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Old 07-20-2016, 07:12 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
I really want to see this happen!

I am UPPING MY OFFER of $37.50 by $2.50 to an even FOURTY BUCKS!


Come on...make your tithe today and lets make this unholy union happen!
These "chubby little legs"?

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Old 07-20-2016, 07:45 PM   #122
Austin Ellen
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Sweetie, your potential clients could care less. As long as you have good pussy and ass to sell you are in the top position. Really, no worries.

Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Well I'm sure 100% of the guys that see me currently don't care about posts in co-ed but I'm looking to expand my client base by a smidgen (so I can make improvements to my car among other things) and there's no telling how many potential clients I could be alienating.

Besides, posting here is like throwing my thoughts and responses into a huge black hole where every word is segmented and torn apart while wasting my own time and energy in the process. It's like reading pages from my diary to a person that only knows how to respond by making fake fart noises with his armpit. At some point it's pathological on my part to continue.
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Old 07-20-2016, 07:49 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by Observing View Post
So-o-o-o,she was off the clock at the party?
Would you have had a problem with her giving someone a quick blow-job for some extra cash whilst you did your "thing"?
Actually she did that and more if I recall. More than one provider over the years has enjoyed that aspect of hanging out with me.... if they get an opportunity to make money why should I care. It's not like she or any other was my wife or GF..
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Old 07-20-2016, 07:54 PM   #124
Austin Ellen
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Dayum, hate to admit it ..... but I got excited for a minute here!!!

Originally Posted by Toyz View Post
I really want to see this happen!

I am UPPING MY OFFER of $37.50 by $2.50 to an even FOURTY BUCKS!


Come on...make your tithe today and lets make this unholy union happen!
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Old 07-20-2016, 07:55 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Actually she did that and more if I recall. More than one provider over the years has enjoyed that aspect of hanging out with me.... if they get an opportunity to make money why should I care. It's not like she or any other was my wife or GF..
Bet that goodnight kiss tasted yummy,huh?
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Old 07-20-2016, 08:00 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Suffice it to say that you are really far off...we both know it. You've said in previous posts that the girl you're seeing has student loans and yet you change your mind when it's convenient to your argument.
Why is it so hard for you Reya? Most people know... there are 2 girls in my life.... the SO at home has the scholarshios.... She's the 5yr girl. Almost 26..... and there is the GF that already graduated that's been with me on the side for 3 yrs. She's almost 23 and has paid off half her loans already.

Originally Posted by Leah Layada
As for putting the poor girl that has to put up with you down?! Where did I express such a sentiment? I see her as your victim in this situation because she's not getting paid what she's worth
She got paid what she wanted. I don't talk girls into charging me more. I wont apologize for that. Do we really want to discuss what any of you are "worth"?
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Old 07-20-2016, 08:03 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by Observing View Post
Bet that goodnight kiss tasted yummy,huh?

Yes mamm. My dick didn't notice any problem

Really now. All of you whores fucked or sucked someone else before kissing someone goodnight right?
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Old 07-20-2016, 08:29 PM   #128
Leah Layada
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You've said before that the 5 yr girl(the chubby blonde single mom stripper right?) has a combination of student loans, grants(likely need based rather than merit based), and I believe you when you say scholarships. So, I'm aware of who you are talking about I'm just holding you responsible for ALL of the things you've said about it rather than just the ones in this thread that support the view you're trying to present(namely that they have their life together more than me or that they are intrinsically more valuable as women because they have nicer cars and someone that supported them with free food and housing while they pursued higher education).

My only point is that if they are fucking you then they should not have loans anyway...especially the one you claim to "love and care for". Don't forget you are the one that brought their personal situations into this. I just posted a simple fucking thread trying to find out if verified providers can ever have "private" tags in our posts.

The real question is...do you know someone that can fix my brakes or not fucktard?!

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Why is it so hard for you Reya? Most people know... there are 2 girls in my life.... the SO at home has the scholarshios.... She's the 5yr girl. Almost 26..... and there is the GF that already graduated that's been with me on the side for 3 yrs. She's almost 23 and has paid off half her loans already.

She got paid what she wanted. I don't talk girls into charging me more. I wont apologize for that. Do we really want to discuss what any of you are "worth"?
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Old 07-20-2016, 08:34 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Yes mamm. My dick didn't notice any problem

Really now. All of you whores fucked or sucked someone else before kissing someone goodnight right?
"ma'am" again?

So if the woman you took to the party isn't on this board or any others,and you introduced her at the party to others who then had sex with her...
Does that make you a:
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Old 07-20-2016, 10:37 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by JadeRose View Post
33 is old? :/
33 is young....to 60 year olds!

We need more 19 year old Skarla pussy around here
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Old 07-20-2016, 11:40 PM   #131
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
The real question is...do you know someone that can fix my brakes or not fucktard?!
Actually I do.... However most of the guys in the group I tend to network with are into younger HWP girls.....

