Originally Posted by Becca Blossoms
Some of us so called "hookers" have college educations, hold mainstream jobs, have mainstream careers, are intelligent and can do math. Be careful when defining other humans by stigmas and stereotypes. I'm sure you don't want to be defined by the stigmas and stereotypes of being a hobbyist.
+++++ to the above. The ladies whose client I've been -- admittedly, not a large sample -- have seemed to me to be substantially above average in intelligence and general capability and resourcefulness. Not surprising, as they're each running a one-person business, in which they're the marketing director, chief operating officer, security director, and client-interface person ... with the additional complication of their business being illegal, requiring a lot of "parasitic" overhead effort. Back in the engineering world, I saw many highly-compensated managers who couldn't have done an escort's job (and I mean exclusive of the naked part -- obviously, they couldn't have done that

That said, I think it's likely that the multi-hour pricing anomaly that was my original subject here is actually an arithmetic problem. Many people in this world are quite intelligent about other things, but their math is suspect, especially if done "off the cuff."