hankering
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
I make my vote count unlike you and besides I have voted for more reublicans in my life than you have pal. You mentioned the other day that you have voted for libertarian candidates in the past few elections knowning that you are voting for a losing candidate. You basically been voting for losers all your life.

It will be a cold day in hell before I allow trump to win the presidency I rather eat a pile of horse shit than live with trump as president. Trump is a loose cannon if I ever seen one and I am not going to be sheep like the rest of you jack assess because he's a so called republican.

I have proved over and over that he's unqualified and the only reason you are voting for him is because he's a republican and nothing else. It's as absurd as a woman voting for Clinton only because she's a woman or blacks who only voted for Barry because he was black.

You can't with an honest conscious give me good reason why he is even qualified to hold the office.

Please tell me again Trumps political experience ? He's never held an elected office in his life, he's never got his hands dirty or worked hard in his life and somehow you think he's a good choice?

Honesty, I think trump is saying these outrageous things because he's trying to lose and he wants to make sure he loses. Have you heard his rhetoric in the past weeks? He said the election will be rigged which again should disqualify him - he also mention that he might lose and go on vacation. He doesn't take the Job seriously he's just enjoying this crap to soothe his enormous ego.
You're abundantly wrong, Lubed Wide-ass. The only candidate that has demonstrably proven that she is unfit for the office of president is hildebeest, Lubed Wide-ass. Your thoughts on Trump are pure, unsubstantiated conjecture, Lubed Wide-ass.
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Old 08-12-2016, 06:57 AM   #24
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Default Hellary for prison-stint

It wasn't very long ago that hellary was traipsing or was it teetering and tottering around the country calling trump the number one recruiter for Isis

Not a peep out of the dim publicist and spin team otherwise known as the main stream media

The feigned horror and fake umbrage playbook is getting over used

And besides trump is right that obamas policies, and his "me too boss" hellary as well, have allowed Isis not only to fester but created an environment that allowed it to be in the first instance

And furthermore, I might add
, he, Obama,thought he was smart enough and insightful enough and suave enough and so canny that he, and probably few others, oh maybe one or two inscrutable Chinese masterminds maybe and himself, could harness Isis to use against Assad in a brilliant gambit of finesse and daring. So that failed as well

All in all Obama is an overweening narcisstic peacock of a prig and,oh yeah, lest we forget, hellary is corrupt
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Old 08-12-2016, 07:53 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Is Arabian horseshit a favorite fare of yours?

Catering is available.
We learn something new every time he posts.
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Old 08-12-2016, 08:07 AM   #26
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by albundy View Post
This upcoming election is odd. Apparently people are willing to over look the mountain of corruption and the "unexplained" deaths tied to Hillary, but HATE Donald Trump, well, because he says offensive things.

Really? Who cares if he's an asshole? Maybe we could use an asshole right now. Sure beats someone as corrupt as Hillary.

But, overall, both candidates are pretty weak choices.
If he's an " asshole " ,shouldn't the fag vote be a cinch for him ? EKIM, assup and Lubed Wide-ass sure ought to be cheering him on then !!!
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Old 08-12-2016, 08:23 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
It wasn't very long ago that hellary was traipsing or was it teetering and tottering around the country calling trump the number one recruiter for Isis

Not a peep out of the dim publicist and spin team otherwise known as the main stream media

The feigned horror and fake umbrage playbook is getting over used

And besides trump is right that obamas policies, and his "me too boss" hellary as well, have allowed Isis not only to fester but created an environment that allowed it to be in the first instance

And furthermore, I might add
, he, Obama,thought he was smart enough and insightful enough and suave enough and so canny that he, and probably few others, oh maybe one or two inscrutable Chinese masterminds maybe and himself, could harness Isis to use against Assad in a brilliant gambit of finesse and daring. So that failed as well

All in all Obama is an overweening narcisstic peacock of a prig and,oh yeah, lest we forget, hellary is corrupt
There is a huge difference between calling a person a recruiter for ISIS and saying that a person founded ISIS. If you want to say that Obama/Clinton did not do enough to stop ISIS that could be fair. To say that Obama/Clinton founded ISIS is "Pants on Fire".

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Old 08-12-2016, 09:03 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
There is a huge difference between calling a person a recruiter for ISIS and saying that a person founded ISIS.
the "huge" difference is only whether one had the power to set the stage or came along later, both accusations simply imply foolish actions that result in support for isis.

another difference is that one has validity and the other doesnt

in hellary's accusation against trump, she is implying trump's wishing to vet immigrants has deleterious unintended consequences such that isis is strengthened

the dim's forever claim that if America tries to protect itself all we will do is make the killers even madder and that some peaceful muslim who wouldn't ever believe the quran because the religion is one of peace, would now want to kill us if we take action
totally ridiculous

now regarding trump's claim, they did set the stage for isis and then tried to allow it leeway in order to use it for their own purposes which allowed it to coalesce and spread

totally correct

trumps statement is a literary device, and is not meant to be taken as if Obama and hellary met with the killers to plan and form isis and instruct them on how do this and that, but that the policies in effect were formative
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Old 08-12-2016, 09:43 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt View Post
Prove it you lying conspiracist nut job - I am not even a big supporter of Obama but I know when to call bullshit!!! Shame on you to even think the way you have you dumb fuck. If he supported Isis it would make watergate look like a fairy tale you been drinking one too many tequilas or smoking some illegal substance Jim.
I posted two fucking links and there's many more out there referencing this corrupt administration to terrorism. If you're too fucked up in the head to put two and two together and realize that our Government is sustaining Terrorism then you need to get your useless fucking ass back to the V.A and get some fucking treatment. You're a rude, obnoxious know nothing fucking jackass. Like I said before do your own research.

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Old 08-12-2016, 10:01 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by albundy View Post
This upcoming election is odd. Apparently people are willing to over look the mountain of corruption and the "unexplained" deaths tied to Hillary, but HATE Donald Trump, well, because he says offensive things.

Really? Who cares if he's an asshole? Maybe we could use an asshole right now. Sure beats someone as corrupt as Hillary.

But, overall, both candidates are pretty weak choices.
As I said a million times I am not a huge fan of Hillary but to say she's a weak choice is a bit of a stretch since she's literally is light years ahead of Trump in overall experience. Hillary was the strongest choice of the 2 in the DEM pool - Bernie is a socialist and would have never been elected.

Ben Carson and trump were by far and away the weakest, greenest and least experienced of the republican pool. It's far more than Trump being an asshole he is just so ill prepared to be POTUS. Trump has criminal ties to the mob.
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