You tend to troll for SDs as well, It's the kind of thing that type of guy might do for you... There are plenty of stories from guys into the older girls like yourself... Why is it you've had no luck there? There are no shortage of guys mistaking UTR whores for SBs around
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Old 07-20-2016, 11:53 PM   #132
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Originally Posted by Observing View Post
"ma'am" again?

So if the woman you took to the party isn't on this board or any others,and you introduced her at the party to others who then had sex with her...
Does that make you a Pimp?
You tend to always have your head buried in the past lady...

Why is that new to you? From the first Socials I started going to in Houston in 2000 up to the last one I went to here I brought strippers or waitresses that played and were willing to see other guys.....Pissed the pros off many a time but always worked out well for guys I knew..... The GC luncheons in the past always included introductions to strippers that played..... As i settled into the SB thing and moved away from strippers the luncheons lost one of it's main purposes and died off. Shit... mpst people didn't come because they liked me... They came to meet girls I knew....

If hooking up buddies with girls that need to make some money is Pimpin then fine..... label me such.....

Hell girll... There have been providers on this board that years before were a girl I was seeing from a club that had also been introduced to some buddies before making their way here.

Nowadays it's SB's that I meet that are not a good match for me but might be for a buddy. Not as often but still happens.
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Old 07-21-2016, 12:11 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
My only point is that if they are fucking you then they should not have loans anyway...
Really? Why not? Did the guy that you entered into a relationship with and started giving it up for free write a check that first day and pay off all your debt and buy you a new car? Who does that shit?

Most successful guys entering into relationships with women with financial problems and debt get a prenup in place..... MAYBE over time they make some of that disappear for them.

hearing some of how you think a relationship should be it is easy to understand why you are back to whoring.
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Old 07-21-2016, 12:19 AM   #134
Leah Layada
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Honestly, your guess is as guess as good as mine on why I haven't found a SD since I came back. I guess it could be age but I think it's more likely that I'm being cockblocked via backchannels. No one has said anything to me directly so I have no clue what the lies could be. I know that only 4 people viewed my p411 profile yesterday total. Also, to be fair I'm a bit chunky but don't have rolls and still very much have a distinct hourglass figure with nice hip to waist ratio and upgraded tits. 36DDD-31-41 are not bad measurements! You talk about me being 5'7'' and 160 lbs like I'm a massively overweight land whale when in reality there are lots and lots of girls both fatter and less attractive than me in the Austin area that never get talked about.

but yeah, no clue why I haven't found a sugar daddy since I've been back what, like 3 months now and in the past it has only taken like a month-month and a half max for one to find me. I might have aged out or it could be location...from my end it's impossible to say at this point. What do you think are my hurdles from your perspective tubby?

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Actually I do.... However most of the guys in the group I tend to network with are into younger HWP girls.....

You tend to troll for SDs as well, It's the kind of thing that type of guy might do for you... There are plenty of stories from guys into the older girls like yourself... Why is it you've had no luck there? There are no shortage of guys mistaking UTR whores for SBs around
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Old 07-21-2016, 01:09 AM   #135
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Originally Posted by Leah Layada View Post
Honestly, your guess is as guess as good as mine on why I haven't found a SD since I came back. I guess it could be age but I think it's more likely that I'm being cockblocked via backchannels. No one has said anything to me directly so I have no clue what the lies could be. I know that only 4 people viewed my p411 profile yesterday total.

Ok... So you think you are going to find a SD here on ECCIE or P411? That's a huge mistake. Even the guys that don't really know what a real SB is about that will settle for a UTR whore trying to BE a SB are not shopping here..... They are looking on other websites and prospecting in person at a variety of locations.... A few dozen girls a week sign up on the top site that's where many wannabe SDs are.... You could be getting cockblocked.... teh other BBWs tend to hold onto their clients tight and your playing to a narrower selection of possible clients where your competition is KNOWN and less expensive....

Also, to be fair I'm a bit chunky but don't have rolls and still very much have a distinct hourglass figure with nice hip to waist ratio and upgraded tits. 36DDD-31-41 are not bad measurements! You talk about me being 5'7'' and 160 lbs like I'm a massively overweight land whale when in reality there are lots and lots of girls both fatter and less attractive than me in the Austin area that never get talked about.

That's because they know their place..... Sounds harsh but it's reality.... Not many men care for whores swimming in controversy..... that's damage your doing to yourself... Leah/Reya,Hannah/emily/??/???

but yeah, no clue why I haven't found a sugar daddy since I've been back what, like 3 months now and in the past it has only taken like a month-month and a half max for one to find me. I might have aged out or it could be location...from my end it's impossible to say at this point. What do you think are my hurdles from your perspective tubby?

The SB market became mainstream and much more socially acceptable in the last couple of years.... far more CoEds, single moms and middle aged failures are dipping their toes into it than ever before because it "fashionable" and somewhat "acceptable" to be a SB....

If you try it you do need to try to keep the whore background out of it asl when it's know your prospects will be "one and done" guys....

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